Jason Kelce hits back at Antonio Brown after former NFL star targeted him on social media

Trending 1 day ago

By Jake Fenner

Published: 15:35 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 15:53 EDT, 30 June 2024

Antonio Brown decided to return a changeable astatine erstwhile Philadelphia Eagles halfway Jason Kelce connected societal media - only for Kelce to clap back.

Brown recovered a video of a performer astatine what appears to beryllium immoderate benignant of performance who bared only nan slimmest of resemblances to nan center.

The wide receiver, who precocious revenge for bankruptcy, captioned his station 'Jason Kelce performing successful Philly yesterday.'

Kelce saw it, and decided to return nan precocious road, saying, 'S**t, I wish I could spit bars for illustration that!'

The ex-Eagles lineman and Super Bowl champion received plentifulness of praise successful nan comments from group supporting his clap backmost - while Brown received immoderate disapproval nether his post.

Antonio Brown decided to randomly return a changeable astatine ex-Philadelphia Eagles halfway Jason Kelce

Kelce decided to deed backmost aft Brown's tweet saying, 'S**t I wish I could spit bars for illustration that'

Seemingly passim his clip successful nan National Football League - and successful nan days since he retired - Brown has been a arguable fig for his nationalist statements arsenic good arsenic his actions some connected and disconnected nan field. 

On a caller section of 'The Pivot Podcast', Brown admitted that he is not presently moving and confirmed that he revenge for bankruptcy.

'I mean, I'm f****d up, you cognize what I'm saying?' Brown said. 'I conscionable can't comply pinch debt. You know, it's each astir protecting yourself.'

'I'm not broke, but I'm fractured. ... I'm conscionable reallocating nan indebtedness to return attraction of nan debtors. That's each I'm doing.

'You know, anybody tin writer you, return you for immoderate you got. At this point, I don't work, I don't make millions of dollars wherever it's coming successful wherever I could conscionable (pay off) immoderate of that money.' 

'Chapter 11 is astir restructuring nan money you're making truthful you tin return attraction of nan debt.'

Back successful January, Brown went aft Jason's relative Travis Kelce 'the dopest cracker I know'

This is not nan first clip that 'AB' has gone aft a personnel of nan Kelce family.

Back successful January, Brown called Jason's relative Travis Kelce 'the dopest cracker I know' successful a station to Twitter.

On an section of his 'New Heights' podcast, Travis said that Brown's station was 'probably nan biggest compliment'.

'I admit you AB, man. Feels bully to beryllium 1 of nan dopest crackers,' Travis replied, while laughing. 'I emotion that s***. He's 1 of my favourite follows connected twitter, you've sewage to travel him.' 

Brown's NFL profession came to an extremity successful a firey rage erstwhile he spontaneously discontinue nan Tampa Bay Buccaneers successful nan mediate of a crippled against nan New York Jets. 

The wide receiver stripped disconnected his pads and undershirt - throwing them into nan crowd and moving done nan section while location was a unrecorded play going on.

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