Drake likes an Instagram post featuring a video of Rick Ross getting ATTACKED after playing Kendrick Lamar's diss track Not Like Us

Trending 2 days ago

By Brian Gallagher For Dailymail.com

Published: 19:37 EDT, 1 July 2024 | Updated: 19:55 EDT, 1 July 2024

Drake threw immoderate subtle shadiness towards Rick Ross complete nan weekend, aft nan rapper was attacked successful Canada for playing Kendrick Lamar's diss way Not Like Us.

The 48-year-old rapper was performing astatine the Ignite Music Festival successful Vancouver, Canada erstwhile he decided to adjacent retired his group pinch Not Like Us, a diss way aimed astatine Drake.

He sewage into a heated statement pinch a man who yet struck him successful nan caput arsenic a little brawl ensued.

Toronto-based Instagram blogger Keep6ixSolid noticed that Drake had liked nan video, though nan rapper hasn't said thing other publicly.

Ross seemed unfazed by nan attack, telling TMZ on Monday that nary 1 connected his squad was earnestly injured.

Drake threw immoderate subtle shadiness towards Rick Ross complete nan weekend, aft nan rapper was attacked successful Canada for playing Kendrick Lamar's diss way Not Like Us.

The 48-year-old rapper was performing astatine nan Ignite Music Festival successful Vancouver, Canada erstwhile he decided to adjacent retired his group pinch Not Like Us, a diss way aimed astatine Drake.

Toronto-based Instagram blogger Keep6ixSolid noticed that Drake had liked nan video, thoughthe rapper hasn't said thing other publicly

A rep for Ross besides told nan outlet, 'Vancouver is simply a beautiful metropolis and he can't hold to spell back.'

Ross didn't admit nan brawl connected societal media, though he did stock a threat of him successful beforehand of his backstage pitchy connected Monday.

'Vancouver, it was fun. Till adjacent time,' he said successful nan caption of his Instagram communicative post,

Aside from his liking of 1 societal media post, immoderate deliberation Drake whitethorn person thrown immoderate very subtle shadiness astatine Ross successful a caller Instagram communicative post.

Monday marks Canada Day - a national vacation that celebrates nan Canada Confederation, which happened connected July 1, 1867.

Drake took to his Instagram communicative connected Monday, wearing a Toronto Raptors t-shirt, wishing his 146 cardinal Instagram followers a Happy Canada Day.

However, erstwhile he said, 'Happy Canada Day to everybody,' he started  chuckling for immoderate reason. 

Some were speculating that he was laughing astir Ross being attacked successful his location state connected nan eve of Canada Day. 

Ross didn't admit nan brawl connected societal media, though he did stock a threat of him successful beforehand of his backstage pitchy connected Monday

Drake and Los Angeles autochthonal Kendrick Lamar person been embroiled successful a rivalrous feud that goes backmost complete a decade.

While Kendrick had antecedently opened for Drake, he dissed Drake and different rappers successful Big Sean's 2013 opus Control.

Kendrick insisted it was only 'friendly competition' and some Drake and Kendrick person downplayed reports of a feud betwixt them complete nan years.

That each changed successful March 2024 erstwhile Drake released First Person Shooter pinch J. Cole, wherever he referred to himself, Cole and Kendrick arsenic nan 'big three' - nan apical 3 rappers astatine nan moment.

Kendrick fired backmost pinch his ain opus Like That pinch Metro Boomin and Future, wherever he rapped, 'motherf**k nan large three, n***a, it's conscionable large me.'

A slew of diss tracks from some sides, including Not Like Us, wherever Kendrick accuses Drake of being a pedophile.

Lamar made headlines past period astatine a Juneteenth performance wherever he agreed members of nan Bloods and Crips pack connected shape and performed Not Like Us 5 times successful a row. 

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