Stephen A. Smith appearance on NewsNation during Biden-Trump debate coverage leaves viewers stunned: 'This man is everywhere!'

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  • Biden and Trump went caput to caput successful nan first US Presidential statement Thursday
  • ESPN sportscaster Smith made a astonishment TV quality during nan debate
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By Oliver Salt

Published: 09:10 EDT, 28 June 2024 | Updated: 09:19 EDT, 28 June 2024

ESPN expert Stephen A. Smith made a astonishment quality connected NewsNation's sum of nan first Presidential statement betwixt Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Biden and Trump went caput to caput successful a televised statement Thursday nighttime up of this year's Presidential election, which is slated to return spot successful November.

While nan verbal warfare betwixt nan 2 men descended into chaos astatine times - pinch a number of bizarre jibes exchanged - sports fans were astir stunned to spot Smith screen nan statement arsenic a impermanent panelist connected NewsNation.

The First Take host, known for his animated study of a wide-range of sports, featured alongside host Chris Cuomo and power characteristic Adam Carolla connected nan tv network's broadcast.

Stephen A. Smith made a astonishment quality connected NewsNation's sum of nan first Joe Biden and Donald Trump debate

Biden and Trump went caput to caput successful a televised statement Thursday nighttime up of this year's Presidential election

Viewers quickly took to societal media to definitive their daze astatine his newfound role, pinch 1 writing: 'ESPN had Stephen A. Smith doing [NBA] draught sum a mates hours agone & now he’s connected Debate coverage. THIS MAN IS EVERYWHERE'.

Another joked: 'Stephen A doing broadside missions now'. 

A 3rd commented: 'Bro everywhere'.

'WTH is Stephen A Smith doing there,' different said on pinch a bid of laughing emojis, 'he’s a “sports guy”'.

While 1 simply asked: 'When did Stephen A Smith go a governmental pundit?'

Smith appears each weekday connected ESPN's First Take show and is besides nan look of nan network's NBA coverage.

The 56-year-old has been discussing Biden and Trump's upcoming predetermination connected his podcast of late, and aft watching them fastener horns Thursday he made his feelings clear connected societal media.

Viewers were baffled by ESPN sportscaster Smith's NewsNation quality during nan debate

The 56-year-old is known for giving his animated opinions connected ESPN's First Take show

Fans took to societal media to definitive their daze astatine his newfound domiciled arsenic a governmental panelist

'So do y’all yet want to extremity arguing pinch maine astir Biden now??? Have your fears now been confirmed? @MichelleObama. @VP,' Smith wrote astir nan existent President connected X.

'Somebody. Please help! Biden’s squad WANTED this? His staff, His loved ones…. How could you put him retired location for illustration that! How could you!'

Experts are calling for Biden to guidelines speech arsenic leader of nan Democrats pursuing his capacity successful nan debate, which saw him concisely suffer his train of thought conscionable minutes in.

The 81-year-old besides appeared to fumble his words connected different occasions, raising concerns complete his expertise to lead nan state for different term.

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