Brad Pitt hits the tracks at Silverstone as he transforms into Formula One racing driver for his upcoming film on day two of the British Grand Prix

Trending 3 days ago

Brad Pitt blended successful among nan master racing drivers arsenic he was spotted filming a segment for his upcoming Formula One-based movie while astatine nan iconic Silverstone circuit connected time 2 of nan British Grand Prix show connected Friday. 

The Hollywood favourite, 60, geared up successful a helmet and racing suit arsenic he prepared to deed nan way for immoderate high-speed driving.

Only a sliver of Brad's look could beryllium seen arsenic he sat successful nan car pinch his helmet up of nan gruelling believe convention during 1 of nan astir legendary athletics events of nan year.

The star's caller blockbuster, which will beryllium called F1, will beryllium co-produced by Lewis Hamilton. 

After filming for nan movie was delayed amid nan US actors' and writers' onslaught past year, Brad, 60, will title an adapted Formula Two car betwixt believe sessions this play arsenic they make a commencement connected nan action scenes. 

Brad Pitt deed nan tracks astatine Silverstone arsenic he transformed into a Formula One racing driver for his upcoming movie connected time 2 of nan British Grand Prix connected Friday 

The Hollywood favourite, 60, geared up arsenic he prepared to believe nan high-speed driving pinch nan thief of professionals

F1 chiefs are hoping nan movie - which will beryllium released connected June 25 adjacent twelvemonth - will travel nan fame of Netflix's Drive to Survive bid pinch a teaser is group to beryllium released up of Sunday's race. 

Brad plays nan domiciled of a seasoned driver Sonny Hayes, who is returning to nan F1 grid aft a agelong absence.

Alongside his fictional rookie team-mate Joshua Pierce - played by British character Damson Idris - nan Fight Club prima lined up pinch nan sport's 20 drivers anterior to past year's title astatine Silverstone and nan 2 actors are owed to beryllium connected nan grid again up of Sunday's event.

A car shed has besides been group up successful nan paddock astatine Silverstone for nan '11th team', called APXGP.

Meanwhile multi-world champion Lewis, 39, has been heavy progressive successful nan book to guarantee nan movie is arsenic authentic arsenic possible.

Joseph Kosinski, nan man down Top Gun: Maverick, is directing nan film, while Jerry Bruckheimer - who besides worked connected nan Tom Cruise blockbuster - is listed arsenic a producer.

Brad looked successful awesome spirits arsenic he sewage stuck successful to his scenes pinch nan character owed to be six further races this play to activity connected nan upcoming film. 

Earlier successful nan day, nan movie icon was besides snapped stopping to chat pinch immoderate fortunate fans, arsenic nan character bundled up against nan chilly upwind successful a achromatic jacket. 

He besides attended nan glitzy athletics arena connected Thursday, and made judge to bargain nan spotlight arsenic he arrived astatine nan Silverstone circuit earlier entering a doorway marked Cast Green Room. 

Only a sliver of Brad's look could beryllium seen arsenic he sat successful nan car pinch his helmet up of nan gruelling believe convention during 1 of nan astir legendary athletics events of nan year 

The character is seen beaming passim nan time astatine nan circuit successful Northampton, cutting a striking look successful a achromatic racing suit

The star's caller blockbuster, which will beryllium called F1, will beryllium co-produced by Lewis Hamilton  

He looked engaged arsenic he discussed really to unfold scenes alongside nan crew

Brad directs and besides stars arsenic Sonny Hayes, a retired driver who returns to F1 racing to thief train a young aspiring star, portrayed by Damson, 32

Earlier successful nan day, nan movie icon was besides snapped stopping to chat pinch immoderate fortunate fans

This year's arena is astir overmuch much than conscionable racing pinch nan show putting connected a bid of immense philharmonic performances from nan likes of Kings of Leon and Stormzy over nan adjacent 4 days to entertain guests.

Saturday brings nan legendary Pete Tong pinch his iconic creation mixes, and Rudimental will adjacent retired nan play connected Sunday. 

The existent car racing originates pinch a believe time connected Friday earlier nan existent races footwear disconnected connected Saturday. 

For nan American heartthrob is not nan first quality astatine nan four-day racing extravaganza - which runs from July 4-7.

Last twelvemonth Brad was captured alongside British character Damson Idris astatine nan British Grand Prix to movie first scenes.

Production for nan movie began successful 2023 and will see scenes from this season's British Grand Prix and Abu Dhabi races.

F1 chiefs are hoping nan movie - which will beryllium released connected June 25 adjacent twelvemonth - will travel nan fame of Netflix's Drive to Survive bid and a teaser is group to beryllium released up of Sunday's race 

It is not nan American heartthrob's first quality astatine nan four-day racing extravaganza - which runs from July 4-7 - arsenic he was besides successful attendance connected Thursday 

Elsewhere Lewis Hamilton, 39, brought his British Bulldog Roscoe pinch him and showed disconnected his quirky manner consciousness successful a bluish and achromatic patterned jacket, while toting a achromatic designer man bag 

The F1 Mercedes thrust put connected a casual show for nan glitzy show arsenic he arrived successful nan paddock pinch his beloved pooch

He wore a brownish oversized overgarment which maine layered complete a achromatic apical and a brace of bluish baggy cargo trousers

Roscoe was spotted pootling down his celebrated proprietor arsenic Lewis stopped to chat to adoring fans and motion immoderate autographs

As antecedently reported, all 10 F1 teams will featured, including nan sport's drivers and nan Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile. 

Elsewhere connected Thursday much A-listers were successful attendance including Formula One alum Lewis Hamilton and Normal People character Daisy Edgar-Jones. 

Lewis brought his British Bulldog Roscoe pinch him and showed disconnected his quirky manner consciousness successful a bluish and achromatic patterned jacket, while toting a achromatic designer man bag. 

The F1 Mercedes driver put connected a casual show arsenic he arrived successful nan paddock pinch his beloved pooch, who Lewis has raised vegan.

Lewis wore a brownish oversized overgarment which he layered complete a achromatic apical and a brace of bluish baggy cargo trousers. 

Roscoe was spotted pootling down his celebrated proprietor arsenic Lewis stopped to chat to adoring fans and motion autographs.  

The Grand Prix has go much of a show arena successful caller years while earlier it was much athletics focused purely complete nan weekend.

British Grand Prix F1 itinerary 

Thursday July 4: Preview day

Driver interviews

Kings of Leon perform 

Friday July 5 

Family day

First believe - 12:30-13:30

Second believe - 16:00-17:00

Stormzy performs 

Saturday July 6

Third believe - 11:30-12:30 

Qualifying - 15:00-16:00 

Pete Tong DJ set 

Race - 15:00 

Sunday July 7

Race - 15:00 

Rudimental performs  

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