Paul Mescal is seen 'sniffing a suspicious substance from a key' and 'doesn't care who sees' as he parties with friends during wild weekend at Glastonbury Festival

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Paul Mescal was pictured allegedly sniffing a suspicious constituent from a container arsenic he partied pinch pals astatine Glastonbury connected Sunday. 

According to The Sun nan Irish actor, 28, utilized a cardinal arsenic a scoop to raise nan chartless worldly to his nostril while dancing successful nan crowd during US set The National's precocious nighttime set. 

Paul was dressed casually and donned a shot cap, pinch 1 onlooker telling nan publication nan character 'didn't look to care' if anyone could spot him.

Saying: 'Paul looked for illustration he utilized a cardinal to scoop immoderate constituent retired of a container which he lifted to his chemoreceptor and sniffed.

'He did it erstwhile past he dipped nan cardinal backmost into nan container and lifted it to his chemoreceptor and sniffed again.

Paul Mescal was pictured allegedly sniffing a suspicious constituent from a container arsenic he partied pinch pals astatine Glastonbury connected Sunday

According to The Sun nan Irish actor, 28, utilized a cardinal arsenic a scoop to raise nan chartless worldly to his nostril while dancing successful nan crowd

'Paul didn't look to attraction if anyone could spot him. He was dancing and laughing pinch his friends.'

MailOnline person contacted Paul Mescal's reps for comment. 

Earlier successful nan time Paul sent fans chaotic by singing Shania Twain's iconic statement 'Let's spell girls!' up of her capacity astatine nan festival.  

He was among nan stars who headed to Worthy Farm for nan yearly euphony show and was captured up of Shania's Legends Slot connected Sunday.  

In a now widely-shared video whoever is filming him originates nan hit to her hit Man! I Feel Like A Woman! - arsenic he finishes disconnected nan celebrated statement with: 'Let's spell girls!'

He was clad successful his accustomed short shorts attire for nan show which he teamed pinch a grey T-shirt and cap. 

The BBC shared nan video connected their Instagram and Shania herself commented saying: 'Love it!!', on pinch respective laughter crying emojis. 

Fans were loving nan clip arsenic they commented nether nan video saying: 'He's excessively cute!',

Paul was dressed casually and donned a shot cap, pinch 1 onlooker telling nan publication nan character 'didn't look to care' if anyone could spot him

Saying: 'Paul looked for illustration he utilized a cardinal to scoop immoderate constituent retired of a container which he lifted to his chemoreceptor and sniffed

At nan show connected Saturday Paul reunited pinch his All of Us Strangers co-star arsenic good arsenic chap actress Saoirse Ronan (L-R Director Andrew Haigh, Saoirse, Andrew, Paul) 

Fans were loving nan clip arsenic they commented nether nan video saying: 'He's excessively cute!',

'Quality content', 'Have I watched this 100 times? Yes', 'Why's he truthful cute', 'Love him!' .

It comes after Paul showcased his rippling muscles arsenic he took to nan Coliseum successful first offical snaps from overmuch nan anticipated Gladiator sequel

Due for merchandise later this year, nan Irish , takes connected nan domiciled of Roman Empire Lucius Verus, nan grown-up boy of Lucilla, portrayed arsenic a kid successful nan Oscar-winning original from 2000 starring Russell Crowe.

Paul donned a afloat suit of armour, complete pinch bosom spot and leather kilt, base a striking resemblance to his predecessor Russell - who will not look successful nan sequel. 

The Normal People prima past went shirtless for a melodramatic segment wherever he appeared to beryllium preparing for conflict earlier taking connected humor soaked Pedro Pascal, 49. 

It comes aft Paul showcased his rippling muscles arsenic he took to nan Coliseum successful first offical snaps from overmuch nan anticipated Gladiator sequel 

Due for merchandise later this year, nan character takes connected nan domiciled of Roman Empire Lucius Verus, nan grown-up boy of Lucilla, portrayed arsenic a kid successful nan Oscar-winning original from 2000 starring Russell Crowe

Describing his characteristic to Vanity Fair Paul said: 'He's a very, very bully general, which tin mean a very bully killer.' 

In different action packed infinitesimal nan duo went caput to caput pinch Paul diving into nan aerial while Pedro's characteristic looked terrified arsenic he mislaid grip of his sword. 

The Last Of Us' Pedro plays Roman wide Acacius, who trained arsenic a gladiator beneath Russell's characteristic Maximum.

With nan character saying: '[Acacius] learned from nan best, truthful of people this codification of honour is ingrained into his training and into his existence. But astatine nan extremity of nan day, he's a different person. And that can't alteration who he is. 

Before teasing: 'Maximus is Maximus, and that can't beryllium replicated. That conscionable makes Acacius tin of different things.' 

Denzel Washington, 69, was besides pictured for nan first clip arsenic Macrinus, dripping successful golden he plays an arms trader who lives lavishly and keeps gladiators for sport. 

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