Bear Grylls weighs in on UK election result after Labour's landslide win: 'Most people are scared of change'

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  • READ MORE: 'I americium sorry, I gave this occupation my all': Rishi Sunak bids goodbye to No10 pinch tribute to nan 'sacrifices his family person made' arsenic affectional woman Akshata Murty watches connected - earlier King formally accepts his resignation 

By Marta Jary For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 10:52 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 10:57 EDT, 5 July 2024

Bear Grylls is successful Australia connected his Never Give Up Tour. 

And nan British adventurer stopped into The Project connected Friday night, wherever he was asked his sentiment connected nan result of nan British election, which Labour won by a landslide.  

'I don't know... I effort to enactment beautiful retired of politics, but I think, alteration is ever good' nan 50-year-old began cautiously. 

'People don't for illustration change, but is alteration is ever good. I deliberation there's tons of advancement to beryllium done and let's dream they do a bully job,' he continued. 

Grylls was optimistic, adding, 'It has been astir apt a agelong nighttime for galore people, but present we go, ready, ready. 

'The only group who for illustration alteration is simply a babe pinch a bedewed nappy. Most group are frightened of it, but let's make it good.'

It comes after Rishi Sunak bade an affectional last goodbye to Downing Street coming aft starring nan Tories to their worst ever election consequence - pinch Keir Starmer waiting successful nan wings to return over.

Flanked by intelligibly affectional woman Akshata Murty, nan outgoing Prime Minister delivered his parting connection arsenic he prepared to caput for Buckingham Palace to formally tender his resignation to nan King and bring an extremity to 14 years of Conservative government.

British adventurer Bear Grylls (pictured) stopped into The Project connected Friday night, wherever he was asked his sentiment connected nan result of nan British election, which Labour won by a landslide

'People don't for illustration change, but is alteration is ever good. I deliberation there's tons of advancement to beryllium done and let's dream they do a bully job,' he said. Pictured left: Incoming PM Keir Starmer

The upwind held disconnected - successful opposition to erstwhile he called nan predetermination backmost successful May - arsenic he said he was 'sorry' and had 'heard nan anger' of nan state and nan 'clear message' delivered via nan ballot box.

'I person fixed this occupation my all. But you person sent a clear message, and yours is nan only judgement that matters,' he said.

'This is simply a difficult day, but I time off this occupation honoured to person been premier curate of nan champion state successful nan world.'

Mr Sunak said he would resign arsenic Tory leader once a replacement had been chosen. He besides paid tribute to Sir Keir arsenic a nationalist servant, wishing him and his family good successful their caller duties.

Bear is successful Australia connected his Never Give Up Tour

A connection from Buckingham Palace a short clip later said: 'The Right Honourable Rishi Sunak MP had an assemblage of The King this greeting and tendered his resignation arsenic Prime Minister and First Lord of nan Treasury, which His Majesty was graciously pleased to accept.'

Sir Keir is basking successful a monolithic wide predetermination triumph pursuing a sadistic nighttime for nan Conservatives - but Labour's triumph is being dubbed a 'loveless landslide' and a 'super meh-jority'.

With astir each constituencies having declared their results, Labour were recovered to person won hardly 1 successful 3 votes crossed nan UK.

Polling experts highlighted really Labour's ballot stock of 33.8 per cent is apt to beryllium little than immoderate of Sir Tony Blair's wide predetermination victories successful 1997, 2001 aliases 2005.

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