Karl Stefanovic's ex-wife Cassandra Thorburn is every inch the proud mother as she shares sweet snaps of their youngest son River, 17, attending his school formal

Trending 2 days ago

Cassandra Thorburn was each inch nan proud mother arsenic she gushed complete her boy River attending his schoolhouse formal.

The author, 53, took to Instagram connected Friday to stock a assemblage of saccharine snaps of her and Karl Stefanovic's youngest boy River, 17, heading to his Year 12 formal.

River looked very smart successful a navy suit arsenic he beamed from ear-to-ear while posing pinch his day Daisy Thomas, who is simply a competitory skier.

Daisy wore a bluish satin dress and was pictured fixing a boutonniere into River's lapel arsenic they sewage dressed up for nan breathtaking night.

In 1 shot, Cassandra looked very proud of her boy arsenic she flashed a immense grin while wrapping her arms astir him.

Cassandra gushed complete her boy successful an accompanying caption arsenic she admitted nan nighttime had made her bosom 'melt'.

'Year 12 formal… @daisyy.thomas @riv_sz you some look astonishing and fto maine return each nan photos I wanted! Have a awesome night! #mummymoments,' she wrote.

'My bosom melts for this young man,' she added connected Facebook. 'I wouldn't miss these moments for anything.'

Cassandra Thorburn was each inch nan proud mother arsenic she gushed complete her boy River attending his schoolhouse general pinch his day Daisy Thomas (pictured)

The writer (pictured), 53, took to Instagram connected Friday to stock a assemblage of saccharine snaps of her and Karl Stefanovic's youngest boy River, 17, heading to his Year 12 formal

Karl and Cassandra went their abstracted ways successful 2016 aft 21 years of marriage, and Cassandra has since stepped distant from nan spotlight.

She now useful successful income and support for nan aged attraction assemblage successful Sydney and antecedently told really she was happy to put a life successful nan spotlight 'behind' her.

As good arsenic River, nan exes besides stock different son Jackson, 24, and a girl Ava, 19, who now goes by her mediate sanction Willow.

Jackson is passionate astir euphony and antecedently told really an acoustic guitar talented to him by his begetter Karl connected his 17th day helped him pinch his intelligence health.

River looked very smart successful a navy suit arsenic he beamed from ear-to-ear while posing pinch his day Daisy Thomas, who is simply a competitory skier

Daisy wore a bluish satin dress and was pictured fixing a boutonniere into River's lapel arsenic they sewage dressed up for nan breathtaking night

River was besides seen gifting Daisy a matching white corsage arsenic they joined their classmates getting fresh for nan formal 

'I've battled my full life pinch ADHD, and various different intelligence wellness issues, and astatine times I really struggled to find my spot successful nan world,' he told Woman's Day successful 2022. 

'But my passion for euphony and opus has helped maine wade done immoderate beautiful reliable stuff.' 

'My parents stay my biggest fans. Family is everything. Thanks to their unconditional love, and euphony and song, my travel done life abruptly sewage a full batch brighter,' he added.

Cassandra and Karl (both pictured) went their abstracted ways successful 2016 aft 21 years of marriage, and Cassandra has since stepped distant from nan spotlight

As good arsenic River, nan exes besides stock different boy Jackson (pictured pinch Karl), 24, and a girl Ava, 19, who now goes by her mediate sanction Willow 

Meanwhile, Willow is presently studying manner astatine nan London College of Fashion, which is portion of nan University of nan Arts London - a postulation of six of nan astir prestigious arts colleges successful nan world.

It recruits connected a world standard and its database of alumni sounds for illustration a Who's Who of nan imaginative industries, from illustrator Quentin Blake to Florence Welch of Florence and The Machine.

Willow is besides fresh to travel successful her celebrated father's footsteps by kicking disconnected a profession successful nan spotlight, signing pinch Precision MGMT to motorboat a profession arsenic a model.

She has nan afloat support of her parents Karl and Cassandra Thorburn arsenic she launches her modelling profession.

Willow is besides fresh to travel successful her celebrated father's footsteps by kicking disconnected a profession successful nan spotlight, signing pinch Precision MGMT to motorboat a profession arsenic a model 

Karl is besides begetter to different girl Harper, four, whom he shares pinch his 2nd wife, footwear designer Jasmine Yarbrough (all pictured pinch Willow)  

'She doesn't spell into thing blindly, particularly nan manner world. She's a strong, independent young female and wants to prosecute tons of things successful life. We emotion her spirit,' Karl, 49, told Stellar mag successful 2021.

Cassandra added: 'I promote each my children to activity difficult and prosecute their dreams and aspirations. Willow knows who she is and what she wants, and those attributes make maine highly proud.'

Karl is besides begetter to different girl Harper, four, whom he shares pinch his 2nd wife, footwear designer Jasmine Yarbrough.

The Nine presenter recovered emotion pinch footwear designer Jasmine successful precocious 2016, aft splitting from Cassandra, and nan brace were joined 2 years later successful December 2018.

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