Top Aussie influencers' shock salaries are exposed as it's revealed Tammy Hembrow can earn a yearly wage in just ONE post

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The staggering salaries of immoderate of Australia's apical influencers person been revealed and they tin gain arsenic overmuch arsenic a person's yearly net successful 1 azygous post.

Hunter Talent, a guidance patient which represents immoderate of Australia's biggest societal media personalities, has shed a ray connected their chaotic societal media earnings.

Tammy Hembrow boasts much than 17million followers connected Instagram and her daze net surely reflects her immense emergence to fame connected nan platform.

With an estimated net worth of $50million, nan fittingness influencer, 30, rakes successful arsenic overmuch arsenic $82,998 per sponsored post, according to Yahoo! Lifestyle.

Tammy's immense net for conscionable 1 station are nan aforesaid arsenic nan mean Australian's yearly salary, which is estimated to beryllium astir $89,000 per year.

Kayla Itsines follows intimately down Tammy arsenic she is said to complaint arsenic overmuch arsenic $71,550 for each of her Instagram advertizing posts.

The individual trainer, 32, boasts almost 16million followers connected nan societal media level aft gaining immense fame for her fittingness and wellness posts.

Meanwhile, Harry Jowsey, who roseate to fame connected Netflix's first play of making love show Too Hot To Handle, tin reportedly complaint up to $20,000 per sponsored post. 

The staggering salaries of immoderate of Australia's apical influencers person been revealed pinch Tammy Hembrow earning arsenic overmuch as $82,998 - a person's yearly net - per sponsored post

Kayla Itsines follows intimately down Tammy arsenic she is said to complaint arsenic overmuch arsenic $71,550 for each of her Instagram advertizing posts

It comes aft Tammy was forced to respond to online backlash aft she asked for family donations astatine her wedding to Matt Zukowski, contempt her immense nett worth.

The societal media prima and erstwhile Love Island prima Matt, 28, exchanged rings successful December aft conscionable 3 months of making love and are group to necktie nan knot successful November.

They had planned to support their upcoming nuptials a low-key and 'private' affair, but their wedding invitation was leaked connected societal media by a fistful of influencers.

The induce caused contention for stating that nan wedding would beryllium 'child-free' isolated from Tammy's 3 kids, arsenic good arsenic nan inclusion of a 'wishing well' for financial donations connected nan day.

Responding to nan backlash, Tammy admitted that nan induce leak has caused chaos and defended herself complete nan specifications for her large day.

Meanwhile, Harry Jowsey, who roseate to fame connected Netflix's first play of making love show Too Hot To Handle, tin reportedly complaint up to $20,000 per sponsored post

'You guys mightiness cognize that precocious my wedding specifications were leaked online accidentally,' she said successful a TikTok video.

'This has caused a fewer issues for me, I person had to alteration a batch of nan specifications because we want it to beryllium very backstage and it’s been a spot frustrating.'

The Gold Coast-based influencer past clarified nan specifications connected her wedding invitation which person been causing a operation connected societal media.

Tammy and Matt asked for a wishing good - aid container successful which guests tin deposit rate gifts alternatively of worldly items - successful a determination which raised eyebrows owed to her multimillion nett worth.

'Your beingness connected our time is nan top gift of all. However, if you would for illustration to gift america thing a wishing good will beryllium astatine our wedding for you publication and good wishes,' nan invitation reads.

The revelations travel aft Tammy was forced to respond to a backlash aft she asked for donations astatine her wedding to Matt Zukowski (pictured), contempt her immense nett worth 

In her TikTok clip, Tammy clarified: 'I'm not asking for donations astatine my wedding. This is meant to beryllium for my family and friends... We will person a wishing well.

'A wishing good is simply a beautiful normal point to person astatine a wedding.'

The mates besides requested nan ceremonial and reception beryllium 'child free', contempt nan truth that Tammy has 3 kids - son Wolf, nine, and daughters Saskia, seven, and Posey, one.

'Whilst we emotion your babies our wedding will beryllium kid free,' nan induce stated. 'Babysitting tin beryllium arranged upon request. Bubs are much than invited to subordinate america astatine nan betterment statement connected Sunday.'

The induce caused contention for stating nan wedding would beryllium 'child-free' isolated from Tammy's kids, arsenic good arsenic nan inclusion of a 'wishing well' for financial donations connected nan day 

In her video, Tammy explained that while location will beryllium nary kids connected their typical day, her 3 children are an exception.

'This is making group mad,' she said successful nan clip. 'They deliberation I'm not gonna person my kids astatine my wedding. Of people my children are going to beryllium astatine my wedding.'

'I conscionable meant for illustration I don't want different group bringing their kids. Because, let's beryllium real, kids tin beryllium a spot afloat on,' Tammy went on.

'I want nan different adults to relax and bask themselves. And I've sewage kids, I cognize really stressful they tin be.'

The mates were speedy to commencement readying their wedding conscionable weeks aft they became engaged successful December aft 3 months of dating. 

Tammy has been engaged doubly before, nan first clip to influencer Reece Hawkins, pinch whom she shares her boy Wolf and girl Saskia.

In November 2021, nan fittingness guru became engaged to restaurateur and erstwhile Ironman Matt Poole. The brace divided successful December 2022 and stock a girl Posy, who turns 2 successful June.

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