Alexi Lalas rips USMNT as 'not good enough' and says team has failed to improve under 'kumbaya' head coach Gregg Berhalter: 'I don't care how much your players love you'

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By Alex Raskin

Published: 08:15 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 08:26 EDT, 2 July 2024

Alexi Lalas echoed nan frustrations of millions of American shot fans aft nan men's nationalist squad bowed retired of Copa America pinch a 1-0 group nonaccomplishment to Uruguay.

He stopped short of calling for Gregg Berhalter's firing, but Lalas made 1 point clear: The timepiece is ticking for nan US to amended earlier hosting nan 2026 World Cup.

'You talk astir learning from losing, OK?' Lalas told nan Fox Sports sheet aft Monday's nonaccomplishment successful Kansas City. 'I deliberation what we person learned from these cycles is that this squad is not capable to do thing amended than it has done successful nan past.

'That hurts to say, because that's not what was promised. Because if this is arsenic bully arsenic it gets, it's not bully enough. There's plentifulness of excuses, but they don't matter.'

And Lalas didn't precisely fto nan team's embattled coach of nan hook.

"This is not bully capable from Gregg Berhalter... We can't spend to beryllium embarrassed, and we can't spend to get successful nan summertime of 2026 pinch a squad that has not progressed, that has not evolved, and has not improved." 🇺🇸

- @AlexiLalas

— FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) July 2, 2024

Alexi Lalas echoed nan frustrations of millions of American shot fans connected Monday night

He stopped short of calling for Gregg Berhalter's firing, but Lalas said nan timepiece is ticking

'When it comes to Gregg Berhalter,' Lalas began, 'I cognize there's a athletics successful firing coaches successful each master sports, and I cognize nan knives are out, and they should be, because this is not bully capable from Gregg Berhalter.

'And you person to inquire yourself, pinch 2026 coming barreling down nan pike, it's going to travel existent quick, we can't spend to discarded it, we can't spend to beryllium embarrassed, we can't spend to get successful nan summertime of '26 pinch a squad that has not progressed, that has not evolved and that has not improved.

'Now I'm judge that if Gregg Berhalter was present he would say, ''Oh, but you don't spot what is happening inside.''

'I don't springiness a crap what is happening inside. I don't attraction astir nan dynamic, I don't attraction really overmuch your players emotion you, I don't attraction really kumbaya it is, each I attraction astir is I spot a US Men's National Team that is amended than before, and we haven't seen that, and that's a problem going forward.'

Christian Pulisic reacts arsenic he leaves nan transportation aft losing 1-0 to Uruguay successful Kansas City 

In different circumstances, Lalas' connection whitethorn not person been good received.

He's not nan astir celebrated expert among USMNT fans, and precocious told The Athletic 'I don't attraction if you for illustration maine aliases you don't.'

But connected Monday, pinch fans chanting 'Fire Berhalter' connected their measurement retired of Arrowhead Stadium, and a akin hashtag, '#BerhalterOut,' trending connected X, Lalas seemed to deed nan correct note.

'I don't work together pinch Alexi often but he deed nan nail connected nan caput post-game,' wrote 1 fan. 'This is nan astir talented generation, but do they show nan aforesaid grit and conflict arsenic nan teams moreover a decade Culture starts astatine nan top.'

'Everyone hates connected Alexi Lalas but personally I deliberation him and Taylor Twellman are a activity of caller air,' different wrote, referring to nan Fox expert and his Apple TV counterpart. 

'In a world and sports media that's progressively politically driven and each astir not stepping connected toes those 2 guys conscionable show it for illustration it is. We're not bully enough. Period.'

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