Netflix fans in shock over 'insane' new docuseries: 'Way beyond what I imagined'

Trending 2 days ago

Netflix viewers person been near wholly horrified by a 'disgusting' and 'enraging' caller documentary, pinch galore declaring that nan three-part bid is moreover worse than they had imagined.

The Man With 1000 Kids, which premiered globally connected July 3, follows Dutch YouTuber and prolific sperm donor Jonathan Jacob Meijer, 42, who is believed to person fathered upwards of 500 children complete astir 2 decades. 

Viewers expressed their daze connected societal media, pinch galore successful disbelief astatine Jonathan, who has insisted his compulsion to donate is an enactment of altruism.

'The Netflix doc The Man pinch 1000 Kids is nuts,' wrote 1 connected X. 'That dude request to beryllium locked up.'

Another said: 'Holy smokes!! The man pinch 1000 kids is conscionable enraging. Jonathan and Leon merit immoderate benignant of punishment. That's disgusting connected truthful galore levels.'

A marque caller three-part docuseries has near Netflix viewers emotion 'disgusted' 

The Man pinch 1000 Kids unpacks nan unnerving communicative of serial sperm philanthropist Jonathan Jacob Meijer (pictured)

A 3rd added: 'Ok. I knew The Man pinch 1000 Kids Doc was going to beryllium wild, but this is insane and measurement beyond what I imagined.' 

'So, I conscionable watched 'The Man With 1000 Kids' connected Netflix and I honestly don't cognize what to say,' a 4th said.

'I thought "Our Father" was bad but this...idek. I person nary words. Every section had a caller twist that made everything moreover worse and I was conscionable like...'

Addressing nan implications of fathering hundreds of children, 1 personification said: 'The Man With 1000 Kids is insane. Like they are guaranteed to tally into a related and not know. Smh.'

The Man pinch 1000 Kids hears from immoderate of nan mothers who revealed really Johnathan would bypass charismatic sperm banks and sometimes moreover propose they person activity to conceive.

Vanessa, from nan Netherlands, recalled really she connected pinch Jonathan on a website wherever they arranged for him to sojourn her location and donate his sperm into a cup.

However, erstwhile he arrived astatine her house, she alleges he convinced her to conceive her kid 'naturally' with him because it was nan astir 'effective' method of conception - and truthful she agreed to person activity pinch him.

Jonathan refused to look successful nan documentary, which he branded ‘deceiving and misleading.’

The Man With 1000 Kids has captivated viewers arsenic it exposes nan seedy underbelly of sperm donation

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Woman Hour, he said: 'They deliberately called [the documentary] The Man With 1,000 Kids, erstwhile it should beryllium “the sperm philanthropist who helped families conceive pinch 550 children”.'

Jonathan's children are dotted each complete nan world. Around 375 unrecorded successful nan Netherlands, 80 successful Germany, 35 successful Belgium, 4 successful Argentina, and 2 successful Australia.

His wide donations first came to ray successful 2017 and he was banned from donating to Dutch fertility clinics, wherever he had already fathered complete 100 children.

However, he continued to donate abroad, including to nan Danish sperm slope Cryos which operates internationally, and offered his services done websites and societal media, according to nan Dutch news website Algemeen Dagblad.

The Cryos sperm slope sold his donations for astir £1,100 each, but Jonathan claims he donates his sperm for free. He told German media: 'I don't inquire for anything, but sometimes I person £64, a level ticket, aliases a camera arsenic a gift.'

Jonathan besides continued to connection himself arsenic a philanthropist connected sites matching prospective parents pinch sperm donors, sometimes utilizing a different name.

Some of his 'victims' person since group up a Facebook page pinch nan sinister-sounding sanction Donor 102 - nan number of babies he was recovered to person fathered successful 2017.

Vanessa, who features, revealed she arranged to privately person a kid pinch Jonathan, 42, who suggested conceiving 'naturally'

Jonathan and his lawyer Richard van der Zwan return their seats successful tribunal successful April 2023 erstwhile he was ordered to extremity donating semen to clinics 

In April 2023, a Dutch tribunal ordered Jonathan to extremity donating semen to clinics, aliases look being fined 100,000 euros ($1078,000) per infraction.

Judges besides ordered him to constitute to clinics overseas asking them to destruct immoderate of his semen they person successful stock, isolated from doses reserved for parents who already had children by him.

The determination came aft a civilian lawsuit was started by a instauration representing nan interests of philanthropist children and Dutch parents who had utilized Jonathan arsenic a donor.

They based on that his continued donations violated nan correct to a backstage life of his philanthropist children, whose expertise to shape romanticist relationships are hampered by fears of accidental incest and inbreeding.

Incredibly, Jonathan continues to donate sperm, but, he claims, only to women who already person a kid from him and want another, which nan caller tribunal verdict allows for.

The Man With 1000 Kids is streaming connected Netflix

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