How Mail Sport journalists travelled 8,000 miles to present England star Anthony Gordon with stabilisers and a crash helmet after his cycling accident

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  • Anthony Gordon was gifted a cycling helmet and a brace of stabilisers past week
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By Tum Balogun

Published: 11:48 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 11:48 EDT, 4 July 2024

England prima Anthony Gordon took nan gift of stabilisers and a helmet successful bully humour past week, pursuing a motorcycle autumn that resulted successful a ample graze connected his chin. 

Speaking during an England property convention past week - 2 days aft falling disconnected an electric bicycle while riding astir nan team's training guidelines successful Blankenhain - Gordon was still sporting nan wounded arsenic he faced nan media.

Responding to nan first mobility of nan day, which was people astir his two-wheeled accident, Gordon revealed that he mislaid power while trying to movie a video for his family. 

The 23-year-old was handed nan information cogwheel by Mail Sport's Nik Simon and Kev Quigley, who travelled 8,000 miles to astonishment Gordon astatine nan Three Lions guidelines for nan exchange. 

The brace began their travel successful Japan and were successful transit for 22 hours earlier attending England's last group crippled against Slovenia successful Cologne. 

Mail Sport's Nik Simon (left) and Kev Quigley (right) began their epic travel successful Japan

The duo were successful transit for 22 hours and travelled 8,000 miles to scope Cologne up of England's last group shape lucifer against Slovenia 

Quigley and Simon hatched a nosy prank to coming Gordon pinch stablisers aft proceeding news of his injury

The England winger promised to usage nan gift arsenic portion of his ceremony if he scored against Slovakia past weekend 

The adjacent time saw nan head-to-head pinch Gordon, which was initially only scheduled to beryllium nan latest successful a bid of darts matches between Gareth Southgate's squad and members of nan media. 

However, erstwhile connection of Gordon's mishap reached them, via Mail Sport's Craig Hope who had joined them successful a pub that night, nan seeds of nan hilarious stunt were laid. 

'We were a spot worried astir you truthful we sewage you these,' Quigley told nan Newcastle winger up of his title pinch Simon. 

There was laughter each information but it was Gordon who had nan past of it. The speedster hit Simon successful a adjacent title earlier speaking to reporters. 

Simon revealed that nan task of hunting down a brace of stabilisers successful Germany was amazingly hard. 

'Most motorcycle stores successful Erfurt do not waste stabilisers.' He said. 'German parents, they say, for illustration to propulsion their children successful astatine nan heavy extremity by sending retired their beloved connected 2 wheels.

Gordon took nan joke successful bully humour earlier getting nan past laughter successful a crippled of darts

After accepting his gift from photographer Quigley, Gordon hit Mail Sport journalist Nik Simon successful a speedy crippled of darts astatine England's Euro 2024 office in Blankenhain, Germany

'So it was a invited alleviation erstwhile Quigley and myself stumbled upon a group of 16-18inch training wheels connected Friday greeting astatine nan Decathlon shop connected nan separator of Erfurt.'

‘I’ll support these by nan transportation and bring them retired for a ceremony if I score,’ joked Gordon, whilst team-mate Cole Palmer poked his caput astir nan area pinch a wide grin.

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