Inside growing turmoil at the White House as leadership tries to get handle on staff who are 'freaking the f*** out' after Biden mishaps

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The White House is struggling to calm nan large wind of outrage from Joe Biden's statement capacity arsenic Democratic lawmakers telephone for nan president to exit nan title and nan White House unit are 'freaking nan f*** out.' 

White House main of unit Jeff Zients is scheduled to clasp an all-hands-on-deck unit telephone astatine 12:30 p.m. Wednesday to pump up disillusioned unit and reassure them that Biden will stay nan nominee.

Additionally, Biden's run sent retired an all-staff memo showing soul polls from battleground states that statement Biden only dropped half a constituent successful nan fallout from his fumbling statement performance.

The move came to pre-empt what is expected to beryllium bad polling news for nan president. 

'We are going to spot a fewer polls travel retired coming and we want you each to perceive from america connected what we cognize internally and what we expect to travel externally,' nan memo, obtained by Politico, reads. 'Polls are a snapshot successful clip and we should each expect them to proceed to up and down — it will return a fewer weeks, not a fewer days, to get a afloat image of nan race.' 

The White House is trying to calm unit fears aft President Joe Biden's statement capacity - supra Biden pinch his lawman main of unit Bruce Reed,  elder advisor Mike Donilon and Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini

Amid nan title to calm soul fears, location is simply a important outreach cognition to effort and quell nan increasing calls for Biden to beryllium replaced. 

The president has been connected nan telephone to lawmakers trying to statement up his support connected Capitol Hill amid worries Republicans will return power of nan House and Senate - on pinch nan White House - successful nan upcoming elections, giving them unchecked powerfulness to tally nan country.

Biden besides will meet pinch governors connected Wednesday evening arsenic he and his squad scramble to stem moreover much defections.  

Meanwhile, Jill Biden has been dispatched to nan battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan to tout Biden's accomplishments successful nan White House arsenic polls show him trailing Donald Trump.

The effort comes arsenic questions proceed to beryllium asked astir Biden's intelligence capabilities to grip nan presidency and speculation astir who could switch him arsenic nan Democratic statesmanlike nominee. 

'Everyone is freaking nan f*** out,' an charismatic told Axios.

But location appears to beryllium a logic for nan freak out.

A group of backstage polls from a pro-Biden ace PAC showed nan president losing crushed — astir 2 points — crossed each nan astir important battleground states, Puck news reported. 

Biden was besides now trailing successful New Mexico, New Hampshire and Virginia, 3 states that were thought to beryllium safely Democratic. 

Biden trails Donald Trump successful nan Five Thirty-Eight polling mean connected nan statesmanlike race.  

The president will return to nan run way connected Friday, erstwhile he heads to Madison, Wis. There he besides will beryllium down pinch ABC News successful his first post-debate interview. He'll recreation to Pennsylvania connected Sunday.

The president besides will clasp a property convention adjacent week, nan White House announced. 

But Democrats are keeping their distance.

Senator Tammy Baldwin, who faces re-election successful Wisconsin, announced Tuesday greeting she will not beryllium joining Biden connected shape erstwhile he campaigns successful her hometown of Madison connected Friday.

And galore Democrats interest nan president is moving excessively slow to calm nan panic astir his candidacy and intelligence fitness. 

White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients will clasp an each unit telephone connected Wednesday

Donald Trump and Joe Biden astatine past week's statement wherever Biden fumbled successful his answers 

There besides is talk of a brewing Democratic revolt successful nan House. 

Maine's Jared Golden, Lloyd Doggett of Texas and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington State all either told Biden to driblet out or said they believed he would suffer to Trump connected Tuesday.

Those defections were successful summation to nan postulation of 25 House members - commonly referred to arsenic 'frontliners' owed to their position arsenic moderates successful plaything districts - who are group to break pinch Biden and time now. 

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi emphasized Biden's aggregate legislative accomplishments during an question and reply pinch MSNBC Tuesday but said it was morganatic to inquire whether his statement capacity was a one-night point aliases a broader wellness problem. She said Trump should beryllium fixed nan aforesaid scrutiny.

'I deliberation it's a morganatic mobility to say, 'Is this an section aliases is this a condition?' And truthful erstwhile group inquire that question, it's legitimate, of some candidates,' Pelosi said.

Biden, speaking astatine a run arena successful Virginia connected Tuesday evening without a teleprompter, blamed his capacity connected a deficiency of slumber and noted he had done 2 world trips successful nan runup to nan debate.

'The truth is that you know, I wasn´t very smart. I decided to recreation astir nan world a mates times, going done astir 100 clip zones ... earlier ... nan debate. Didn´t perceive to my unit and came backmost and astir fell dormant connected stage,' he said. 'That's nary excuse but it is an explanation.'

He was successful France for nan 85th day of D-Day and past successful Italy for nan G7. 

But he near retired nan 7 days he spent astatine Camp David up of his showdown pinch Trump. He spent nan week locked pinch aides successful mentation for nan debate.

However, Biden seldom began earlier 11 americium and collapsed successful nan day for a nap, nan New York Times reported. 

Some Democrats suggested Biden should beryllium reasoning astir nan broader party's future.

'He has to beryllium honorable pinch himself,' Democratic Representative Mike Quigley, a mean from Illinois, told CNN connected Tuesday.

'It's his decision. I conscionable want him to admit astatine this clip conscionable really overmuch it impacts, not conscionable his race, but each nan different races coming successful November.'

And Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, whose endorsement of Biden successful 2020 helped him go nan nominee, told MSNBC that he still wanted a statesmanlike summons pinch Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

But past he announced who he would endorse if Biden exited nan race. 

'I will support her if he were to measurement aside,' Clyburn said of Harris.

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