Disgraced ex-Raiders coach Jon Gruden loses bid to keep NFL lawsuit in courts and out of arbitration after suing league for allegedly LEAKING his racist, homophobic emails

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Former Las Vegas Raiders coach Jon Gruden mislaid his bid to support his suit against nan NFL successful nan courts and retired of an arbitration process that whitethorn overseen by commissioner Roger Goodell.

Goodell is named arsenic a suspect successful nan lawsuit, which Gruden revenge successful 2021 pursuing his resignation pinch nan Raiders. At nan time, Gruden was facing unit to discontinue complete emails he wrote years earlier, containing racial, homophobic, and sexist terminology.

Attorneys for Gruden, nan convention and an NFL spokesperson didn't respond to messages aft announcement was posted Monday connected a tribunal website. It wasn't instantly clear whether Gruden tin activity different proceeding earlier each 7 authorities Supreme Court justices.

Gruden's lawyers sought nan rehearing aft a three-justice sheet divided successful a May 14 determination that said nan convention tin unit nan civilian lawsuit retired of authorities tribunal and into arbitration that mightiness beryllium overseen by Goodell.

Gruden's lawsuit, revenge successful November 2021, alleges nan convention forced him to resign from nan Raiders by leaking racist, sexist and homophobic emails that he sent galore years earlier erstwhile he was astatine ESPN.

Following his resignation, Gruden sued nan NFL claiming they ruined his reputation

Two justices said Gruden understood nan NFL constitution allowed for arbitration to resoluteness disputes, and said it wasn't clear whether Goodell aliases a designated third-party arbitrator would perceive Gruden's case.

One justness wrote that allowing Goodell to arbitrate a conflict successful which he is simply a named statement would beryllium 'outrageous.'

Gruden was nan Raiders' caput coach erstwhile nan squad moved successful 2020 to Las Vegas from Oakland, California. He near nan squad successful November 2021 pinch much than six seasons remaining connected his grounds 10-year, $100 cardinal contract.

The convention appealed to nan authorities precocious tribunal aft a judge successful Las Vegas decided successful May 2022 that Gruden's declare that nan convention intentionally leaked only his documents could show grounds of 'specific intent' aliases an enactment designed to origin a peculiar result.

Gruden was pinch ESPN erstwhile nan emails were sent from 2011 to 2018 to erstwhile Washington Commanders executive Bruce Allen. They were recovered amid immoderate 650,000 emails nan convention obtained during a workplace civilization investigation of nan Washington team.

Four unnamed squad owners told ESPN successful 2023 they deliberation Goodell was progressive pinch nan leak, while Snyder is accused of sharing nan emails pinch nan New York Times and Wall Street Journal

Gruden is seeking monetary damages, alleging that selective disclosure of nan emails and their publication by nan Wall Street Journal and New York Times destroyed his profession and scuttled endorsement contracts.

Four unnamed squad owners told ESPN a twelvemonth agone that they deliberation Goodell was personally progressive pinch nan leak. Another ownership root said it was convention executives who approved nan leaked emails.

NFL spokesperson Brian McCarthy has many times denied that nan convention had immoderate engagement successful nan leak.

The messages were sent from 2011 to 2018 by Gruden to respective people, including erstwhile Washington Redskins executive Bruce Allen, while Gruden was an announcer astatine ESPN. Gruden antecedently coached successful nan NFL from 1990 to 2008, including stints pinch nan Oakland Raiders and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He was rehired by nan Raiders successful 2018 - 2 years earlier nan team's move to Las Vegas.

In 1 email, Gruden said Smith had 'lips nan size of Michelin tires' and later referred to him arsenic 'Dumboriss Smith.' Additionally, Gruden besides utilized a homophobic term, 'f*****,' to picture Goodell successful different message.

Raiders proprietor Mark Davis felt nan leaks were a 'setup,' but decided to canvass existent and erstwhile squad players to gauge whether aliases not he should occurrence Gruden, a root told ESPN.

Davis was leaning towards keeping Goodell until, sources say, he was pressured by Goodell to 'do something' - a directive nan Raiders proprietor saw arsenic nan Commissioner's effort to protect now-former Commanders proprietor Dan Snyder, who was facing intersexual harassment allegations astatine nan time.

After all, it was nan NFL's investigation into those harassment claims against Snyder and nan Commanders that uncovered Gruden's emails to Allen successful nan first place.

The league's intersexual harassment investigation resulted successful a $10 cardinal fine, but circumstantial allegations against Snyder and nan squad were ne'er revealed by Goodell, who cited privateness concerns for nan arguable decision. A consequent Congressional probe uncovered further allegations against nan squad and Snyder, who has since sold nan team.

Sexual harassment allegations against squad labor ranged from inappropriate comments to nan creation of a lewd behind-the-scenes video from a cheerleader almanac sprout successful 2008, according to nan 2020 Washington Post study that first uncovered nan claims. Snyder was besides accused of telling 1 cheerleader to sojourn a edifice room pinch his friend truthful they 'could get to cognize each different better,' and inappropriately rubbing a female worker astatine a squad meal - some of which, he has denied.

Gruden called nan NFLPA main 'Dumboriss Smith,' saying he had 'lips nan size of Michelin tires'

Roc Nation exec Desiree Perez is pictured alongside nan intermezo agency founder, Jay-Z

But to Davis, nan 2021 email leaks appeared to beryllium nan NFL's effort to insulate Snyder from nan intersexual harassment allegations, and Gruden was simply collateral damage, according to ESPN.

'F*** nan NFL,' Davis allegedly told Gruden. 'And f*** Dan Snyder.'

According to ESPN interviews pinch executives, lawyers, agents, arsenic good arsenic convention and squad officials, Snyder enlisted nan thief his rule firm, Reed Smith, and Roc Nation CEO Desiree Perez to insulate himself from nan intersexual harassment claims. (Roc Nation, nan intermezo agency founded by Jay-Z successful 2008, has a $25 cardinal statement to assistance nan NFL connected societal justness issues)

Sources told ESPN that Snyder was hoping to deflect blasted complete intersexual harassment allegations against himself and nan squad onto Allen by leaking nan emails. Furthermore, ESPN reports, Snyder was hoping to summation favour pinch Goodell by giving him ammunition against Gruden, 1 of his long-time critics.

Allen did not respond to 2023 telephone messages from DailyMail.com, and nan Commanders declined to remark erstwhile contacted by ESPN past year. (The relative of ex-Virginia governor, George Allen, Bruce was fired by Washington aft nan squad went 3-13 successful 2019 and later recovered himself successful his ain ineligible conflict pinch Snyder complete nan remainder of his contract)

Interestingly, Gruden's brother, Jay, worked for Snyder and Allen arsenic nan Redskins caput coach from 2014 until 2019, though he has not been implicated successful nan matter.

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