Novak Djokovic is given a major scare on Centre Court by British wildcard - and world No 277 - Jacob Fearnley to reach Wimbledon's third round

Trending 2 days ago
  • Novak Djokovic is done Wimbledon's 3rd information but it was acold from easy
  • British wildcard Jacob Fearnley came adjacent to forcing a deciding group connected Centre 
  • Djokovic had thing but praise for Fearnley's tenacity pursuing nan match 

By Nathan Salt

Published: 11:43 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 11:59 EDT, 4 July 2024

Novak Djokovic was fixed a existent scare connected Centre Court by plucky Brit Jacob Fearnley, yet winning 6-3, 6-4, 5-7, 7-5 to scope information three. 

The British wildcard, and world No 277, stunned nan location crowd erstwhile he took nan 3rd group 7-5, rocking seven-time Wimbledon champion Djokovic.

Fearnley walked disconnected Centre Court pinch his banal connected nan emergence aft a spirited show that fewer saw coming.

The 22-year-old wildcard was extracurricular nan world's apical 500 only a period agone earlier a Challenger title triumph successful Nottingham elevated him up much than 200 places. 

Even pinch nan mighty Djokovic connected nan different broadside of nan net, Fearnley played without fearfulness and took a high-risk, high-reward attack arsenic nan lucifer wore on.

Particularly successful nan 3rd set, which was sealed aft Djokovic miscued a forehand return to suffer his serve, Fearnley was rewarded for his daring. 

Fearnley has ne'er competed astatine a Grand Slam until this week truthful he has taken a bid of immense strides guardant successful a affirmative fewer days. 

For Djokovic, he will beryllium eager to shingle disconnected nan rustiness arsenic he looks to stitch together an eighth Wimbledon title.

'First and foremost, immense congrats to Jacob Fearnley for an astonishing lucifer today. He put successful a awesome effort and played very bully tennis,' Djokovic said connected court.

'I didn't person a chance to spot him play. Actually 2 days ago, I saw him for nan first time. Obviously there's ever an constituent of astonishment and thing to lose, him playing successful Wimbledon, ever going to beryllium tough.

'Most of nan British players turn up being exposed to writer courts, speedy surfaces, truthful they cognize precisely really to play. [It's a] very windy day, very challenging conditions and I thought he served very well.'

He added: 'It was very difficult to break his serve. He made maine activity definitely. I was astir apt a spot fortunate successful nan 4th to not spell a break down.

'Maybe I could person won nan lucifer successful 3 but I deliberation each successful all, this lucifer perchance deserved to get into a 5th nan measurement we some played, nan measurement Fearnley played peculiarly successful nan fourth, but I'm very gladsome it didn't.'

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