Alice Evans accuses ex Ioan Gruffudd of giving his fiancée Bianca Wallace $77,000 in just one month while she struggled for cash to look after their children

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Alice Evans' lawyers person accused her ex-husband Ioan Gruffudd of giving his fiancée Bianca Wallace $77,000 successful conscionable a azygous period while she was struggling for rate to look aft their children.

In bombshell tribunal papers, Evans claims nan Fantastic Four character stopped paying him either kid aliases spousal support successful April.

According to a tribunal filing connected July 1 seen by MailOnline, she claims she is successful a dire financial crisis, down connected rent and inferior payments and struggling to put nutrient connected nan array for their daughters Ella, 14, and Elsie, 10.

Meanwhile, she alleges Gruffudd, 50, and Wallace person been travelling nan world and moreover precocious bought caller Rolex watches.

A page from nan tribunal filing appears to show nan $77,000 that Gruffudd is said to person paid retired to Wallace successful December past year. The biggest azygous costs is $53,760 - for a 'loan repayment'.

It seems that location are 3 of them successful nan divorcement battle, pinch Evans, 55, saying that Wallace made a 'completely false' and highly defamatory onslaught connected her connected Instagram successful April this year.

In nan post, aspiring character Wallace said she had been contacted by thousands of group who claimed Evans had abused aliases threatened them - declaring that she was going to 'stand up' to 'bullies'.

Alice Evans pictured pinch her 2 daughters - amid her messy divorcement from Ioan Gruffudd

Gruffudd is pictured kissing his smiling fiancée Bianca Wallace successful an Instagram station announcing their engagement successful January

Gruffudd paid Wallace $77,000 successful December 2023, Evans says. This image from nan tribunal filing appears to show nan payments successful question

Evans' lawyers reason this means that Wallace was successful breach of a custody stipulation, which forbids either of them from being antagonistic astir nan others successful beforehand of nan children.

Because their eldest daughter, Ella, has Instagram, her lawyers opportunity this is simply a breach.

In nan papers, Evans adds that Ella was very upset erstwhile a schoolhouse friend told her astir nan station and 'cried retired she ne'er wants to spot Ioan again.'

The documents opportunity that Evans' lawyers emailed Gruffudd's lawyers to inquire for Bianca's Instagram station to beryllium removed, but received nary response. They statement that Bianca utilized nan pronoun 'we' successful nan post, which implied that her fiancée agreed pinch her.

It is besides nan lawsuit that Evans, aft hundreds of outbursts connected societal media and elsewhere successful nan contiguous aftermath of their separation successful 2021, is taxable to a restraining bid which intends that she was not capable to respond astatine nan time.

The filing is an urgent petition for funds. In it, Evans, who met Gruffudd connected nan group of nan movie 102 Dalmatians, says: 'As it stands, I person very small money coming successful each month. I gain astir $300 per period successful royalties.

'I person drained each of my individual savings paying my anterior attorneys successful this lawsuit and paying for my expenses

'I person immoderate individual property, specified arsenic vintage designer items, held successful storage, that I could perchance sell, but they are successful threat of being sold astatine auction because I cannot salary nan monthly retention interest (Ioan stopped paying post-separation moreover though our daughters' puerility mementos are stored there.)'

Evans, Ella, Elsie and Gruffudd attending nan premiere of Show Dogs successful Hollywood successful 2018

Wallace, Gruffudd's fiancée, smiling successful this Instagram post

She adds: 'As it stands, I americium down connected rent and inferior payments, and friends person started dropping disconnected groceries and nutrient truthful nan children and I tin eat. I will beryllium applying for nutrient stamps and welfare.

'While I americium struggling to put nutrient connected nan array for our children, Ioan is pitchy mounting astir nan world. Ioan could not look astatine his noticed deposition for custody issues because he travelled to nan UK. Since April 2024, according to his Instagram page and property releases, he has been successful nan UK, Cardiff, Sardinia, Rome, Spain, and Seattle.

'Based upon stories successful nan media, Ioan purchased an costly engagement ringing for his fiancée and they precocious purchased caller Rolex watches. '

She acknowledges she signed a prenuptial statement successful 2007 earlier marrying Gruffudd. It gives her 20 per cent of his net arsenic spousal support successful nan arena of a split, aliases 10 per cent if they person children.

She notes: 'This proviso punishes maine for having children, which I contend offends nan nationalist argumentation of nan State of California that some parents are to lend to nan financial support of nan children, particularly successful this lawsuit wherever I now person 100% custody of nan children.'

At nan clip of nan prenup, which is attached to nan filing, Gruffudd said he had a nett worthy of £2million, and she had $40,000 successful various accounts.

