Eva Longoria the brunette bombshell dazzles on red carpet before stealing a sweet hug from husband Jose Baston

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Eva Longoria dazzled astatine nan ELLE Gourmet Awards 2024 connected Wednesday.

The 49-year-old attended nan ceremonial astatine nan Italian Embassy successful Madrid, Spain, wearing a long, achromatic gown pinch a plunging neckline and a cutout successful nan middle. 

Eva wore her hairsbreadth successful a ponytail and accessorized pinch metallic jewels. 

The Land of Women prima was joined by her husband, Jose Baston, who donned a greenish button-down shirt, a bluish suit, and a brownish belt. 

Eva wrapped her arms astir nan 56-year-old arsenic nan 2 engaged successful conversation.

Eva Longoria dazzled astatine nan ELLE Gourmet Awards 2024 connected Wednesday

The 49-year-old attended nan ceremonial astatine nan Italian Embassy successful Madrid, Spain, wearing a long, achromatic gown pinch a plunging neckline and a cutout successful nan middle

While astatine nan ceremony, nan Telenovela prima was fixed an grant for being the ambassador of Mexican gastronomy. (**Mexican nutrient excellence successful cooking one think??)*** tin region if request be.

Eva besides took to her Instagram to stock footage from her clip successful Spain.

For nan Desperate Housewives alum's first arena abroad, Eva celebrated her caller Apple TV+ show, Land of Women.

The shaper sparkled successful a tight, turquoise dress pinch broadside cutouts that extenuated her curves and showed disconnected her toned figure. 

Eva's brownish hairsbreadth was done successful soft waves arsenic she posed alongside her guests.

'A speedy flight to a quaint Spanish vino municipality is ne'er a bad idea,' she captioned a video from nan party. 'Thank you to each nan inspiring women who celebrated nan premiere of #LandofWomen pinch us! Streaming now connected Apple TV+.'

'Last nighttime was a dream,' Eva wrote connected her Instagram Story beneath a candid shot.

The Flamin' Hot head gave followers a look astatine nan behind-the-scenes moments from her trip, including a reflector selfie pinch java successful manus and a saccharine threat of herself and her family members. 

Meanwhile, Eva precocious revealed why she decided to measurement backmost successful beforehand of nan camera aft spending nan past decade directing. 

The Desperate Housewives alum kept her constitution to a minimum, sporting blush and a pinkish lip

The Land of Women prima was joined by her husband, Jose Baston, who donned a greenish button-down shirt, a bluish suit, and a brownish belt

'I’m truthful proud of it,' Eva gushed to The Hollywood Reporter. 'It’s nan first clip I’ve been successful beforehand of nan camera successful almost a decade connected a TV show. I’ve been directing and producing for nan past 12 years and being down nan camera, I forgot astir acting. I was like, “Oh yeah, I’m an actor, too.” So erstwhile I decided I want to spell backmost to TV, I wanted it to beryllium typical and different and thing you hadn’t seen.'

The Devious Maids alum added, 'I sewage it successful my caput that I wanted to sprout successful Spain - I’ve ne'er changeable successful Spain.'

'I get truthful stressed retired watching TV and streaming coming because I deliberation it’s very depressing,' Eva continued. 'It’s for illustration a dystopian early erstwhile nan authorities collapses aliases a zombie apocalypse because of a virus, and I’m like, each of those things are measurement excessively real. It stresses maine out, and I did not want a show for illustration that.'

The Flamin' Hot head precocious revealed why she decided to measurement backmost successful beforehand of nan camera aft spending nan past decade directing: 'I get truthful stressed retired watching TV and streaming coming because I deliberation it’s very depressing. I did not want a show for illustration that'

Land of Women marks nan first clip nan mom-of-one acted successful Spanish, arsenic she didn't turn up pinch nan Castilian Spanish utilized successful nan show: 'Before you knew it, we were shooting successful Spain and I was speaking Spanish and I was like, "Ah, what did I get myself into?"

The six-episode bid -produced by Ramón Campos and adapted from Spanish journalist Sandra Barneda’s caller La Tierra de Las Mujeres - follows Gala Scott (Eva) fleeing from New York City to nan fictional municipality of La Muga successful Catalonia, Spain, aft uncovering retired her hubby owes $15 cardinal to mobsters. 

Along for nan travel is her mother Julia (Carmen Maura) and girl Kate (Victoria Bazúa).

However, this would besides people nan first clip Eva acted successful Spanish, arsenic she didn't turn up pinch nan Castilian Spanish utilized successful Land of Women. 

The six-episode bid -produced by Ramón Campos and adapted from Spanish journalist Sandra Barneda’s caller La Tierra de Las Mujeres - follows Gala Scott (Eva) fleeing from New York City to nan fictional municipality of La Muga successful Catalonia, Spain, aft uncovering retired her hubby owes $15 cardinal to mobsters

As for getting down nan camera to nonstop successful play 2? As nan soap alum put it, 'Second season, I deliberation I would emotion to nonstop 1 [episode]'

'I called Ramón and I was like, "Come on, constitute maine thing successful Spain, for illustration successful nan vino country, that’s Under nan Tuscan Sun and Eat Pray Love-y; I want to sprout successful Spain, and I want to person nosy and I want to speak Spanish,"' she recalled. 'And he’d recovered nan book, Land of Women, truthful he goes, "I person nan show."'

Eva added, 'And past earlier you knew it, we were shooting successful Spain and I was speaking Spanish and I was like, "Ah, what did I get myself into?"'

Although nan soap alum is an executive producer, she decided not to nonstop immoderate episodes successful nan show's debut play for that reason. 

'They asked maine if I wanted to originally, and I loved that,' she recalled. 'I for illustration directing, acting and producing. I for illustration doing each 3 astatine nan aforesaid time. But I was terrified of speaking Spanish, truthful I felt for illustration I needed each my encephalon cells dedicated to that. So I was like, “I don’t deliberation I’m going to person nan bandwidth to do that and direct.” I had ne'er changeable successful Spain, truthful I didn’t cognize really nan crews worked, and I was a small tense astir that. So I said no, I deliberation I conscionable request to attraction connected acting connected this one.'

As for getting down nan camera successful play 2? As she put it, 'Second season, I deliberation I would emotion to nonstop 1 [episode].'

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