Andrey Rublev hits himself SEVEN times with his racquet in furious row at Wimbledon before crashing out... a month on from claims that he 'killed himself' in French Open meltdown

Trending 2 days ago
  • Onlookers astatine Wimbledon were stunned erstwhile Andrey Rublev went into meltdown
  • The Russian was livid astatine 1 of his returns and smashed himself pinch his racquet 
  • It comes aft a akin meltdown astatine nan French Open which sounded nan alarm 

By Nathan Salt

Published: 12:14 EDT, 2 July 2024 | Updated: 12:26 EDT, 2 July 2024

Andrey Rublev has erstwhile again raised concerns astir his use aft he unleashed a furious tirade against himself en way to losing his first information lucifer astatine Wimbledon.

The affectional Russian whacked his legs 7 times pinch his racquet aft an erroneous return successful a tight lucifer against Francisco Comesana connected No 2 Court, which he went connected to suffer 6-4, 5-7, 6-2, 7-6.

In nan 4th crippled of nan 3rd set, pinch nan 2 players having won a group each, Comesana collapsed Rublev for nan 2nd clip successful nan group to spell 4-1 up, starring to a furious guidance from nan Russian. 

Back successful May aft his French Open meltdown, Rublev admitted 'I don't retrieve behaving worse astatine a Slam ever' aft he kicked and screamed his measurement retired of nan Paris Slam.

Now it is his antics astatine Wimbledon which person sounded nan alarms. 

Andrey Rublev raised concerns for his use aft different worrying connected tribunal meltdown

Rublev whacked himself 7 times connected nan convention aft going down a double break

The Russian has acknowledged his aforesaid sabotage antecedently but it remains a worrying trend

Following his meltdown Rublev struggled to regain his composure and successful a tight 4th group it went to a tie-break wherever he soon find himself burning done challenges. 

It is nan type of self-sabotage that he has acknowledged previously, and yet seems to beryllium having problem managing. 

'Completely disappointed pinch myself nan measurement I behaved, nan measurement I performed,' he said aft nan Paris debacle. 'I deliberation it was first clip I ever behave that bad.

'The measurement I behave I put myself wholly down, and I springiness Matteo wings to fly, and he was flying 3rd group unbelievable. It was excessively precocious to do something.'

More to follow. 

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