Love Island fans claim Grace is 'doing Casa Amor right' as she enjoys a '10/10' kiss with Moziah just hours after forgettable snog with Blade as love triangle gets heated

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NAME: Hugo Godfroy 

AGE: 24 

FROM: Southampton

OCCUPATION: Electrician

WHO DO YOU HAVE YOUR EYE ON IN THE VILLA? I for illustration Uma, I deliberation she carries herself good and seems very respectful. The aforesaid pinch Jess arsenic my type is brunette.

WHAT KIND OF ISLANDER ARE YOU GOING TO BE? I’ll beryllium an honorable Islander and I’m ne'er acrophobic to beryllium myself. I ever return people’s opinions connected committee but I’m not a yes man - I’m going successful location to find emotion and prepared to measurement connected toes to do so. 


NAME: Jake Spivey

AGE: 25 

FROM: Essex

OCCUPATION: Electrician

WHO DO YOU HAVE YOUR EYE ON IN THE VILLA? Matilda, she’s my frontrunner. She’s my type to a tee. She said she likes muscles, tan, teeth… I thought, cool, she seems for illustration a bully shot of fun. I’m going to spell for her. Grace is charismatic arsenic well.

WHAT KIND OF ISLANDER ARE YOU GOING TO BE? Very direct. I’m very, very confident. I’m rather a societal butterfly, I mingle pinch everyone and propulsion myself successful astatine nan heavy end. I’m not going to beryllium holding backmost aliases beryllium acrophobic to spell successful location and spell for what I want. 


NAME: Moziah Pinder 

AGE: 29

FROM: Brighton

OCCUPATION: Personal Trainer 

WHO DO YOU HAVE YOUR EYE ON IN THE VILLA? Grace is my type, nan measurement she carries herself is very charismatic to me. Uma is stunning and I deliberation we would get connected really well. Also, Mimii is simply a awesome girl.

WHAT KIND OF ISLANDER ARE YOU GOING TO BE? I americium an observant personification and present to find a genuine relationship pinch personification - I will beryllium my champion aforesaid successful Casa Amor.


NAME: Blade Siddiqi

AGE: 29

FROM: Stevenage

OCCUPATION: Butler successful nan Buff

WHO DO YOU HAVE YOUR EYE ON IN THE VILLA? The 3 that person really caught my oculus are Uma, Grace and Matilda. They each person their ain qualities.

WHAT KIND OF ISLANDER ARE YOU GOING TO BE? First and foremost, I’m looking to travel and shingle things up. I want to bring nan energy, get amongst it and really see myself arsenic personification who is looking for thing genuine moving forward. I want a Queen by my side.


NAME: Lionel Awudu

AGE: 24 

FROM: Reading

OCCUPATION: Financial advisor

WHO DO YOU HAVE YOUR EYE ON IN THE VILLA? Top 3 girls successful nary peculiar order, Mimii, Uma and Grace. 

WHAT KIND OF ISLANDER ARE YOU GOING TO BE? I’m trying to find nan emotion of my life, who tin admit maine and I tin admit them. There’s nary amended spot than Love Island. I’ve tried accepted making love methods, but it hasn't really worked retired for me.


NAME: Joel Kirby

AGE: 22

FROM: Devon

OCCUPATION: Post-Grad and Content Creator

WHO DO YOU HAVE YOUR EYE ON IN THE VILLA? Uma seems really sound, I consciousness for illustration we’d get on. Grace, she looks for illustration my ex-girlfriend who was besides called Grace.

WHAT KIND OF ISLANDER ARE YOU GOING TO BE? Hopefully rather a cheeky one. I’m rather impulsive. I speak earlier I deliberation and clear up nan messiness afterwards… which is benignant of funny.

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