Disgraceful America-hating anti-Israel protesters burn US flag on July 4th in NYC 

Trending 2 days ago

A braying mob of astir 100 anti-Israel protesters spent Independence Day burning American flags and chanting “Burn it down!” successful Washington Square Park, portion of a coordinated “Flood Manhattan for July 4th” demonstration.

At slightest 1 personification was arrested, cops said, but they did not disclose nan charges nan alleged perpetrator was facing.

A group of astir 100 radicals descended connected Washington Square Park connected July 4 to sound disconnected against nan US and Israel arsenic they burned American flags. VOZ

Video shows a New Yorker successful a Yankees chapeau trying to logic pinch nan group, but he’s quickly shouted down by a man successful glasses who gleefully cheers “F–k Israel! F–k America! Woohoo!” arsenic his chap making out trust-fund radicals giggle successful approval.

The camera past pans down to a tattered Old Glory, smoldering adjacent to a poster depicting Trump and Biden wearing crowns beneath “DEATH TO ALL KINGS” successful large artifact letters.

Anti-Israel demonstrators burned respective American flags astatine nan arena arsenic nan crowd chanted, “Burn it down!” VOZ

The poster was evidently a reference to nan Supreme Court’s ruling earlier this week granting US presidents “absolute immunity” from prosecution from “official acts” during their clip successful office.

Keffiyeh-wearing photographers brought their lenses successful adjacent to seizure nan emblem desecration arsenic chants of “Free free free Palestine” and “Burn it down” echoed passim nan park.

Cops showed up wearing helmets to quell nan mob, who shouted “Oink oink piggy piggy” and different insults astatine them. FreedomNewsTV

The crowd appeared to pain respective different flags passim nan protest.

A female astatine 1 constituent callously walks crossed nan stars and stripes pinch her camera lens fixed downward astatine her feet.

The footage seems to return pains to debar showing anyone’s faces, but nan crowd skewed young.

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