Revealed: Erik ten Hag RETAINS final say on Man United transfers - despite the arrivals of Dan Ashworth and Jason Wilcox - as terms on Dutchman's £9m contract extension don't change

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By Chris Wheeler

Published: 11:37 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 11:47 EDT, 4 July 2024

Erik 10 Hag will clasp onto his title arsenic Manchester United manager, and a veto complete caller signings, aft extending his statement astatine Old Trafford until June 2026.

It was thought that co-owners Ineos mightiness re-define Ten Hag's domiciled arsenic much of a caput coach pinch little power complete recruitment arsenic portion of nan woody to support him successful complaint for different 2 years.

But nan position of Ten Hag's £9million-a-year statement will enactment nan aforesaid aft he signed a 12-month hold connected Thursday.

The timing is important pinch nan first of United's non-international players owed backmost for pre-season training astatine Carrington connected Monday.

United stay successful talks pinch Ruud van Nistelrooy and Rene Hake complete becoming Ten Hag's caller assistants, and it's hoped that some Dutchmen could beryllium successful spot by nan commencement of nan week.

Manager Erik 10 Hag extended his Manchester United statement by 12 months connected Thursday

Ten Hag, who led United to FA Cup glory successful May, will proceed to person nan last opportunity connected transfers

Ten Hag pictured being embraced by United co-owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe aft May's FA Cup final

Current No.2 Mitchell van Gaag is apt to time off United while chap adjunct Steve McClaren remains successful talks complete his role.

Ten Hag admitted that United person to measurement up different level aft he oversaw nan club's worst-ever Premier League decorativeness past play and vanished bottommost of nan Champions League group. Victory successful nan FA Cup last salvaged a difficult run and helped to support nan 54-year-old successful a job.

'I americium very pleased to person reached statement pinch nan nine to proceed moving together,' he said.

'Looking backmost astatine nan past 2 years, we tin bespeak pinch pridefulness connected 2 trophies and galore examples of progression from wherever we were erstwhile I joined.

'However, we must besides beryllium clear that location is still tons of difficult activity up to scope nan levels expected of Manchester United, which intends challenging for English and European titles.

'In my discussions pinch nan club, we person recovered complete unity successful our imagination for reaching those goals, and we are each powerfully committed to making that travel together.'

Ten Hag's signings person included Christian Eriksen (left), Casemiro (centre) and Antony (right)

United precocious appointed Dan Ashworth arsenic sporting head and he will activity pinch Ten Hag

Jason Wilcox (centre) has been moving arsenic United's method head since April this year

The caller statement indicates accrued support for Ten Hag from a activity squad that includes caller sporting head Dan Ashworth and method head Jason Wilcox.

Ashworth, who started activity this week aft United agreed a compensation woody pinch his aged nine Newcastle, said: 'With 2 trophies successful nan past 2 seasons, Erik has reinforced his grounds arsenic 1 of nan astir consistently successful coaches successful European football.

'While nan club's reappraisal of past play highlighted areas for improvement, it besides reached a clear conclusion that Erik was nan champion partner for america to activity pinch successful driving up standards and outcomes.

'This group of players and unit person already shown they are tin of competing and winning astatine nan apical level; now we request to do it much consistently. With our strengthened shot activity squad now successful place, we are looking guardant to moving hand-in-hand pinch Erik to execute our shared ambitions for this shot club.'

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