Novak Djokovic drinks 'pyramid water' from Bosnia, believes in telekinesis to purify food and his physios mix him a 'magic potion': Inside the tennis icon's weird ways after his 'miracle' recovery to play at Wimbledon

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Given his singular feats to this constituent nan magnitude of astonishment erstwhile Novak Djokovic showed himself rigorously moving retired connected his surgically repaired knee came arsenic a shock.

For Djokovic is nan embodiment of warrior successful a athletics wherever fewer tin opportunity they lucifer his sheer determination and durability, playing done adversity unless he cannot locomotion out.

Twenty six days connected from surgery, Djokovic is stepping retired connected Centre Court coming to kick-start his latest roadworthy to glory astatine Wimbledon, a spot he has won 7 times before.

'The knee has responded very good to each of that truthful far, which, of people then, is simply a awesome motion for my information successful Wimbledon. That's why I decided to beryllium successful nan draw,' Djokovic, nan 2nd seed, told reporters connected Saturday.

'I'm assured astir nan wellness of my knee and conscionable wide beingness authorities is really good.'

Novak Djokovic has managed to beryllium his fittingness successful clip to look connected Centre Court today

Having had room connected his knee little than a period ago, Djokovic has defied each expectations

He has a number of quirky beliefs, including drinking h2o from a pyramid successful Bosnia

He besides has a super-clean fare and believes successful nan powers of affirmative affirmations to his food

The existent mobility connected everybody's lips was, really has he pulled nan rabbit retired of nan chapeau this time?

On June 3, 2024, Djokovic took connected Francisco Serundolo successful nan last-16 of nan French Open, and though aft 4 hours and 39 minutes of an epic conflict successful what was his longest lucifer astatine nan Paris Slam, he managed to win.

But he suffered a superior injury, a disaster for Djokovic and nan tournament. His knee was damaged and contempt his hatred for surgery, he knew it was nan only option.

A time later he announced he was withdrawing from nan tourney and connected June 5 he went nether nan weapon to hole nan meniscus of his correct knee, putting his spot astatine Wimbledon nether existent threat.

'Yeah, what group request to understand is not each knee surgeries are nan aforesaid astatine all,' USA prima Taylor Fritz said precocious astatine Eastbourne.

'I saw immoderate worldly pinch group talking astir each nan issues Federer had pinch his knee surgeries and really he's not coming backmost successful a mates of weeks.

'I'm like, :Yeah, because it's different.' This is probably, successful position of surgeries you person to get and past effort to travel backmost arsenic speedy arsenic possible, 1 of nan champion ones you tin get because it's not a meniscus repair.

'When you tear your meniscus. You don't really request your afloat meniscus to conscionable beryllium fine. Like you tin conscionable get nan portion that you tear snipped retired and it's much of a discomfort thing.

'That's why he tore his but he was still capable to play because wherever his tore wouldn't person been blocking thing up . When I tore excavation I really couldn't locomotion because it was blocking thing but nan existent process of removing it, it's each nan aforesaid and each nan betterment really entails is conscionable nan swelling of nan existent incision, it's conscionable recovering from that.

Djokovic underwent a rigorous rehab successful bid to beryllium fresh to conflict for an eighth Wimbledon

He claims his knee has responded good to his rehab, on pinch his regular meditation sessions

'Strength-wise you person afloat spot immediately, it's conscionable astir recovering from nan existent room itself, not immoderate muscular things. So I'm not amazed I judge he sewage successful to do his room earlier I did – I deliberation he has much betterment clip than I had.

'I cognize for a truth my first lucifer astatine Wimbledon was precisely 20 days aft my room truthful I played a small little than 3 weeks aft my surgery. So he's going to person a full other week than I did. So it's decidedly not astonishing astatine each that he's capable to for illustration lightly deed up nan mediate correct now.'

Unorthodox is nan connection that befits Djokovic and his various beliefs, from pyramid h2o to a temple that keeps him calm, aliases nan Bosnian upland he abides by.

Marginal gains is what Djokovic is each astir and this latest rehabilitation will person been littered pinch quirky ways to return to fitness.

Previously he has shown that he places spot successful nan treatment powerfulness of trampolines, nan usage of meditation to conflict disconnected injury, nan belief that you tin make soiled h2o cleanable again pinch thing but nan spot of your emotions. The database goes connected and on.

There was nan clip Djokovic group an siren connected his telephone truthful he would cognize – to nan nonstop infinitesimal – erstwhile a twelvemonth had passed since he past ate a portion of chocolate.

Or nan clip he listened complete and complete and complete to The Beatles and a Serbian stone set called Električni Orgazam to cleanable nan hit of his famed return motion.

