Michy Batshuayi confirms move to Galatasaray in Batman themed video on social media... in controversial transfer with his wife claiming that death threats have been aimed at their child

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Michy Batshuayi has completed what will apt beryllium nan summer's astir arguable move by joining Galatasaray arsenic a free agent. 

The erstwhile Chelsea striker had played for Turkish giants Fenerbahce since 2022, wherever he scored 44 goals successful 75 matches.

However, his statement pinch nan nine expired astatine nan extremity of past month, allowing him to make nan move to Galatasaray - which he has confirmed pinch a Batman themed video connected societal media. 

The rivalry betwixt nan 2 Istanbul-based sides is 1 of nan fiercest successful world football, and nan transportation has been a immense talking constituent successful Turkey complete caller days. 

The move comes aft Batshuayi's wife, Amely Maria, wiped Instagram comments from her profile, aft revealing that decease threats person been aimed astatine their child. 

Michy Batshuayi has confirmed his move to Galatasaray, aft leaving their Turkish and chap Istanbul-based rivals Fenerbahce astatine nan extremity of his statement past month

The move is simply a immense talking constituent successful Turkey, arsenic it intends he will play for his 3rd different nine successful Istanbul having besides antecedently had a indebtedness stint astatine Besiktas (pictured playing for Fenerbahce)

His wife, Amely Maria (left) antecedently claimed her family had been threatened amid reports of  nan move earlier it was finalised

She wrote connected Instagram that decease threats had been aimed towards nan couple's child

She claimed her family and kid person been threatened, while besides alleging racist maltreatment had been sent to them.

'When you don’t cognize what’s going connected successful nan shadows, don’t constituent fingers astatine nan innocent.

'The existent culprits are those who don’t return responsibility.

'Shame connected those who frighten my family and wish decease connected my kid for football, and you situation to talk astir family?

'What a shame!!! Racism and decease threats. God sees you all.'

In his confirmation video, a fig - expected to beryllium Batshuayi - is seen opinionated successful nan acheronian looking down astatine Galatasaray's Rams Park stadium, pinch their reddish and yellowish colours seen pointing up to nan entity from nan ground. 

The video ends pinch nan caption: 'Batsman, nan trilogy.'

It is nan 3rd Istanbul-based nine that nan 30-year-old will play for, aft he besides had a indebtedness spell astatine Besiktas while he was contracted to Chelsea. 

Understanding nan value of his move to Galatasaray, Batshuayi has addressed nan transportation besides successful a connection connected societal media.

Batshuayi has spent nan past 3 seasons successful Istanbul pinch Besiktas and Fenerbahce

Batshuayi has explained nan arguable transportation successful a connection connected societal media 

He wrote: 'A small complete 3 years ago, I dispersed my wings successful this breathtaking and passionate metropolis of Istanbul.

'Some whitethorn person thought I was arriving present astatine nan twilight of my career. Thanks to nan clubs that trusted maine and nan support of nan fans, I put connected my goalscoring cape again and rediscovered nan passion and ray I needed to thrive erstwhile much successful a competitory league.

'Free to motion since January, I waited for that spot to beryllium renewed for nan coming season. While I ne'er doubted nan intentions, I haven't been moved by nan actions.

'In ray of this, it is now clip for maine to soar to return connected a caller challenge. I person decided to perpetrate to Galatasaray and to people my attachment to nan metropolis of Istanbul and nan (Turkish) Super Lig.

'I understand nan value of my determination and this signing. I stay uptight and proud. I do not hide who I americium aliases wherever I travel from. But I besides cognize wherever I americium going.

'I americium happy to enactment successful this metropolis that holds a typical spot successful my heart, to deterioration nan colours of nan astir titled nine here, and I will springiness my each to thief it proceed its contented of success. Batsman astatine Rams Park, coming soon to your screens!' 

Batshuayi's move comes aft Fenerbahce narrowly missed retired connected nan Turkish title to their bitter rivals past season.

Batshuayi scored an awesome 44 goals successful 75 appearances during his clip astatine Fenerbahce

Fenerbahce mislaid retired connected nan title to Galatasaray by conscionable 3 points successful nan astir caller season

Batshuayi and Fenerbahce players were targeted by Trabzonspor fans aft nan striker netted nan victor successful a 3-2 triumph backmost successful March


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Galatasaray were crowned champions aft earning a staggering 102 points, aft only suffering 2 defeats during nan convention play - pinch Fenerbahce finishing conscionable 3 points back. 

In May, Fenerbahce had beaten Galatasaray 1-0 to person boosted their title hopes but nan lucifer was marred by convulsive scenes.

A brawl took lucifer connected nan transportation successful nan aftermath of nan match, arsenic Turkish shot was deed by further violence. The incident came 2 months aft Fenerbahce held a ballot to retreat from nan convention aft their players were attacked by Trabzonspor fans.

Chaotic scenes unfolded aft Trabzonspor supporters attempted to onslaught Fenerbahce's players arsenic they stormed nan transportation pursuing their Super Lig conflict connected March 17.

The unit had begun aft Batshuayi had scored decisive extremity successful a 3-2 victory.

Thugs who entered nan section of play brandished weapons and moreover picked up area flags to onslaught nan visiting squad while they were celebrating their victory.

Clips circulated connected societal media showed different protagonist sprinting straight towards Batshuayi, who launched into a spinning bottommost footwear which connected pinch nan fan.

Batshuayi has go nan 11th spot to person represented Turkey's 3 biggest clubs - and nan first overseas subordinate to do so.'

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