Kate Ritchie goes makeup free as she steps out for breakfast with mini-me daughter Mae, nine - amid Home And Away return rumours

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  • READ MORE: Kate Ritchie's power co-host claims he's 'seen emails' proving she's group to return to Home and Away

By Kate Dennett For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 22:25 EDT, 4 July 2024 | Updated: 22:38 EDT, 4 July 2024

Kate Ritchie went constitution free arsenic she stepped retired for meal pinch her mini-me girl Mae connected Friday.

The actress, 45, trim a casual fig arsenic she spent immoderate value clip pinch her girl Mae, nine, whom she shares pinch her ex-husband Stuart Webb.

Kate opted for a laidback look arsenic she sported achromatic jeans and a acheronian jumper for nan outing while she slung a achromatic overgarment complete 1 arm.

She kept comfortable successful a brace of achromatic high-top trainers pinch pinkish laces and held a java cup successful 1 manus arsenic she strolled alongside Mae.

The power big went constitution free for nan outing and styled her brunette locks successful a consecutive manner loosely cascading complete her shoulders.

Her girl looked each inch Kate's mini-me arsenic she wore a bluish shirt, achromatic jeand and a achromatic overgarment for their greeting travel together.

It comes conscionable days aft Kate's power co-host Michael 'Wippa' Wipfli dropped a immense hint that she is set to return to Home and Away.

The prima roseate to fame playing Sally Fletcher connected nan deed soap opera betwixt 1988 and 2008, and has often talked publically astir a imaginable return to Summer Bay.

Kate Ritchie went constitution free arsenic she stepped retired for meal pinch her mini-me girl Mae connected Friday

The actress, 45, trim a casual fig arsenic she spent immoderate value clip pinch her girl Mae, nine, whom she shares pinch her ex-husband Stuart Webb

And earlier this week, her Nova co-star Wippa dropped a immense hint that she will beryllium returning to nan show aft long-running rumours astir her comeback.

'I cognize you're going backmost to nan Bay,' he told Kate unrecorded connected air. 'I've seen your emails arsenic I beryllium adjacent to you successful nan office.'

Kate jokingly replied: 'No you don't, you person bad eyes.'

Rumours of Kate's return resurged past week erstwhile she joined an epic Home and Away reunion astatine Ray Meagher's 80th day celebrations.

The character took to her Instagram Stories to springiness an penetration into nan fun-filled celebrations, which came 2 weeks up of Ray's large day connected July 4.

It comes conscionable days aft Kate's power co-host Michael 'Wippa' Wipfli dropped a immense hint that she is group to return to Home and Away arsenic he claimed he had seen emails astir her return

Rumours of Kate's return resurged past week erstwhile she joined an epic Home and Away reunion astatine Ray Meagher's (pictured connected nan show) 80th day celebrations 

She joined soap opera stars including Emily Symons, Ada Nicodemou and Laura Vasquez astatine nan immense bash.

Fan favourite Ray has starred arsenic Alf Stewart connected Home and Away since nan show's very first section backmost successful 1988.

He is nan sole remaining original formed personnel connected Summer Bay and nan longest continuing performer successful immoderate Australian TV role.

Last year, Ray confirmed he had signed different 5 twelvemonth statement pinch Home and Away, solidifying his position connected nan show astatine slightest until 2028.

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