Anti-Biden liberal Bill Maher makes hilarious dig at Joe in New York Times op-ed urging the Democrats to dump the 81 year-old president

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By Germania Rodriguez Poleo, Chief U.S. Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 10:32 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 10:48 EDT, 1 July 2024

Bill Maher has urged Democrats to dump president Joe Biden aft his disastrous showing successful past week's statement against Donald Trump. 

The comedian and pundit wrote successful an op-ed for The New York Times that nan first statement betwixt Biden and Trump was for illustration nan worst section of The Golden Bachelor ever.' 

Maher besides took rumor Biden friends claiming nan president had a acold during nan debate.

The Real Time big wrote: 'If he had a cold, why was he retired campaigning nan adjacent greeting alternatively of putting his 81-year-old assemblage to bed?'

However, Maher said nan statement was much a blessing successful disguise than a tragedy, because it opened nan opportunity for nan 81-year-old president to measurement speech earlier nan Democratic convention.

Bill Maher wrote that that nan statement betwixt Joe Biden and Donald Trump was for illustration nan worst section of The Golden Bachelor ever'

The Real Time big wrote: 'If he had a cold, why was he retired campaigning nan adjacent greeting alternatively of putting his 81-year-old assemblage to bed?'

'Democrats tin nary longer spend to suspend disbelief,' wrote Maher, adding that an unfastened normal would beryllium overmuch much breathtaking than different Biden run.

'[Democrats] would beryllium hosting a competition, thing Americans love,' Maher continued.

'Who will get nan roseate this August successful Chicago? Gavin aliases Gretchen? Suddenly, Stacey Abrams mightiness opportunity she’s in! And truthful mightiness Tim Ryan, and Josh Shapiro! And Amy Klobuchar and Ruben Gallego! And Mayor Pete and Raphael Warnock! And Wes Moore, and who knows, possibly Andrew nan says he’s a Democrat again!''

Maher shared that his ain prime would beryllium California govern Newsom, because 'people are attracted to what looks for illustration strength, overmuch much than circumstantial policies. And he looks awesome connected TV.'

The comedian also dug into nan president's disastrous debate in his opening speech for his Max show, Real Time, connected Friday.

Maher has regularly criticized Biden's chances astatine re-election, often declaring his property to beryllium nan biggest problem. 

Earlier successful June, Maher declared Biden's caller migration argumentation would costs him nan presidency aft he issued an executive action that constricted nan number of migrants who tin get astatine nan separator and declare asylum to 2,500 per day.

Maher said: 'If Biden loses this election, it's going to beryllium because of 2 things: He's old… and immigration.'

Meanwhile Biden’s run has spent nan days since nan statement — wherever he appeared raspy, trailed off, and astatine times gave convoluted answers — moving to support donors and surrogates connected committee arsenic Democrats progressively questioned whether he should enactment successful nan race.

At this constituent successful nan delegate process, Biden would apt person to determine to driblet retired for location to beryllium a caller nominee. And nan group he listens to astir successful nan world — his woman and boy — are telling him to enactment in.

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