Bargain Hunt's Natasha Raskin Sharp shares rare update on daughter Jean after posting adorable snap

Trending 4 days ago

Bargain Hunt prima Natasha Raskin Sharp shared a uncommon update connected her babe girl Jean arsenic she posted an adorable threat to Instagram.

The 38-year-old antiques master gave commencement backmost successful January and had kept her full gestation a concealed from fans, only revealing nan happy news aft nan small 1 was born.

Natasha, who is joined to Joe Sharp, a shaper connected Celebrity Antiques Road Trip, has delighted fans passim caller months, sharing a fewer glimpses into life arsenic a caller mother.

She has shared a slew of images of babe Jean, pinch her look ever being covered by an emoji.

Although she regularly posts photos, fans person been keen for an update connected really nan babe is doing, which Natasha gave to listeners during an section connected her BBC Radio Scotland show connected Thursday.

Bargain Hunt prima Natasha Raskin Sharp has shared a uncommon update connected her babe girl Jean and posted an adorable threat to Instagram

In different saccharine picture, small Jean moreover had her very ain reddish Bargain Hunt cardigan, which had been talented to her by contestants called Nancy and Ellen

During her play episode, Natasha responded to a listener who asked what her daughter's prime of euphony would be.

The TV prima hilariously replied: 'I deliberation babe Jean would beryllium rather into Yellow Magic Orchestra, actually, if she could speak. 

'She was very vocal today, I person to say. She discovered nan syllable 'b' from nan infinitesimal she woke up.

'So possibly she would person said 'b-b-b-bloomin' marvellous choice', I don't know. Maybe she would person said 'b-b-b-Boz Scaggs was her favourite. For each I cognize that's what she was trying to say.'

She continued: 'Thank you Ken for asking, nary 1 has been asking what is Jean's favourite type of music, that's a very bully question.' 

The invited update comes arsenic nan youngster besides made her auction debut, which was shared successful an adorable Instagram threat by Natasha connected Thursday.

She shared a threat of herself speaking into nan microphone astatine a auction successful Edinburgh, while multitasking and holding babe Jean connected her hip.

Alongside nan image, she wrote: 'Baby Jean's first unrecorded auction today…forgive nan grainy pic! That was successful Edinburgh (for nan unthinkable @leuchiehousebreaks) but I'll beryllium successful nan Glasgow workplace for tonight. 

Other heartwarming snaps she's shared of nan small 1 see 1 wherever she's holding nan babe up to nan camera arsenic they return a selfie, pinch her eyes covered by prima emojis

 The 38-year-old antiques master gave commencement backmost successful January and had kept her full gestation a concealed from fans (pictured successful 2021)

Natasha is joined to Joe Sharp (pictured) a shaper connected Celebrity Antiques Road Trip

Natasha happily shared nan news of Jean's commencement connected societal media successful January, saying: 'What a measurement to commencement nan twelvemonth - nan past fewer days person been thing short of immense'

'Where will you beryllium tuning successful from? Do fto maine know. Hammer's up…see you via @bbcradioscot astatine 10pm!'

Other heartwarming snaps she's shared of nan small 1 see 1 wherever she's holding nan babe up to nan camera arsenic they return a selfie, pinch her eyes covered by prima emojis.

She quipped: 'Serious stars connected tonight’s playlist…join maine from 10pm utilizing nan @bbcsounds app.'

In different saccharine picture, small Jean moreover had her very ain reddish Bargain Hunt cardigan, which had been talented to her by contestants called Nancy and Ellen.

Natasha and her hubby Joe met backmost successful 2013, earlier marrying 4 years later, and now unrecorded together successful Glasgow.

The antiques master happily shared nan joyous news of Jean's commencement connected societal media successful January, saying: 'What a measurement to commencement nan twelvemonth - nan past fewer days person been thing short of immense.' 

She continued: 'I'll beryllium handing complete my Thursday nighttime @bbcradioscot duties to nan fantabulous @ravisagoogram for a short spell - thanks, Ravi. Catch him from 10pm connected @bbcsounds.

'In nan meantime, there’ll beryllium tons of caller #bbcbargainhunt and @antiqueroadtrip action (filmed erstwhile babe was a specified bump). Back soon! X'

Natasha, who is joined to Joe Sharp, a shaper connected Celebrity Antiques Road Trip, has delighted fans passim caller months, sharing a fewer glimpses into life arsenic a caller mother (pictured successful 2023)

Natasha (far right) famously helped pinch nan first ever connection connected Bargain Hunt successful 2018, which was cautiously planned by nan ancient show's team

Scottish presenter Natasha has been 1 of nan lead presenters connected Bargain Hunt since 2014 and has besides featured connected Antiques Road Trip, Flog It!, For What It's Worth and Baggage Battles. 

She was calved into a family of creation lovers and collectors, pinch her begetter nan creator Philip Raskin, and her grandfather erstwhile TV magician Max Raskin.

Natasha famously helped pinch nan first ever connection connected Bargain Hunt successful 2018, which was cautiously planned by nan ancient show's team.

With nan cameras rolling astatine nan grounds of Kedleston Hall state location successful Derbyshire, Natasha excitedly teased nan proposal, telling viewers that 'it's nan build-up to that large moment'.

Tony Chambers appeared arsenic a contestant pinch his woman Alison Cook and began mounting up nan infinitesimal by saying: 'I deliberation Alison is looking for immoderate jewellery aliases thing for illustration that.'

Presenter Tim Weeks took this arsenic his cue and led nan mates complete to a furniture wherever he pulled retired a container pinch nan engagement ringing inside.

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