Travis Barker reveals he and Kourtney Kardashian were 'workout buddies' before becoming romantic: 'It was what started it all'

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Travis Barker shared that his romance pinch wife Kourtney Kardashian started connected a sweaty note. 

The rocker, 48, revealed that he was 'workout buddies' pinch nan Kardashians star, 45, earlier sparks flew and they started a relationship.

'It's 1 of nan main reasons we were truthful close,' he told People successful a caller interview, while promoting his upcoming Run Travis Run event. 

'We would ever activity retired together and tally together aliases do worldly for illustration that together earlier we were ever successful a narration — we were workout buddies forever. It was what started it all,' he added.

The Blink-182 drummer said that nan brace person continued to enactment progressive together, moreover aft welcoming boy Rocky in November 2023.  

Travis Barker, 48, shared that he and woman Kourtney Kardashian, 45, started arsenic 'workout buddies' earlier becoming romantic; The brace pictured successful February successful Los Angeles

'We'll do Pilates together, we'll carve retired a half hr aliases an hr each time to spell out,' he said of his regular pinch nan Poosh founder. 

Travis said he originates his time by 'walking 30 minutes while I devour immoderate benignant of audiobook aliases podcast.'

He shared he does nan aforesaid point during nighttime because he has ever 'struggled pinch sleeping' particularly aft playing a show erstwhile he's ' coiled up and hyper.'

He besides said he has borrowed Kourtney's look for a 'really bully avocado shake.'

'I stole her shingle from her, and I've conscionable made that germinate a small spot and I made my own. We're some really into wellness. I introduced her to matcha backmost successful nan day. She's introduced maine to peculiar foods.'

Travis said nan mother-of-four eats a vegan fare 'about 75 percent of nan time.'

'It's astonishing to beryllium pinch personification that has nan aforesaid emotion for wellness,' he added.

Run Travis Run is group to return spot successful Los Angeles connected Saturday, July 6, and successful Queens, New York, connected Sunday, July 21. 

Travis and Kourtney sewage successful characteristic arsenic Forrest Gump and Jenny to movie a funny promo video for nan drummer's moving arena past month.

The musician reenacted scenes from Forrest Gump's epic tally crossed nan United States dressing successful a akin short-sleeve plaid shirt, belted khaki pants and a reddish shot cap.

'It's 1 of nan main reasons we were truthful close,' he told People successful a caller interview, while promoting his upcoming Run Travis Run event  

'We would ever activity retired together and tally together aliases do worldly for illustration that together earlier we were ever successful a narration — we were workout buddies forever. It was what started it all,' he added

The Blink-182 drummer said that nan brace person continued to enactment progressive together, aft welcoming boy Rocky successful November 2023; They are pictured successful 2022

'We'll do Pilates together, we'll carve retired a half hr aliases an hr each time to spell out,' he said of his regular pinch nan Poosh founder

Travis and Kourtney held their wedding successful Portofino complete nan summertime of 2022 and past welcomed their small boy this past November 

He runs done a section and down a ungraded way pinch trees and yellowish flowers connected either broadside of him arsenic nan opus Run Forrest Run by Alan Silvestri from nan 1994 movie plays successful nan background.

At 1 point, he runs past his woman Kourtney who yells out: 'Run Travis Run!'

He captioned nan post: 'I conscionable felt for illustration running,' which is nan aforesaid point Tom Hanks arsenic Forrest Gump told a newsman successful nan movie erstwhile he was asked why he ran crossed nan United States for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours, covering 13,889 miles and crossing nan state almost 5 times.

On the event's page Travis writes: 'After my mishap successful 2008 much than 70% of my assemblage was burnt and I was told by doctors that I whitethorn ne'er beryllium capable to locomotion aliases play drums nan aforesaid again. I was ne'er diversion and I ne'er played sports but I instantly had this impulse to beryllium everyone incorrect including myself.'

'It started disconnected pinch short walks and past that turned into short runs everyday. I felt this consciousness of calmness and a unreserved of dopamine each clip I ran. I’ve kept this up for years now, and I ever commencement my time pinch it. I moreover tally 3 miles mundane earlier my shows erstwhile I’m connected tour.'

'This past twelvemonth I ran my first half marathon and participated successful a fewer 5k’s. I loved really everyone from each walks of life ran together and supported 1 another. The moving organization is monolithic and it really inspired maine to create Run Travis Run arsenic a measurement to bring for illustration minded group together. I wanna motivate group to get extracurricular and locomotion aliases tally for a fewer hours, arsenic good arsenic make patient decisions and create patient habits.'

'This is what Run Travis Run is built disconnected of and we are conscionable getting started.'

The arena guideline states: 'It’s official: Travis Barker is hitting nan roadworthy erstwhile again – but this time, it’s for running!

'Experience a day-in-the-life of Travis Barker earlier he hits nan main shape pinch an introduction to Run Travis Run, a tally and wellness acquisition connected nan greeting of his Los Angeles circuit stop.

Last period nan brace sewage successful characteristic arsenic Forrest Gump and Jenny to movie a funny promo video for nan drummer's moving event 

At 1 point, he runs past his woman Kourtney who yells out: 'Run Travis Run!'

Run Travis Run is group to return spot successful Los Angeles connected Saturday, July 6, and successful Queens, New York, connected Sunday, July 21 

'All participants will person a shirt, medal, and entranceway to nan revival area featuring experiential activations and exclusive entree to apical brands.'

Various VIP level entries person much perks, including 1 level pinch a meet and shake hands pinch nan All The Small Things drummer. No specifications astir nan magnitude of nan title are disposable astatine this time.

Travis ran a half marathon successful Santa Monica connected New Year’s Eve pinch Kourtney cheering him on.

'Ending 2023 pinch a bang,' Barker wrote connected Instagram alongside a photograph of him proudly showing disconnected his medal.

In snaps he shared connected his Instagram Story, he revealed he ran 13.14 miles successful a speedy 2 hours, 8 minutes.

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