Jude Bellingham believes he felt 'like Cristiano Ronaldo' when scoring his stunning overhead kick vs Slovakia... but gives one reason why Portuguese star's effort was superior after watching it back

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Jude Bellingham has compared his stunning overhead footwear to Cristiano Ronaldo's effort for Real Madrid – but believes nan Portuguese talisman's onslaught was acold superior.

England were seconds distant from exiting Euro 2024 successful humiliating manner connected Sunday, only to squeak past Slovakia and into a 4th successive awesome quarter-final nether Gareth Southgate, acknowledgment very overmuch successful portion to Bellingham.

The Real Madrid star, who turned 21 nan time earlier nan last-16 clash, came to nan rescue pinch a 95th-minute overhead footwear against their well-drilled opponents earlier Harry Kane sealed a 2-1 extra-time win.

Bellingham feels for illustration he very overmuch tapped into his Real Madrid DNA aft revealing for illustration he felt for illustration Los Blancos fable Ronaldo, who scored an unforgettable overhead footwear against Juventus successful Champions League quarter-finals successful 2017-18 campaign.

However, erstwhile talking astir nan overhead footwear itself, nan erstwhile Borussia Dortmund midfielder was captious of his ain method erstwhile he yet sewage to watch it backmost earlier giving 1 logic why Ronaldo's effort was amended than his.

Jude Bellingham scored a stunning overhead footwear to equalise successful nan past seconds vs Slovakia

Bellingham said he felt for illustration Cristiano Ronaldo, who scored a bicycle footwear for Real successful 2018

Bellingham and Harry Kane's (right) goals unafraid England transition into Euro 2024 quarters

'It was really small heart much than anything, it benignant of fell successful nan cleanable spot, it was a small spot down me,' Bellingham told nan Diary Room connected England's societal media channels.

'When I was successful nan aerial thought "my god, I'm like, six feet disconnected nan ground, and it's like, (Cristiano) Ronaldo", but I watched it backmost and I've still sewage 1 limb connected nan floor, truthful it wasn't nan astir acrobatic!

'But I deliberation it was a bully interaction and erstwhile I turned astir connected nan level and conscionable saw it benignant of rolling in, I thought "oh my God"; it was decidedly 1 of nan astir important and memorable moments of my profession truthful far.'

England now look Switzerland successful nan quarter-finals connected Saturday and pinch nan necktie taking spot successful Dusseldorf, Southgate gave his players and unit nan time disconnected connected Tuesday aft he admitted a number of his squad were tired aft nan Slovakia game.

With a number of friends and family visiting nan team's Spa & Golf Resort Weimarer Land guidelines nary uncertainty a basking taxable of chat was Bellingham's spectacular volley, which signalled nan commencement of nan turnaround successful Gelsenkirchen.

'It was a spot of an affectional rollercoaster, really,' Bellingham said.

Bellingham downplayed his ain comparison to Ronaldo's extremity arsenic it wasn't arsenic acrobatic


'Not astir apt nan astir enjoyable measurement to triumph a game, evidently you ever want to consciousness for illustration you're successful power and you're comfortable.

'But you've sewage to find ways to win, moreover if it intends an overhead kicks successful nan 90-plus-five you've sewage to effort and find a way.

'But nan quality successful emotion is truthful huge. You know, it's 1 infinitesimal being benignant of dormant and buried, I saw nan Slovakia chair and they were each benignant of fresh to tally on, You consciousness a spot disheartened and a spot gutted.

'We didn't extremity believing that we could create 1 much chance and luckily, we sewage it. 

'There was a throw-in conscionable earlier wherever they'd not cleared it well, aliases they benignant of shanked nan clearance a small bit.'

Bellingham celebrated nan extremity by raising his arms and shouting 'Who else?' and later explained it was aimed astatine critics who had been talking 'rubbish' astir nan Real Madrid prima and his England team-mates.

It was an outpouring of emotion from Bellingham, who is besides being investigated by UEFA complete a abstracted motion he made aft nan goal.

The 21-year-old appeared to motion toward nan Slovakian bench, pinch UEFA releasing a connection connected Monday which said: 'A UEFA morals and disciplinary inspector will behaviour a disciplinary investigation regarding a imaginable usurpation of nan basal rules of decent behaviour by nan English Football Association player, Jude Bellingham, having allegedly occurred successful nan scope of this match.'

Bellingham has denied it was aimed astatine nan guidance and alternatively a backstage joke pinch his friends who were successful attendance.

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