CBBC stars at war over a spot on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing as two children's presenters battle it out for spot that could catapult their careers

Trending 2 days ago

By Katie Hind

Published: 19:12 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 19:21 EDT, 29 June 2024

It's nan show that has catapulted galore hardly known presenters into becoming family names.

But now Strictly Come Dancing has sparked civilian warfare astatine nan BBC's CBBC transmission complete who wins nan chance to beryllium successful this year's series.

Strictly chiefs often return 1 of its stars for nan competition, arsenic good arsenic from programmes specified arsenic EastEnders and BBC Breakfast.

But this twelvemonth location person been what BBC insiders telephone 'sharp elbows' astatine nan children's transmission complete who gets to dance.

Front-runner is Blue Peter presenter Shini Muthukrishnan, 22, who joined nan show successful January.

Front-runner is Blue Peter presenter Shini Muthukrishnan (pictured) who joined nan show successful January

CBBC presenter Evie Pickerill, 32, has besides been mooted for Strictly

But agents of immoderate of her co-stars person been battling to put their clients connected Strictly and are fuming astatine nan imaginable of losing retired because they cognize really it elevates careers.

They saw really erstwhile Blue Peter big Helen Skelton's quality connected Strictly successful 2022, erstwhile she and partner Gorka Marquez were runners-up, transformed her into 1 of nan astir in-demand women successful television.

CBBC presenter Evie Pickerill, 32, has besides been mooted for Strictly. But a BBC root said: 'There tin really only beryllium 1 from nan world of CBBC truthful location is now a full-on battle, a war.

'A spot connected Strictly for those connected children's TV is seen arsenic nan aureate goose. It's a measurement of getting them retired of that genre of TV and turning themselves into family names.

'Many of their agents person approached Strictly's casting leader but person been usurped by Shini. There is simply a batch of anger.'

Previous CBBC hosts who went connected Strictly see Rhys Stephenson and Karim Zeroual.

EastEnders actors are besides keen to dance. Bosses astatine nan soap prime their privilege stars and manus nan names to Strictly chiefs, who past make their decision.

Strictly has been progressively reliant connected BBC talent because of nan show's infamous 'curse', pinch stars falling for their creation partners. Many celebrities fearfulness getting caught up successful scandal.

Presenter Helen Skelton (right) appeared connected Strictly successful 2022

Skelton (left) and partner Gorka Marquez (right) were runners-up. The show transformed her into 1 of nan astir in-demand women successful television

Last twelvemonth 9 contestants had links to nan BBC, including EastEnders' Bobby Brazier and Casualty character Nigel Harman.

Many BBC stars person won since Strictly began successful 2004.

They see nan first victor, newsreader Natasha Kaplinsky, positive Holby City actors Tom Chambers and Joe McFadden, EastEnders character Rose Ayling-Ellis and sports presenter Chris Hollins.

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