Meet the billionaire 23-year-old Wimbledon star who is worth more than Federer, Nadal and Djokovic combined and is related to a famous American football player

Trending 2 days ago
  • American starlight Emma Navarro boasts a luck bigger than Federer, Djokovic and Nadal combined
  • Navarro is presently successful action astatine Wimbledon and will play four-time Grand Slam Champion, Naomi Osaka successful nan 2nd information of nan tournament 
  • Her luck is mostly acknowledgment to her business billionaire Tycoon father 

By Kim Morrissey

Published: 12:44 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 12:44 EDT, 2 July 2024

American tennis subordinate Emma Navarro has yet to make waves successful nan tennis world but has a nett worthy which would make immoderate of nan men's aliases women's apical seeds envious.

The 23-year-old American ace made history this week arsenic she reached nan 2nd information of Wimbledon for nan first clip successful her career. 

She will now return connected four-time Grand Slam singles champion Naomi Osaka on Wednesday successful nan 2nd round  of nan coveted competition.

Despite being classed 19th successful nan women's singles, Navarro has grounded to return location immoderate awesome trophies aliases immoderate of nan staggering cheques which person been connected connection passim nan ATP tour. 

Although nan American will beryllium hoping to impressment and show she is 1 for nan future, nan tennis starlit will beryllium nether nary financial unit arsenic she already boasts an awesome purse acknowledgment to her able family.

American tennis subordinate Emma Navarro boasts a nett worthy bigger than Federer, Nadal and Djokovic combined

The 23-year-old is action this week astatine Wimbledon and will play four-time Grand Slam Champion, Naomi Osaka successful nan 2nd information of nan competition  

Emma's staggering luck is mostly acknowledgment to her business billionaire Tycoon begetter Ben Navarro 

New York calved Navarro is nan girl of able billionaire finance tycoon, Ben Navarro and nan granddaughter of nan precocious ex-Ivy League footballer turned coach Frank Navarro. 

The American billionaire built his billionaire empire acknowledgment to galore business ventures astir notably being nan laminitis and proprietor of Sherman Financial Group, which has assets specified arsenic Credit One Bank. 

Ben has besides showed liking successful his daughter's passion, investing successful nan tennis world first purchasing Charlestown Tennis LLC done his Beemok Sports institution connected 2018 - which holds nan longest-running women-only tennis tournament, nan Charlestown Open.

Before splashing retired astir $300milliion (£237m) successful 2022 to get nan Western and Southern Open, which is simply a awesome tennis tournament. 

The Western and Southern Open saw 19 of nan apical 20 tennis players compete astatine nan title backmost successful 2022 and is 1 of only 9 tennis events that is recognised globally arsenic a top-tier tourney for some men and women players.

She is estimated to beryllium worthy much than Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic (pictured left) and Roger Federer (pictured right) combined 

The 23-year-old is not nan only jock successful nan Navarro family, her grandfather Frank Navarro was a erstwhile American assemblage footballer turned coach

The up and coming tennis prima has already achieved nan financial feat astir player's dream of reaching earlier their playing days travel to a close. 

Navarro has estimated nett worthy of astir £3billion which towers complete nan tennis greats specified arsenic Roger Federer $550m (£434m), Rafael Nadal $220m (£174m) and Novak Djokovic $240m (£189m). 

The 23-year-old sports prima who debuted astatine nan Australian Open successful January conscionable gone is not nan only celebrated sport's sanction successful her family.

Her precocious grandfather Frank Navarro was an American college shot subordinate turned coach. 

Frank served arsenic a caput coach for Williams College, Columbia University, Wabash College and Princeton University and moreover introduced nan 'Monster Defence' astatine Williams. 

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