Huge Hollywood star reveals he will be performing at Glastonbury

Trending 2 days ago

By Carolina Piras For Mailonline

Published: 08:09 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 08:21 EDT, 28 June 2024

Russell Crowe has revealed he will beryllium performing astatine Glastonbury this twelvemonth alongside his euphony group.

The Australian character is presently connected circuit pinch Indoor Garden Party and nan stone set will return to nan iconic show connected Saturday.

The Oscar-winning star, 60, performed unrecorded astatine nan Teatro di Venere successful nan archaeological parkland of nan Colosseum successful Rome earlier this week, and is backmost connected nan roadworthy again to 1 of nan astir legendary unrecorded euphony events. 

The Gladiator prima shared a station connected his X relationship sharing a changeable from nan gig and writing: 'Grazie Roma. Next extremity Glastonbury.'

Fans were sent into frenzy arsenic they learnt astir nan news and rushed to remark beneath nan actor's X post, pinch immoderate of them writing: 'See you soon! ❤️'; 'Very awesome ! Talented large clip !'; 'Enjoy'; 'Big Russel'.

A immense Hollywood A-lister has revealed he will beryllium performing astatine Glastonbury this twelvemonth alongside his euphony group successful a astonishing line-up

As Russell Crowe, 60, continues to circuit pinch his Indoor Garden Party, nan stone set will return to nan iconic show connected Saturday (pictured performing successful Malta pinch nan set successful June past year)

And nan A Beautiful Mind prima opened up astir his upcoming Glastonbury debut successful an question and reply pinch Sky News, confirming nan set will beryllium playing successful the acoustic tent, and advised fans to time off down his acting position but conscionable 'come for nan music'.

'We're going to rustle that spot up. It's like, chuck, each nan personage bulls**t aside, aliases nan fame for doing immoderate different occupation aside. You'll spot a superior set and it's afloat of monster musicians who cognize what they're doing,' he told.

It mightiness travel arsenic a astonishment for galore yet Russell has been touring and playing successful pubs and clubs measurement longer earlier he started his acting career.

The New Zealand-born character remarked that while movie sets 'tend to beryllium very control' and you've sewage to 'respect nan gods of film' - a shape is rather nan other because nan consequence is up to nan assemblage to respond.

'It doesn't matter what you've needfully prepared, nan measurement nan assemblage responds and everything will set and move that show. It's that benignant of anarchy, wherever you conscionable don't really cognize for judge what's going to happen, that is really attractive,' he said.

The stone set has an eclectic style which blends rock, blues, gospel and moreover country.

Formed successful 2009, nan euphony group is composed of The Gentlemen Barbers band, which is made up of artists including members of his erstwhile groups, Thirty Odd Foot Of Grunts and The Ordinary Fear Of God, and vocalist Lorraine O'Reilly. 

Glastonbury fans will beryllium treated to caller songs unrecorded from nan band's latest album, Prose and Cons. 

It mightiness travel arsenic a astonishment for galore yet Russell has been touring and playing successful pubs and clubs measurement longer earlier he started his acting profession (pictured successful Malta successful June past year)

Talking astir nan conception down nan medium cover, which captures a man from down by nan sea, nan Robin Hood sensation revealed he took it himself pinch his ain iPhone astatine a spot called Woolloomooloo, successful Sydney.

'I was conscionable stepping astir nan bay and location was a man standing; it was a winter's greeting and it's rather cold, Sydney Harbour water, successful winter, and I deliberation that's astir apt what he was contemplating, nan somesthesia he was astir to experience.'

He added nan artsy changeable looks 'painterly' yet they didn't adhd immoderate filters to it, keeping its autenthicity.

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