Annoying bell rattling NYC subway station for weeks silenced at last — but a mystery remains

Trending 2 days ago

Let state ring.

A mysterious doorbell tormenting an NYC subway position for weeks has yet been silenced, The Post tin confirm.

The bell, which was ringing successful nan stairs to nan downtown broadside of nan 50th Street Station, fell silent immoderate clip Monday aft astir 2 weeks terrorizing straphangers and workers astatine shops successful nan Midtown subway tunnel.

New Yorkers passing by connected their regular commute didn’t person a clattering hint wherever nan obnoxious racket was coming from until The Post reported connected nan enigma and nan MTA insisted nan sound wasn’t coming wrong nan station.

The buzz from location was was that nan sound must beryllium coming from an quiet Duane Reade shop adjacent to nan subway passageway – and nan erstwhile tenant’s and building proprietor confirmed they yet took action to extremity nan ringing.

The doorbell was ringing successful nan stairs to nan downtown 1 train astatine nan 50th Street Station successful Midtown for astir 2 weeks The doorbell was ringing successful nan stairs to nan downtown 1 train astatine nan 50th Street Station successful Midtown for astir 2 weeks. Stefano Giovannini

“No much noise!” nan building’s owner, Albert Laboz, told The Post.

“I was location myself,” he said, explaining he dropped by personally to guarantee nan doorbell had been silenced.

But nan landlord said he had “no idea” what successful nan storefront had really caused nan ringing, arsenic it was nan tenant, Walgreens, which addressed it earlier he arrived.

The root of nan doorbell was discovered to beryllium an quiet Duane Reade located correct adjacent doorway to nan subway position stairsThe root of nan doorbell was discovered to beryllium an quiet Duane Reade located correct adjacent doorway to nan subway position stairs. Google Maps

Walgreens – which owns Duane Reade – confirmed nan doorbell was theirs, but remained tight-lipped astir its source.

“Thanks for reaching retired to Walgreens communications regarding nan siren astatine 1 of our Duane Reade locations. Confirming nan siren has been turned off. No further comments astatine this time,” a typical for nan drugstore told The Post.

The doorbell whitethorn beryllium gone, but nan enigma rings on.

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