Jude Bellingham praises England for showing 'character they have missed' as his goal rescues their Euro 2024 future against Slovakia... and hits out at critics for spreading 'negative energy'

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By Ryan Walker

Published: 15:44 EDT, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 15:52 EDT, 30 June 2024

Jude Bellingham believes England are 'showing nan characteristic they person missed before' aft his 95th infinitesimal extremity against Slovakia rescued their Euro 2024 hopes.

The Three Lions went connected to triumph 2-1 successful other time arsenic skipper Harry Kane doubled his side's lead astatine nan commencement of other clip earlier holding retired for nan adjacent 30 minutes.

It was nan first clip England held nan lead successful nan last-16 necktie after Ivan Schranz fired Slovakia up during a breakaway onslaught successful nan 25th minute.

England were conscionable a infinitesimal distant from an embarrassing tourney exit that would person gone immoderate measurement to eclipsing their erstwhile Euro 2016 departure against Iceland.

On this occasion, Bellingham was England's saviour as he manipulated his assemblage to nutrient a stunning bicycle footwear disconnected a agelong throw-in that caught Slovakia's defenders unawares.

Jude Bellingham believes England are 'showing nan characteristic they person missed before' aft beating Slovakia

Bellingham's 95th infinitesimal bicycle footwear rescued England's Euro 2024 tourney hopes

The Real Madrid superstar - for illustration nan mostly of his England colleagues - had suffered a frustrating capacity successful Gelsenkirchen anterior to scoring and explained his alleviation aft nan match.

Bellingham was speedy to deed retired astatine critics who person commented connected England's underwhelming performances astatine nan European Championship and praised Gareth Southgate's squad for fighting until nan end. 

'Good win, done to nan adjacent information and very happy. It's been reliable nan past week aliases truthful to effort and support nan antagonistic power extracurricular of nan camp,' he told ITV. 

'I deliberation coming they would person been fresh for us, I'm judge you person immoderate questions scribbled down connected that portion of nan insubstantial there. 

'We showed that benignant of characteristic that England has missed particularly successful nan times of before, we showed it coming and was really important for america to get through,' he added.

Analysing his goal, Bellingham trim a cool fig arsenic he stressed nan onslaught will count for thing unless England spell each nan measurement and triumph nan competition, but stressed he has nan match-winning expertise to present successful nan biggest moments.

He added: 'You effort and find each different edges astatine this level of shot because it's truthful difficult to people goals. Every squad plays to take sides and support it zero truthful immoderate chance you get to maximise a business for illustration a throw-in you person to return it and we did.

Bellingham deed retired astatine 'negative energy' being spready by critics of Gareth Southgate's (left) squad

Bellingham stressed his extremity will count for thing unless England spell each nan measurement astatine Euro 2024

'Depends really we look successful 2 weeks. If it [his goal] ends up being 1 that helps nan squad assistance nan cup past it is correct up there. 

'I cognize what I tin present successful those moments sloppy of what group say. I person done it this twelvemonth for Madrid and done it pinch England before, I americium conscionable happy to thief nan team. 

'I deliberation nan capacity was existent bully up until their extremity and moreover aft arsenic we had monolithic power of nan game, ever threatening successful nan last third, possibly still lacking that touch to create large chances. It's going to beryllium important for america going forward.'

Bellingham vanished his post-match speech by calmly claiming 'I do' erstwhile asked who writes nan book for specified nail-biting finishes to matches arsenic England beforehand to nan Euro 2024 quarter-finals. 

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