What do tickets cost to see comedian Jenny Slate on her 2024 book tour?

Trending 2 days ago

You whitethorn admit Jenny Slate‘s sound from “Marcel The Shell With Shoes On,” “The Secret Life of Pets,” “Zootopia,” “The Lego Batman” aliases “Big Mouth.”

It’s besides imaginable you’ve seen her successful “Everything Everywhere All At Once,” “Obvious Child,” “Saturday Night Live,” “Venom” and “Parks and Recreation.”

This fall, you tin yet spot her unrecorded and successful person.

The 42-year-old character and comedienne precocious announced she’s embarking connected an eight-show book tour from Oct. 22-30 successful support of her caller postulation of essays “Life Form.”

To footwear disconnected nan speedy jaunt, nan erstwhile “Not Ready For Prime Time Player” will driblet into New York City’s Town Hall connected Tuesday, Oct. 22.

Other notable stops connected nan tally see Boston (Oct. 23), Seattle (Oct. 24), Los Angeles (Oct. 25), Chicago (Oct. 28) and Washington, D.C. (Oct. 30).

As of now, tickets are disposable for each of Slate’s shows.

The lowest value we could find for immoderate gig of hers was $73 earlier fees connected Vivid Seats astatine nan clip of publication.

All different shows commencement anyplace from $77 to $152 earlier fees.

Curious really overmuch it will costs to spot nan charming comic/author/actress unrecorded astatine nan venue closest to you?

For much information, we’ve sewage everything you request to cognize and much astir Jenny Slate’s 2024 book circuit below.

All prices listed supra are taxable to fluctuation.

Jenny Slate circuit schedule 2024

A complete almanac including each circuit dates, venues and links to bargain tickets tin beryllium recovered below.

Jenny Slate circuit datesTicket prices
start at
Oct. 22 astatine Town Hall successful New York, NY$85
Oct. 23 astatine nan Wilbur Theatre successful Boston, MA$77
Oct. 24 astatine The Neptune Theatre successful Seattle, WA$84
Oct. 25 astatine nan Palace Theatre successful Los Angeles, CA$81
Oct. 27 astatine nan Palace of Fine Arts successful San Francisco, CA$84
Oct. 28 astatine nan Athenaeum Theatre successful Chicago, IL$152
Oct. 29 astatine nan Orpheum Theatre successful Madison, WI$92
Oct. 30 astatine nan Warner Theatre successful Washington, D.C.$73

(Note: The New York Post confirmed each supra prices astatine nan publication time. All prices are successful US dollars, taxable to change and see further fees astatine checkout.)

Vivid Seats is simply a verified secondary marketplace ticketing platform, and prices whitethorn beryllium higher aliases little than look value, depending connected demand. 

They connection a 100% purchaser guarantee that states your transaction will beryllium safe and unafraid and your tickets will beryllium delivered anterior to nan event.

“Life Form” book

Slate’s 2nd book “Life Form” hits shelves Oct. 22.

The postulation of stories inspired by her life are told successful 5 sections aliases “phases” of Slate’s past fewer years — Single, True Love, Pregnancy, Baby, and Ongoing — done “luminous, laugh-out-loud funny, unclassifiable essays that return nan shape of letters to a doctor, dreams of a stork, imagination therapy sessions, rumors betwixt raccoons, excerpts from an imaginary olden time-y play, obituaries, theories astir post-partum hairsbreadth loss, graduation speeches, and more.”

Fans tin pre-order nan 240-page “Life Form” here.

Jenny Slate upcoming projects

On apical of nan tour, Slate besides has 5 immense TV and movie shows successful nan works. According to IMDb, here’s what’s adjacent for her:

“It Ends pinch Us” tells nan communicative of Lily (Blake Lively) who overcomes a traumatic puerility to embark connected a caller life. A chance gathering pinch a neurosurgeon sparks a relationship but Lily originates to spot sides of him that are akin to her parents’ relationship. Justin Baldoni and Hasan Minhaj besides star.

“The Electric State” centers astir an orphaned teen that traverses nan American West pinch a sweet, but mysterious, robot, and an eccentric drifter successful hunt of her younger brother. Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt, Ke Huy Quan, Stanley Tucci and Patti Harrison information retired nan cast.

“The Ark and nan Aardvark” follows an aardvark named Gilbert that lands nan occupation of shepherding each nan animals onto Noah’s Ark. Big names successful nan ensemble see Aubrey Plaza, Miles Teller, Stephen Merchant, Craig Robinson and Rob Riggle.

“Dying for Sex” is a miniseries astir a female diagnosed pinch metastatic bosom cancer, who abandons her hubby of 15 years and originates to afloat research her sexuality. Michelle Willams, Sissy Spacek, Rob Delaney, Jay Duplass and Kelvin Yu besides star.

“Mindful” mines drama from modern technology. When nan film’s hero’s hubby unexpectedly passes distant while utilizing nan Mindful app for meditation, Angela (Slate), who has sedate doubts astir nan caller wellness fad, discovers that paranormal forces person merged pinch nan technology. No ther formed members person been announced yet.

Huge comedians connected circuit successful 2024

Slate isn’t nan only awesome drama icon connected nan roadworthy these adjacent fewer months.

Here are conscionable 5 much of our favorites you won’t want to miss live.

• Ellen Degeneres

• Sarah Silverman

• Nikki Glaser

• Sarah Sherman

• Leslie Jones

Who other is retired and about? Take a look astatine our database of nan 107 biggest comedians connected circuit successful 2024 to find out.

Why you should spot ‘Post Wanted’ by nan New York Post

This article was written by Matt Levy, New York Post unrecorded events reporter. Levy stays up-to-date connected each nan latest circuit announcements from your favourite philharmonic artists and comedians, arsenic good arsenic Broadway openings, sporting events and much unrecorded shows – and finds awesome summons prices online. Since he started his tenure astatine nan Post successful 2022, Levy has reviewed Bruce Springsteen and interviewed Melissa Villaseñor of SNL fame, to sanction a few. Please statement that deals tin expire, and each prices are taxable to change.

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