White House staffers ‘scared s–tless’ of erratic Biden: report

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Some White House staffers person been forced to tiptoe around President Biden erstwhile briefing him connected definite topics because they want to avoid eliciting his wrath and are “scared s–tless” of him, a caller study says.

“It’s like, ‘You can’t see that, that will group him off,’ aliases ‘Put that in, he likes that,’ ” a elder management charismatic told Politico, referring to really immoderate of nan 81-year-old president’s aides consciousness they person to locomotion done a minefield earlier briefings to debar him getting angry pinch them.

“It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing,” nan root said. “Because he is not a pleasant personification to beryllium astir erstwhile he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and group are frightened s—less of him.”

Biden “doesn’t return proposal from anyone different than those fewer apical aides, and it becomes a cleanable large wind because he conscionable gets much and much isolated from their efforts to power it,” nan root said.

The White House vehemently rejected nan characterizations of nan president, pinch Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates stressing to The Post connected Tuesday, “That’s simply not who he is.”

President Biden is facing a media firestorm complete his statement capacity Thursday. Getty Images

In nan past, allegations person emerged astir Biden having a hair-trigger temper and reaming retired aides — sometimes pinch profane connection — erstwhile vexed by definite developments.

The president’s temper has flared publically connected occasion, too, including erstwhile faced pinch reliable questions from The Post.

Other aides person reportedly sought to bring a workfellow pinch them to meetings for civilized support.

Biden has leaned connected a very tight-knit soul circle that has tried to supply screen for him from nan media and different groups. His protective go-to group see elder advisor Anita Dunn, erstwhile main of unit Ron Klain, Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed.

The Post learned that Biden’s boy Hunter besides has been participating successful West Wing meetings this week, aft nan president’s disastrous statement against GOP foe Donald Trump.

Since President Biden’s embarrassing showing, nan White House has faced reliable caller questions astir nan protective bubble astir him and his cognitive state.

During nan debate, Biden grew stonefaced astatine times and appeared to suffer his train of thought. AP

“There’s decidedly groupthink,” an advisor to a Democratic philanthropist told Politico, referring to Biden’s soul circle, which has been shielding him. “They’ve known each different a agelong time.

“Any reasonable personification watching nan statement would person concerns, and dismissing them is, to a batch of people, patronizing,” nan root said, referring to immoderate Dem elite who person publically claimed there’s thing to spot present erstwhile it comes to Biden’s intelligence awareness.

A Democratic operative added of nan group, “They don’t return dissent.

“If you try, past you don’t get invited to nan adjacent call, nan adjacent meeting.”

A elder House Democrat described nan Biden squad arsenic “pretty insular” and 1 that “doesn’t really attraction what anybody says.”

Biden’s statement capacity has thrust Democrats into disarray, panicked complete their chances of winning nan presidency again travel Nov. 5 while finger-pointing complete nan full ordeal.

White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients is group to clasp an all-staff telephone telephone Wednesday to accent nan “importance of support doing nan activity and executing connected our mission.” Getty Images

Exacerbating concerns is nan truth that galore salient Democrats declare Biden hasn’t reached retired aft nan statement to reassure them aliases springiness a consciousness of guidance during nan firestorm.

A elder Democratic adjutant told The Post that nan president isn’t straight reaching retired to immoderate of his party’s lawmakers connected Capitol Hill.

“You can’t person nan problem you’ve had — past spell to a run rally and deliberation nan container is checked,” a Democratic strategist remarked, contending that Biden could person eased concerns by going connected nan Sunday TV talk shows.

But a White House charismatic pushed backmost connected nan claims, telling The Post, “There has been meaningful outreach astatine a elder level.”

Staffers conflict characterizations of Biden’s briefing behavior

Some existent and erstwhile staffers besides publically disputed nan characterizations of Biden’s behind-the-scenes behaviour during briefings.

“I personally helped little President Biden galore times and this was not my experience. In fact, it was nan other — we were overinclusive astir flagging downsides of immoderate recommended people of action truthful he could afloat measure costs and benefits,” wrote Bharat Ramamurti, erstwhile lawman head of nan National Economic Council, connected X.

I personally helped little President Biden galore times and this was not my experience. In fact, it was nan other — we were overinclusive astir flagging downsides of immoderate recommended people of action truthful he could afloat measure costs and benefits. https://t.co/qms1rrs67b

— Bharat Ramamurti (@BharatRamamurti) July 2, 2024

“Does he inquire difficult questions to make judge ideas clasp up? Sure. If that makes you uncomfortable you shouldn’t beryllium briefing nan President of nan United States.”

Bates besides knocked nan claims arsenic “unfair distortions of processes that beryllium successful each administration.

“In each administration, location are individuals who would for illustration to walk much clip pinch nan president and elder officials,” Bates said successful a statement.

“President Biden fights difficult for families each day, moving pinch a wide scope of squad members astatine what he is proud is nan astir divers White House ever — and achieving historical results for nan American group because of his determination, values, and experience.”

A White House charismatic besides told The Post that “the president actively seeks input from a wide scope of unit who person had different experiences.

“On [Air Force 1], he’ll sometimes spell spot to seat, checking successful pinch folks connected their portfolios, really they deliberation a travel went, etc. He’s besides very inquisitive to [National Security Council} and home argumentation taxable matter experts who rotate successful and out,” nan charismatic added.

“The group of group successful briefings aliases prep meetings tin beryllium 8 to 10 astatine times.”

Biden appears to beryllium slipping further successful polls against Donald Trump aft nan debate. Getty Images for DNC

The president’s run claims he will still participate successful a Sept. 10 statement against Trump and hosted by ABC News.

Biden besides has agreed to beryllium down for an question and reply pinch ABC that will get trickled retired connected aerial later this week.

The president has acknowledged his statement shortcomings but insisted, “I would not beryllium moving again if I did not judge pinch each of my bosom and psyche that I tin do this job.”

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