The View host Whoopi Goldberg, 68, leaves David Duchovny, 63, 'blushing' as she gets flirty with The X-Files star

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Whoopi Goldberg appeared to beryllium flirting pinch David Duchovny erstwhile he appeared connected The View connected Monday, which near him 'blushing,' according to panelist Sara Haines.

During a chat astir nan TV show The X-Files - successful which David, 63, played FBI supplier Fox Mulder - Sara, 46, decided to inquire nan character astir a 1999 opus by Bree Sharp which was named aft him and featured immoderate very celebrated faces successful a euphony video.

Whoopi, 68, was 1 nan celebrities who decided to return portion and appeared alongside her erstwhile cohost Rosie O'Donnell as they lip-synced to nan lyrics: 'David Duchovny, why won't you emotion me?'

After a clip was shown, Sara asked David if it was existent that he sings nan opus to himself erstwhile he's driving, to which he replied: 'Not conscionable successful nan car, I singing that to myself everyplace I go,' earlier revealing that it was his friend, Joe Blake, who recovered nan opus and sent nan cassette to him. 

He explained: 'I was listening to that successful my car pinch nan model rolled down, and I deliberation I mightiness person had 1 aliases 2 interactions pinch group seeing maine singing successful my car.' 

Whoopi Goldberg appeared to beryllium flirting pinch character David Duchovny during his quality connected The View connected Monday

Whoopi appeared alongside Rosie O'Donnell successful a nineties euphony video for a opus called David Duchovny

Referring to really nan homemade video, which besides stars Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Jerry Springer and Pamela Anderson, came about, David revealed: 'What happened was location were a mates of PAs connected nan The X-Files who made that video arsenic a gift for me, I wasn't progressive successful that. And they asked each these group who were generous capable to articulator sync to a opus they'd ne'er heard.'

Whoopi confirmed this was existent and said: 'Yeah, I'm still asking nan question!' arsenic nan sheet laughed earlier Sara pointed out: 'He's blushing!'

Elsewhere successful nan interview, big Sunny Hostin was shocked erstwhile she misunderstood David's comments astir aliens during a chat astir The X-Files.

'You did not deliberation it would past much than 1 season, why?' Sunny, 55, asked arsenic David replied: 'Let maine deliberation back. I thought... good I wasn't needfully willing successful nan taxable matter myself.'

Sunny couldn't judge what she was proceeding and blurted out: 'You don't judge successful UFOs? You don't judge successful things for illustration that?' which led David to explain: 'It's not that I don't judge successful them, I conscionable wasn't that willing successful them, truthful I'm judge they exist.

'I besides thought if this is astir aliens, you'll either see them and past nan show's over, aliases you won't spot them and past group will get disappointment and tune out. So I didn't deliberation it had legs, and I was evidently wholly wrong,' nan character added.

The X-Files, which besides starred Gillian Anderson arsenic FBI Special Agent Dana Scully,  was a highly successful subject fabrication bid and David starred successful a full of 191 episodes.

Earlier this month, the character admitted that he regrets 'working a lot' when his 2 children pinch ex-wife Téa Leoni were young.

David revealed each of nan celebs successful nan video were 'generous capable to articulator sync to a opus they'd ne'er heard'

Sara Haines claimed David was 'blushing' erstwhile Whoopi joked astir still asking nan question: 'David Duchovny, why won't you emotion me?'

David and Gillian Anderson starred arsenic FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully successful The X-Files

'I was surely moving a batch erstwhile my kids were young. That's thing I mightiness person changed,' he said during an question and reply with People.

'But past again, it's besides cool to exemplary a personification who's engaged pinch their life for a kid. It mightiness not beryllium nan champion point to conscionable give your full beingness to your kid either, truthful it could spell either way....

'I don't person entree to nan different roadworthy that could person been traveled. I conscionable person nan 1 that I did travel, truthful surely not a cleanable parent, but I emotion my kids. I emotion my kids so, truthful much.'

He added: 'I felt unconditionally loved by my children … and I emotion them unconditionally. Just them being successful nan world has taught maine that emotion from some sides, and I don't deliberation there's thing deeper aliases much meaningful than that.

'I'll ever consciousness inadequate [as a parent]. Maybe I was a bully parent, because my kids are awesome people, and they astir apt want to deliberation of maine arsenic a bully parent, too. They don't want to deliberation of maine arsenic a failure. I'm judge I've done bad things, I'm judge I've made mistakes, but we each have. So, I effort and springiness myself much of a break.'

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