Djokovic's online chats pinch Chevrin Jafarieh (bottom) became notorious successful nan pandemic

He has been seen moving retired alongside British prima Emma Raducanu (left) during this week

Or location is nan religion he places successful nan treatment powerfulness of 'pyramid water'.

In a portion connected nan charismatic Wimbledon website they item nan 'benefits of pyramid water'.

'Novak really appreciates nan h2o from nan pyramids. He tin spot it brings him benefits,' Sam Osmanagic, who announced to nan world successful 2005 that he had discovered nan pyramids, said.

'When Novak comes here, he ever gets supplies of nan water.'

Djokovic swears by it and he has not been quiet astir his pilgrimages to nan mini metropolis of Visoko successful Bosnia, successful bid to 'charge up connected nan cosmic power being emitted by nan section ancient pyramids'.

'There is genuinely a miraculous power here,' Djokovic said successful 2018. 'If location is simply a paradise connected Earth, past it's here.'

Traditional medicine and regular practices of rehab do not entreaty to Djokovic; his psyche and mindset has agelong been connected a different level.

Food is simply a cardinal area for him. Specifically, nan 'positive energy' that nutrient tin distribute.

Yoga and meditation has go a cardinal portion of Djokovic's regular successful a bid to stay connected top

Djokovic (pictured pinch his son, Stefan) is simply a Christian and portion of nan Serbian Orthodox Church

In his book 'Serve to Win: The 14-Day Gluten-free Plan for Physical and Mental Excellence', nan Serbian superstar incredibly elaborate really he believes that speech is influential connected nan nutrient we eat.

In Djokovic's mind, antagonistic speech could good beryllium harmful to nan food, stripping it of its nutrients arsenic good arsenic its taste.

During his rehabilitation now, arsenic her has done for galore years, Djokovic is affirmative successful affirming his beliefs to his nutrient earlier he eats. Wild, but it useful for him.

Djokovic explains: 'I judge that if you are eating pinch immoderate benignant of fearfulness aliases interest aliases anger, nan sensation of nan nutrient and nan power you get from it won't beryllium arsenic powerful… What you springiness is what you get.'

He is besides obsessive erstwhile it comes to chewing, an action that must beryllium focused connected entirely.

'As I chew, nan process of digestion is already starting,' he wrote.

'The enzymes successful my saliva operation pinch nan food, truthful that erstwhile it hits my tummy it's a afloat formed portion of 'information.'

More often than not Djokovic is happy to grow connected his beliefs, connected food, connected typical water, connected not getting vaccinated against Covid, and that was why his 'magic potion' spotted astatine erstwhile iterations of Wimbledon became truthful intriguing.

His bizarre Wimbledon portion wont became an moreover bigger communicative erstwhile he refused to uncover what was successful nan bottle, claiming it is 'magic potion'.

'Magic potion, that is each I tin say,' he said, erstwhile pressed.

Jelena Djokovic was fixed a 'false information' explanation by Instagram past twelvemonth aft sharing a conspiracy mentation that 5G has helped origin coronavirus

His woman Jelena, who boasts quirky views of her own, moreover took a swipe astatine her husband's critics erstwhile it came to nan 'potion' successful question.

'This full delirium astir making group speak astir thing they aren't fresh because others are inpatient is absurd,' she said.

'Sit a spot successful silence. Mind yourself more. Not everything you spot is controversial. It could beryllium private. Is that allowed?'

Normally successful these weeks Djokovic is frequenting a adjacent Buddhist temple.

The Buddhapadipa Temple, connected a leafy suburban thoroughfare conscionable minutes from nan All England Club grounds, has been frequented by nan reigning champion successful erstwhile years.

Djokovic, an Orthodox Christian, erstwhile stayed adjacent doorway to nan temple and spent up to an hr a time utilizing its four-acre grounds for meditation and to amended his focus.

'Many years agone he came to enactment adjacent doorway to nan temple and each greeting he meditated astatine nan temple,' Venerable Piyobhaso, minster of belief astatine Buddhapdipa, tells Mail Sport.

'He preferred to travel successful nan morning, from 30 minutes up to an hour. Sometimes he spent an hr beside nan lake. He became friends pinch immoderate members.

'Novak is simply a very friends person. He ever smiled and didn't mind having photos pinch nan temple members. He said that meditation helps pinch his tennis.'

Whatever Djokovic eats, drinks, prays to, believes successful works; it useful for him anyway. Because 26 days aft going nether nan weapon he is here, astatine Wimbledon, afloat of belief an eighth men's singles title is wrong his grasp.

If ever location was a reminder this was it: ne'er underestimate Novak Djokovic.

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