Cruz Beckham 'pitches tent next to the TOILET at Worthy Farm as David and Victoria's son roughs it during Glastonbury visit' - despite his parents being worth a whopping £500M

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Cruz Beckham reportedly spent his nights astatine Glastonbury sleeping successful a £60 shelter adjacent to nan toilets - contempt his celebrated family being worthy a whopping £500M. 

The youngest boy of David and Victoria, 19, joined pals astatine nan iconic arena and braved nan elements arsenic he roughed it alongside nan festival's different 200K aliases truthful campers.

According to The Sun Cruz was spotted retrieving his belongings from nan shelter earlier heading location precocious connected Sunday evening.

Earlier successful nan time he could bee seen cutting a casual fig successful a achromatic oversized t-shirt and jeans pinch a pin-striped garment tied crossed his body. 

Cruz chatted intently to pals pinch his celebrated look seemingly going unnoticed by chap show goers. 

Cruz Beckham, 19,  reportedly spent his nights astatine Glastonbury sleeping successful a £60 shelter adjacent to nan toilets - contempt his celebrated family being worthy a whopping £500M

The youngest boy of David and Victoria, 19, joined pals astatine nan iconic arena and braved nan elements arsenic he roughed it alongside nan festival's different 200K aliases truthful campers

(L-R) Romeo Beckham, Cruz Beckham, Harper Beckham, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham and Brooklyn Beckham

It comes aft Cruz split from his euphony guidance firm aft nan family insisted he usage his celebrated surname.

Tap Management wanted Cruz Beckham to beryllium known conscionable by his first sanction – but his parents resisted nan plan, The Mail connected Sunday revealed.

The euphony patient and Cruz parted ways successful January, and nan 19-year-old is now signed to different company, C3.

Tap wanted to shield Cruz – who plays guitar, piano, drums and mandolin – from accusations of being a 'nepo baby'. He has a Posh Spice tattoo connected his arm. 

The patient did yet relent complete nan usage of his surname, but it besides recovered its plans for Cruz would occasionally conflict pinch Brand Beckham events, including shot matches and manner shows.

Insiders opportunity nan last straw was erstwhile Victoria Beckham scuppered Tap's strategy for him to spell viral singing successful down-at-heel London pubs. She later posted connected Instagram a video of Cruz doing conscionable that successful an upmarket pub.

A friend of nan family said: 'Cruz is really bully and has what it takes to make it. But it was difficult for nan Beckhams and Tap to work together connected a measurement of working. When he decided to support nan sanction Beckham, Tap supported him – but it wasn't their first choice.'

A root added: 'His guidance had this scheme for him to astonishment group by performing successful pubs. 

According to reports  Cruz was spotted retrieving his belongings from nan shelter earlier heading location precocious connected Sunday evening.

Cruz chatted intently to pals pinch his celebrated look seemingly going unnoticed by chap show goers

'They hoped personification would spot him and stock a video connected societal media and from location he would spell viral. Victoria didn't lukewarm to that plan, truthful nan thought was shelved.'

But a fewer weeks later Victoria filmed Cruz singing The Beatles' Come Together astatine Fitzrovia's Lore Of The Land pub, owned by Guy Ritchie. 

She signed disconnected nan video: 'Spontaneous capacity past nighttime astatine nan pub!'

The root said: 'The full constituent was to region him from being Posh Spice's babe boy. Not only had she lifted nan plan, but she had scuppered it.'

A Tap root said: 'We parted institution connected friends terms. We are focused connected making euphony artists arsenic successful arsenic they tin be. It wasn't imaginable successful nan circumstances.'

Last year it was revealed that David earned a jaw-dropping £657,322 per week in 2022 - arsenic he and his woman Victoria shared an £8million dividend from their business empire.

The powerfulness mates entered 2022 emotion flush aft income crossed their ventures surged pursuing lockdowns - pinch nan erstwhile Spice Girl's manner scope making a loss.

Last twelvemonth it was revealed that David earned a jaw-dropping £657,322 per week successful 2022 - arsenic he and his woman Victoria shared an £8million dividend from their business empire

The powerfulness mates entered 2022 emotion flush aft income crossed their ventures surged pursuing lockdowns - pinch nan erstwhile Spice Girl's manner scope making a loss

Beckham Brand Holdings, which acts arsenic nan umbrella institution for David's investments and branding and Victoria's manner and beauty firm, revealed successful accounts revenge that profits for 2021 deed £19.1m, up from £11.6m a twelvemonth earlier.

Most came from DB Ventures – nan erstwhile England footballer's marque is licensed to nan likes of video games shaper Electronic Arts, Adidas, watch institution Tudor, whisky marque Haig Club and car shaper Maserati.

DB Ventures' turnover changeable up from £11.4million to £34million, while profits climbed from £12.9million to £24.1million.

Victoria's arm, which has successful nan past been propped up by her husband's success, saw losses autumn from £8.7million to £5.9million arsenic income climbed 13 per cent to £40.9million.

Victoria Beckham Holdings, part-owned by nan Beckhams and part-owned by London backstage equity patient Neo Investment Partners, kicked disconnected a turnaround scheme successful 2021.

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