Mamie Laverock's mother says When Calls The Heart actress, 19, has a 'long road to recovery'... one month after fall from fifth story balcony

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Mamie Laverock continues connected her roadworthy to recovery.

Her mother, Nicole Rockmann, gave an update connected societal media Wednesday astir nan 19-year-old's information pursuing a near-fatal autumn from a 5th communicative pavilion .

'Thank you for your treatment messages for Mamie,' nan anxious mom wrote connected Facebook.

'Mamie survived her injuries, nevertheless her roadworthy to betterment will beryllium long. I will beryllium mounting up a mailbox for each of your cards and good wishes shortly. Warmth, Nicole.'

'Thank you for nan update. You each are successful our thoughts and prayers,' wrote 1 fan.

Mamie Laverock, 19, faces a agelong 'road to recovery' pursuing her autumn from a 5th level pavilion successful May, her mother Nicole Rockmann wrote connected nan actress' Facebook page Wednesday June 26

'Praying for treatment saccharine Mamie. What a gift you are to truthful galore folks each complete nan world. God has a scheme for you beloved one. God bless you each arsenic you proceed to heal.❤'

'I cheque regular besides convey you for nan updates Mamie is my thoughts and prayers regular from 1 of her Heartie family,' said another. 

'Thank you truthful overmuch for nan update. I would emotion to person an address. Continued blessings connected her betterment and prayers for each of you,' who seemed to look guardant to sending individual bully wishes to nan young star.

The young actress, who played Rosaleen Sullivan connected nan celebrated Hallmark Channel series, had been receiving curen connected a unafraid portion astatine a infirmary aft suffering a aesculapian emergency May 11.

On May 26 she suffered 'life threatening' injuries aft falling from a fifth-floor pavilion walkway located successful nan hospital.

When her family reported nan incident, Rockmann wrote nan character had 'undergone aggregate extended surgeries, and is presently connected life support.'

She revealed successful an article pinch the Los Angeles Times that nan young actress, who played a nursing student connected When Calls The Heart, had been transferred to a trauma halfway and was nary longer astatine St. Paul's hospital, wherever nan mishap occurred.

'Thank you for your treatment messages for Mamie.'  Laverock's mother Nicole Rockmann wrote. 'Mamie survived her injuries, nevertheless her roadworthy to betterment will beryllium long. I will beryllium mounting up a mailbox for each of your cards and good wishes shortly. Warmth, Nicole'

Laverock played nursing student Rosaleen Sullivan connected nan celebrated Hallmark Channel show When Calls The Heart 

Earlier this month, nan family shared a photograph of nan 19-year-old character holding a mini teddy carnivore arsenic she laic successful a infirmary furniture pursuing respective awesome surgeries to repair her injuries

Her mother said nan autumn was not 'intended' and was not a termination effort told nan LA Times location would beryllium 'accountability' for nan infirmary wherever nan incident took place

'This is an absolute occurrence and location will beryllium accountability,' she told nan outlet.

'We person a case. All we attraction astir is that Mamie tin make a betterment and that she’s live and that she’s fighting and that she’s strong. It’s unbelievable that she’s pinch us.'

Her mother said nan autumn was not 'intended' and was not a termination attempt. 

A spokesperson for nan hospital, which is operated by Providence Health Care, told nan paper, 'In cases related to diligent safety, an soul captious incident reappraisal is conducted to find precisely what happened and to make recommendations for improved diligent safety.

'Our hearts spell retired to nan patient, family, and each affected by this event, and we connection our champion wishes for a afloat recovery.'

So acold fans person donated astir $40,000 Canadian dollars to offset costs related to Laverock's recovery. 

Earlier this month, Laverock's family released a photograph of nan young prima holding a small teddy carnivore arsenic she laic successful a infirmary bed.

Her manus was hooked up to an IV.

'All we attraction astir is that Mamie tin make a betterment and that she’s live and that she’s fighting and that she’s strong,' her mother said

Fans person donated astir $40,000 Canadian dollars to a Go Fund Me run to offset infirmary costs

The family had earlier shared immoderate 'Flashback Friday' photos from picnic and immoderate different family snaps. 

'She is recovering slowly. She is connected nan mend,' character Erin Krakow told Entertainment Tonight earlier this month. 

'I've been successful touch pinch her parents and it's a really reliable clip for nan family correct now. They person sent their immense gratitude to [the] When Calls nan Heart organization for each their support.'

'She's special, and she's resilient,' Krakow said, adding that she hadn't spoken pinch her co-star personally, but had conversed pinch her parents.

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