The mates divided up successful January 2021, and successful September of that twelvemonth he went nationalist pinch Wallace, who was an other connected nan show Harrow which was filmed successful Australia.

It was only astatine nan extremity of 2023 that immoderate interim spousal and kid support was settled. The agreed costs was $3,000 a period successful interim kid support and $7,000 a period successful spousal support. Evans says that Gruffudd only paid nan spousal support from December 2023 to April 2024 and has paid thing since.

Her lawyers opportunity that he earned connected mean $21,000 a period successful 2023, but during nan matrimony had earned betwixt $500,000 and $1million a year.

They declare that Gruffudd earns tens of thousands of dollars a month, per his taxation filings, and that he besides received 'approximately $390,000 from nan income proceeds of nan location conscionable successful December 2023'.

'In this case, a disparity successful entree to costs to salary fees exists because Alice earns only a fewer 100 dollars per month, while Ioan's self-reported mean monthly income connected his Income and Expense Declaration revenge January 24, 2024, is $21,023 for nan 36 months ending December 31, 2023 and $18,264 for nan 12 months ending December 31, 2023,' nan ineligible filing states.

'Moreover, Ioan continues to get roles successful movies, specified arsenic Bad Boys 4, which was conscionable released this year. Ioan besides received astir $390,000 from nan income proceeds of nan location conscionable successful December 2023.'

Evans is asking nan tribunal to salary her attorneys and alleges that he has been paying 2 different rule firms and a forensic accountant.

It was initially understood that nan financial issues would spell to proceedings by April 2024 but that has now been put disconnected to August.

'Alice is applying for nationalist assistance because she is incapable to support herself and nan children,' her lawyer states successful nan latest ineligible filing.

'It appears that nan financial proceedings will beryllium respective months distant and Alice will not beryllium capable to past without nan receipt of line spousal support.

'Ioan has nan expertise to salary spousal support based upon his greater expertise to gain income and his ongoing lavish lifestyle. For these reasons, Alice requests line kid and spousal support.'

The rumor of custody has been settled, pinch some parties signing a stipulation 2 months ago. Following an information by a kid custody expert, which took respective months, Evans was granted 100 per cent custody. Gruffudd had wanted a 50-50 arrangement.

Her lawyer Janina Verano besides says that since May 2023, Gruffudd has not seen nan children extracurricular of reunification therapy nor has he 'exercised his tribunal ordered right' to person a telephone telephone pinch them 3 times a week. Reunification therapy ended successful February this year.

'Ioan has not telephoned nan children aliases returned their matter messages since May of 2023,' Evans says. She adds: 'The children person been near successful limbo and are wholly confused astir erstwhile aliases if they will spot Ioan.'

Through an bid revenge by her lawyer, Evans says that she does not work together to nan sealing aliases keeping backstage of their stipulation, aliases custody statement successful its entirety, which is what Gruffudd has requested - accusing him of being 'disingenuous' successful his petition to seal nan ineligible proceedings successful bid to 'protect nan children'.

Evans' lawyer notes that Gruffudd 'did not activity to seal immoderate of DVRO [domestic violence] pleadings nor immoderate of nan custody pleadings wherein he falsely accuses Alice of abusing nan children' - calling retired nan truth that he only wishes to seal those proceedings successful which nan allegations were resolved.

Evans was made taxable to a restraining bid by her estranged hubby successful February 2022 aft she posted a number of messages astir him and his caller woman connected societal media and allegedly sent him complete 100 texts. One suggested: 'You've sewage your nuts stuck successful her veneers.' She denied abusing aliases harassing him.

The bid was extended for 3 years successful August 2022, and Evans was forbidden from posting astir either Gruffudd aliases Wallace.

In June past year, elder girl Ella, past 13, applied for a restraining bid against Gruffudd aft a custody sojourn ended successful chaos. She said: 'I was truthful huffy astatine my dada because this was an overnight visit, and I had told him successful nan past that I didn't want to meet his woman who was now his live-in girlfriend.'

She claimed that Wallace had slammed a doorway against her caput arsenic she was moving from their flat aft pouring beverage and mustard astir successful protest.

In publically disposable documents she said that she was 'afraid' of her begetter and said that he had threatened to 'call nan constabulary connected her anytime she misbehaves' during visits.

The petition for a restraining bid was dropped successful tribunal by Ella, who faced her father's ineligible team.

The mates joined successful Mexico successful 2007 aft gathering connected nan group of nan Disney movie 102 Dalmatians.

Gruffudd's representatives were contacted for comment. 

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