At least 2 swimmers bitten by shark off Texas' South Padre Island

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Why do shark attacks hap and really communal are they? 06:41

The 4th of July vacation turned into a nightmare for beachgoers successful nan waters astir South Padre Island, Texas, aft authorities said a shark spot astatine slightest 2 swimmers. 

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department reported that 2 group were bitten by what is believed to beryllium nan aforesaid shark, and different 2 group encountered nan shark but were not earnestly hurt. Two victims were taken to Valley Regional Medical Center successful Brownsville, Texas, 1 of whom was later airlifted to different hospital, nan agency said. Their conditions were not confirmed, and their names were not released. 

In a abstracted audio connection Thursday evening, South Padre Island Fire Chief Jim Pigg said that 3 of nan victims were hospitalized and nan 4th was treated astatine nan segment for insignificant injuries.

Pigg besides disclosed that nan shark "was located astatine nan southbound extremity of nan land and was pushed retired to deeper water."  

At astir 11 a.m. section clip Thursday, officers responded to a study of a man who had sustained a severe shark bite near nan 4100 artifact of Gulf Boulevard, nan South Padre Island Police Department reported. The unfortunate was treated connected segment for a shark wound to his limb earlier he was transported to a adjacent hospital, constabulary said.

Also soon earlier 11 a.m., video obtained by PapaRead News showed constabulary rushing to nan segment of a female who was bitten connected her near limb by a shark while swimming.

The video showed Good Samaritans and first responders pulling nan female from nan h2o and wrapping a tourniquet astir her limb to slow nan bleeding. A dorsal fin tin beryllium seen swimming backmost and distant adjacent nan shoreline. 

"Pending investigation, we do not cognize nan species, we do not cognize nan logic why this is happening, it's unprecedented correct present connected South Padre Island," Pigg said. 

Dr. Kelsey Banks, an subordinate investigation intelligence pinch nan Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation astatine Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, told PapaRead News successful an email that nan video posted to societal media suggested a "larger shark species."

"Larger coastal type person been known to summation feeding behaviors and stay person to statement anterior to ample meteorological disturbances," Banks wrote. 

In response, officials quickly deployed drones, boats and a chopper to hunt for sharks. The metropolis said it was considering closing nan formation to nan public, a Coast Guard lieutenant confirmed to PapaRead News. 

South Padre Island is simply a 113-mile-long obstruction island, disconnected nan confederate extremity of Texas, known for its resorts and beaches.

— Manuel Bojorquez contributed to this report. 

  • Texas

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