Robert De Niro's daughter Drena remembers her 'sweet wild boy' Leandro one year after his death at 19

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Robert De Niro's girl Drena is keeping her precocious boy Leandro's representation alive.

On Tuesday, nan A Star Is Born actress, 56, paid tribute to her kid pinch a heartfelt tribute and photos connected Instagram, marking 1 twelvemonth since Leandro's death astatine property 19.   

'I KNEW this kid was jacking my apparel down my back!!!' she started successful nan caption, referencing a photograph of nan teen serving a nosy look. 'Today we celebrated saccharine chaotic boy Leo..

'In your short clip present you made nan world a brighter place. You are profoundly loved for illustration nan sun loves nan satellite and nan satellite loves nan sea.'

Drena continued, 'Thank you to everyone of you who held me, @carlosmare and our family successful your arms and hearts done nan darkest days.. I tin only dream to salary it forward.. #cantspelllovewithoutleo'

On Tuesday, Robert De Niro's girl Drena paid tribute to her precocious boy Leandro pinch a heartfelt tribute and photos connected Instagram, marking 1 twelvemonth since his decease astatine property 19

Leandro's death was ruled an accident, caused by a 'toxic' operation of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, bromazolam, alprazolam, 7-aminoclonazepam, ketamine and cocaine

Leandro was recovered dead by a friend connected July 2, 2023, sitting successful a chair successful his New York City apartment.

His decease was ruled an accident, caused by a 'toxic' operation of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, bromazolam, alprazolam, 7-aminoclonazepam, ketamine and cocaine.

Sofia Haley Marks, 20, was arrested successful relationship pinch nan overdose last July, charged federally pinch distributing narcotics. 

Drena, who shared Leandro pinch creator Carlos Rodriguez, announced their son's death connected Instagram, writing: 'My beautiful saccharine angel. I person loved you beyond words aliases explanation from nan infinitesimal I felt you successful my belly. 

'You person been my joyousness my bosom and each that was ever axenic and existent successful my life. I wish I was pinch you correct now. I wish I was pinch you.

She continued, 'I don't cognize really to unrecorded without you but I'll effort to spell connected and dispersed nan emotion and ray that you truthful made maine consciousness successful getting to beryllium your mama.

'You were truthful profoundly loved and appreciated and I wish that emotion unsocial could person saved you. I'm truthful sorry my baby, I'm truthful sorry @carlosmare. Rest successful Peace and Eternal Paradise my darling boy,' added Drena.

Carlos wrote successful his ain post, 'Words aren’t capable to definitive nan joyousness he gave america aliases nan nonaccomplishment we now strengthen pinch our families and friends. 

'He is God's kid now. On this afloat satellite his tone luminates what could not beryllium seen successful nan dark,' he added. 'You can’t spell LOVE without LEO.' 

'I KNEW this kid was jacking my apparel down my back!!!' she started successful nan caption, referencing a photograph of nan teen serving a nosy look

'Today we celebrated saccharine chaotic boy Leo.. In your short clip present you made nan world a brighter place,' wrote Drena. 'You are profoundly loved for illustration nan sun loves nan satellite and nan satellite loves nan sea'

Robert adopted Drena successful 1976 erstwhile he joined her mother Diahnne Abbott. The brace divided successful 1988 aft welcoming different child

Robert, 80, opened up astir nan 'awful' tragedy of his grandson's decease successful a February question and reply pinch People. 

'It's conscionable a shock,' he said aft recalling his 'disbelief' successful proceeding nan tragic news. '[I] ne'er thought it would happen.'

'And I conscionable past started reasoning astir each nan things I could have, should person done possibly pinch him,' nan Oscar victor continued. 'I don't cognize if that would've made a difference. And truthful that's ever playing done my mind.'

The Killers of nan Flower Moon character added, 'It shouldn't person happened.'

He adopted Drena successful 1976 erstwhile he joined her mother Diahnne Abbott. The brace divided successful 1988 aft welcoming different child.

Robert has 5 different children, including a babe woman named Gia he welcome successful April pinch woman Tiffany Chen, 45, pinch whom he has been linked since summertime 2021.

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