Claire Sweeney and Ricky Hatton are spotted leaving their Manchester hotel together after the lovebirds enjoyed a wild night out following the Sedulo Colour Ball

Trending 2 days ago

By Hannah Mcdonald

Published: 12:48 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 12:51 EDT, 28 June 2024

Claire Sweeney and Ricky Hatton were spotted leaving their Manchester edifice together aft they enjoyed a chaotic nighttime retired pursuing nan Sedulo Ball.

Lovebirds Claire, 53, and Ricky, 45, were amongst nan celebrities successful attendance astatine nan star-studded arena astatine nan Hilton Hotel connected Thursday.

The brace past headed to 186 nightclub for a nighttime of dense partying alongside nan stars specified arsenic Coleen Rooney. 

Claire and Ricky were past seen leaving nan Hilton nan adjacent greeting connected Friday pinch their bags successful hand.

The When You Believe vocalist kept it casual arsenic she paired a babe pinkish denim jumpsuit pinch flip flops.

Claire Sweeney and Rocky Hatton were spotted leaving their Manchester edifice together connected Friday aft they enjoyed a chaotic nighttime retired pursuing nan Sedulo Ball 

Lovebirds Claire, 53, and Ricky, 45, were amongst nan celebrities successful attendance astatine nan star-studded arena astatine nan Hilton Hotel connected Thursday

Meanwhile Ricky rocked nan socks and sandals look arsenic he sported a brace of Versace sliders, alongside a work-out shirts and a t-shirt.  

On Thursday, Ricky gushed complete Claire arsenic he shared a awesome narration update erstwhile nan mates attended the Sedulo Colour Ball 2024 astatine nan Hilton Hotel successful Manchester.

The nationalist person watched nan improbable narration betwixt erstwhile boxer Ricky and the Coronation Street actress go from spot to spot successful caller months.

And Ricky gushed that their narration is going 'great' and nan brace will beryllium celebrating their 'five month' day soon. 

He told The Mirror: 'I had a bully laughter connected nan ice. I mean, aft nan first day, I was frightened to decease but I ever emotion a challenge. 

'I sewage knocked retired successful nan first round, but I was capable to capable to meet Claire. I was ever a Billy nary mates astatine these things earlier Claire. 

Ricky joked up of nan event. 'No, it’s great! Me and Claire person been together astir 5 months now and agelong whitethorn it continue.'

The mates looked much loved-up than ever astatine nan kindness arena as Claire sweetly placed her manus connected her beloved boyfriend's enarthrosis arsenic they struck a airs connected nan reddish carpet.

The When You Believe vocalist kept it casual arsenic she paired a babe pinkish denim jumpsuit pinch flip flops

Claire and Ricky were past seen leaving nan Hilton nan adjacent greeting connected Friday pinch their bags successful hand

Ricky gushed complete woman connected Thursday arsenic he shared a awesome narration update arsenic they mates attended nan Sedulo Colour Ball 2024 astatine nan Hilton Hotel successful Manchester

Ricky gushed that their narration is going 'great' and nan brace will beryllium celebrating their 'five month' day soon

Dashing Ricky looked dapper successful a floral achromatic tuxedo, while Claire wowed successful a halterneck pinkish jumpsuit.

Claire and Ricky deed it disconnected aft they some appeared connected Dancing On Ice backmost successful January, and past period they returned from a romanticist travel to Tenerife together. 

The outing came aft Claire was overcome pinch pridefulness arsenic she took to Instagram to congratulate her fellow earlier successful nan month. 

Claire proved she is Ricky's biggest protagonist arsenic she gushed she was truthful proud of nan sportsman aft it was revealed he has earnt his spot successful nan Boxing Hall of Fame.

Sharing a video of Ricky speaking astir nan accolade, she wrote: 'So proud of you darling, flying to USA to beryllium inducted into nan Boxing Hall of Fame.

'What an honour, and truthful deserved @rickyhitmanhatton' alongside a bid of reddish bosom emojis. 

The nationalist person watched nan improbable narration betwixt erstwhile boxer Ricky and nan Coronation Street character spell from spot to spot successful caller months 

Claire and Ricky deed it disconnected aft they some appeared connected Dancing On Ice backmost successful January, and past period they returned from a romanticist travel to Tenerife together 

Speaking himself, Ricky said: 'Coming distant I thought receiving grant were a point of nan past. To do what I did, I person awesome memories, I person an MBE and I thought that was maine done, but to get nan telephone telephone astir nan Boxing Hall of Fame that was a due daze that was.

'I person besides conscionable thought of myself arsenic a section feline from Hattersley estate... I ever effort to support my feet connected nan crushed and enactment humble which is why I get embarrassed talking astir worldly for illustration this. 

'I judge this grant pinch everyone who has worked pinch me.... There are excessively galore group I could mention and each nan fans that person supported me.' 

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