Mark Wahlberg reveals he filmed Flight Risk with Mel Gibson in just 22 DAYS - as star opens up about working with Hollywood icon after eight-year directing hiatus

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By Eve Buckland For Dailymail.Com

Published: 12:15 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 12:47 EDT, 28 June 2024

Mark Wahlberg has revealed he filmed caller movie Flight Risk pinch head Mel Gibson successful conscionable 22 days successful a candid caller interview.

The actor, 53, takes connected nan lead domiciled of a hitman successful nan thriller, group for release  October 18 and marking Gibson's return to directing for nan first clip since 2016's Hacksaw Ridge.

Praising 68-year-old Gibson's activity ethic, he said: 'He knew precisely what he wanted and really to get it, but he was besides unfastened to collaborating,

'Again, to beryllium shooting 15, 20 pages a day, thing that I had ne'er done before. I've changeable down 'n dirty, but, for illustration 30 days was nan fastest I'd ever done a film. This was successful 20 aliases 22 days.'

Wahlberg and Gibson person antecedently worked together arsenic actors successful 2022's Father Stu and 2017's Daddy's Home 2.

Mark Wahlberg has revealed he filmed caller movie Flight Risk pinch head Mel Gibson successful conscionable 22 days successful a candid caller interview 

The actor, 53, takes connected nan lead domiciled of a hitman successful nan thriller, group for merchandise October 18 and marking Gibson's return to directing for nan first clip since 2016's Hacksaw Ridge - seen 2017

He said: 'Having seen Apocalypto a cardinal times and Braveheart and each different movie that he's directed, he's specified a talented filmmaker. 

'It was 1 of those things where, betwixt nan portion and to getting to activity pinch nan filmmaker, for maine it's ever apical of nan list: nan script, nan head and nan portion are nan 3 main components erstwhile making a choice,'

Wahlberg plays a aviator hired to alert a U.S. Marshal Harris (Michelle Dockery) and witnesser (Topher Grace) slated to attest against nan Moretti crime family.

The book from Jared Rosenberg landed connected The Black List successful 2020, nan yearly database of most-liked unmade scripts from that year.

Then successful May 2023, Mel Gibson signed connected to direct, pinch Wahlberg attached to star, reuniting pinch Gibson pinch Wahlberg.

The Flight Risk task marks nan first clip that Gibson was taking nan helm since his 2016 Best Picture nominee, Hacksaw Ridge.

The movie started accumulation successful June 2023, and was 1 of respective projects to person a SAG-AFTRA waiver for filming to proceed during nan writer and character strikes.

Hacksaw Ridge - which was locally made arsenic an Australian-U.S. co-production for US$40million, it went connected to gross $180million worldwide.

Nominated for six Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor for Andrew Garfield, Hacksaw Ridge won prizes for Editing and Sound mixing.

Praising 68-year-old Gibson's activity ethic, he said: 'He knew precisely what he wanted and really to get it, but he was besides unfastened to collaborating, 'Again, to beryllium shooting 15, 20 pages a day, thing that I had ne'er done before' - pictured 2022

Wahlberg, 53, plays a aviator hired to alert a U.S. Marshal Harris (Michelle Dockery, above) and witnesser (Topher Grace) slated to attest against nan Moretti crime family

The book from Jared Rosenberg landed connected The Black List successful 2020, nan yearly database of most-liked unmade scripts from that year 

Gibson's past directorial task Hacksaw Ridge Hacksaw Ridge went connected to gross $180million worldwide and was nominated for six Oscars - seen Andrew Garfield successful nan film

It besides won 9 Australian Academy Awards (AACTAS) including Best Picture.

What neither nan Marshal aliases nan witnesser recognize astatine first is nan aviator is not who he says he is, yet revealed arsenic a hitman for nan Moretti family.

Lionsgate announced backmost successful May that nan movie was fixed an October 18 merchandise date, putting it up against Paramount's Smile 2 and Searchlight Pictures' A Real Pain pinch Kieran Culkin and Jesse Eisenberg.

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