Ex-NFL player Daniel Muir arrested after missing son — who’d allegedly been abused — is found safe

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Former Indianapolis Colts defensive tackle Daniel Muir and his woman person been arrested aft their missing 14-year-old son was recovered safe Wednesday — 2 weeks aft cops started probing maltreatment allegations.

Bryson Muir was located “safe and well” erstwhile Indiana State Police SWAT teams raided nan Muir family location successful Logansport, northbound of Indianapolis, astatine astir 6 a.m., cops said.

His parents, Daniel and Kristin Muir, were some taken into custody connected obstruction of justness charges.

Former Indianapolis Colts defensive tackle Daniel Muir and his woman were arrested Wednesday aft their vanished teen boy was recovered safe. Tribune News Service via Getty Images

The teen’s father, a one-time protect lineman, is besides facing a home artillery charge, constabulary said.

Bryson, who stands 6-foot-2 and weighs astir 185 pounds, hadn’t been seen since June 16 aft his grandmother, Cheryl Wright, alerted cops that nan teen had allegedly been abused by his dad.

The grandma tipped constabulary disconnected aft noticing nan teen had a swollen achromatic eye.

The boy was past seen pinch his mom arsenic she drove him distant from nan grandmother’s location successful Cleveland, Ohio, that day.

“His look was battered. When I sewage him he had a achromatic oculus and busted lip,” Wright told FOX 59.

“His full look was swollen. I tin only ideate really galore times he had been deed successful nan look for it to beryllium for illustration that.”

Bryson Muir’s grandma told constabulary that nan boy had a achromatic eye, and said that she could “only ideate really galore times he had been deed successful nan face.” FOX 59

Local cops tracked down Kristin Muir’s car soon aft receiving nan report, but nan teen was obscurity to beryllium found.

Investigators were moving connected nan mentation that Bryson had been switched into different vehicle.

Despite visiting nan Muir family location respective times complete nan pursuing days, cops said they were incapable to make interaction pinch Bryson’s parents.

Authorities issued a “Silver Alert” past Friday aft nan Muirs told cops they’d bring Bryson to Indianapolis State Police office to meet pinch detectives and beryllium he was OK — but backed retired of nan statement conscionable an hr before.

Bryson Muir was located “safe and well” erstwhile Indiana State Police SWAT teams raided nan Muir family location northbound of Indianapolis astatine astir 6 a.m. Wednesday. FOX 59

The ambush was carried retired aft nan Muirs grounded to show up astatine tribunal connected Tuesday aft warrants were issued for them.

The family lives connected onshore owned by the Straitway Truth Ministries, a belief sect based successful Tennessee that immoderate person described arsenic a cult.

Bryson’s grandma has since alleged nan teen whitethorn person been “brainwashed” by his parents.

“Bryson is truthful conditioned aliases brainwashed to their measurement of surviving that he wanted to spell back,” Wright said.

The Straitway Truth Ministries website claims nan group is simply a “nation of Hebrew Israelites who are commandment keepers; pious to Yah and our savior, Jesus nan Christ. We are blessed pinch a vibrant deliverance ministry and life-changing truth from a existent Jeremiah 3:15 Pastor.”

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