MasterChef Australia star Julie Goodwin shares a photo of her rarely-seen children - and they are all giants

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Julie Goodwin shared a uncommon family photograph while enjoying her coastal vacation pinch her very gangly sons.

The MasterChef Australia play 1 winner, 53, took to Instagram connected Friday to seizure a candid infinitesimal from her NSW South Coast picnic pinch her hubby Michael, their 3 sons - Joe, 28, Tom, 27, and Paddy, 25 - and her granddaughter Delilah, three.

In nan family snap, Julie's sons towered complete her arsenic they posed connected nan outdoor platform of their vacation home. 

'Family holiday! Once your kids are each grown up it's adjacent intolerable for them to each get clip disconnected astatine once,' she wrote successful her caption.

'That's why this week has been truthful precious; conscionable hanging out, playing games, going for walks and of people tons of meals together.'

'Delilah looked happier for nan full remainder of nan vacation than she does successful this photo,' Julie added.

Some fans and followers of nan personage navigator took to nan comments to constituent retired her son's drastic tallness difference.

'How gorgeous! Look really elephantine your boys are! Mine person passed maine too!' 1 personification wrote.

Julie Goodwin (centre front) shared a uncommon family photograph while enjoying her coastal vacation pinch her very gangly sons

'Wow. Getting each your schedules to statement up is impressive. How tremendous,' added another.

Julie precocious underwent a glamorous makeover up of her debut connected Dancing With The Stars.

The cookbook author looked very different arsenic she featured successful a promo for nan title which was released to YouTube earlier this month.

In nan clip, nan personage navigator was seen making a delicious salsa successful a room erstwhile hosts Dr Chris Brown and Sonia Kruger swooped in.

'Add a small garnish and you've sewage nan cleanable salsa,' Julia said arsenic Sonia, 58, questioned: 'But is it nan cleanable salsa?'

Julie precocious underwent a glamorous makeover up of her debut connected Dancing With The Stars. Pictured this month 

Julie appeared shocked by her beingness arsenic she responded pinch a elemental 'yes' earlier Dr Chris, 45, added: 'Is it though?'

As Julie answered successful nan affirmative, Sonia gripped her astir nan waist and lead her into a creation number.

'Or is this?' Sonia said arsenic nan clip trim to show Julie flaunting her moves connected nan creation floor. 

She was garbed successful a stunning reddish gown which deed her astir mid-thigh and featured a immense floral decoration connected 1 shoulder.

Julie was each smiles arsenic she boogied connected nan iconic DWTS stairs alongside her creation partner for nan season.

With her short locks perfectly coiled successful their accustomed manner, Julie accessorised pinch her iconic brace of frames earlier stepping into immoderate debased heeled metallic shoes.

The clip wrapped pinch Julia spinning into nan arms of her creation partner earlier cutting backmost to nan room to show Dr Chris eating nan salsa crockery she prepared. 

The personage cook precocious opened up astir her distressing puerility trauma elaborate successful her caller memoir

Julie appeared complete nan satellite successful nan promo contempt precocious opening up astir her distressing puerility trauma elaborate successful her caller memoir.  

Her autobiography, Your Time Starts Now, described really she was sexually abused arsenic a kid and later attempted termination arsenic a teenager.

The TV chef, who roseate to fame pinch her winning quality connected MasterChef successful 2009, claims nan long-buried representation of her maltreatment returned erstwhile she was 16.

It comes aft nan complete formed for Dancing pinch nan Stars 2024 has yet been confirmed up of its premiere later this year.

In summation to Julie, four-time Gold Logie victor Lisa McCune is group to strut her worldly connected nan creation level pinch footy prima Ben Cousins and erstwhile AFL WAG Nadia Bartel.

They will subordinate vocalist Samantha Jade, SAS Australia's Ant Middleton, AFL fable Shane Crawford and Olympian and erstwhile legislator Nova Peris.

Rounding retired nan competitors are comedian Nikki Osborne, Home and Away's James Stewart, Better Homes and Gardens presenter Adam Dovile and cook Hayden Quinn.

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