Son of footy legend John Hopoate reveals how he bounced back from horrific burns accident that left him 'sooky'

Trending 2 days ago
  • Albert Hopoate has opened up connected his burns ordeal 
  • Son of footy fable John suffered a grade-two burn 
  • He says his woman stopped him from being 'sooky' 

By Aap

Published: 04:09 EDT, 3 July 2024 | Updated: 04:09 EDT, 3 July 2024

The room whitethorn beryllium excessively basking for burns unfortunate Albert Hopoate to handle, but nan young NRL prima feels overmuch much astatine location connected nan field.

The 23-year-old Canberra subordinate said connected Wednesday astir nan grade-two pain he suffered aft a vessel of oliva lipid spray near successful an lipid trap caught occurrence and exploded connected his arm.

'There wasn't thing I could do too conscionable letting it heal,' he said.

'The main point was to make judge it wasn't gonna get infected.'

The centre credits his woman for his resurgence into nan Raiders first-grade broadside aft returning to nan squad successful information 9.

'I was being a spot sooky and she conscionable kept maine going,' Hopoate said.

'She told maine to support moving difficult and that's nan attack I effort to return into nan nine each week.'

Canberra slipped to 3 consecutive losses successful a statement aft going down 16-6 to nan Storm successful Melbourne.


Albert Hopoate has revealed really he bounced backmost from a horrific burns injury

The 23-year-old suffered a grade-two pain aft a vessel of oliva lipid spray exploded

The Raiders will beryllium hoping to capitalise connected home-ground advantage erstwhile they meet Newcastle connected Sunday afternoon.

Hopoate said nan boys had focused connected subject during training.

'At training everytime we dropped a ball, we did 20 burpees arsenic a full team,' he said.

'Just because erstwhile we make mistakes we each get punished and we fto ourselves down.'

Superstar fullback Kalyn Ponga will make his return for nan Knights aft 10 weeks connected nan sideline pursuing a ft injury.

Hopoate called Ponga nan 'Han Solo' of nan Knights squad but insists Canberra are ready.

'We conscionable gotta return his clip distant from him,' he said.

'We request to beryllium aggressive.'

The Raiders' NSW Cup broadside is presently sitting 2nd connected nan ladder and Ricky Stuart had nary problem calling up halfback Adam Cook successful an effort to bring caller power into nan side.

It is only nan 2nd clip successful 5 years Cook has been named successful nan starting line-up for Canberra, pinch his past quality successful information 20 of 2020.

He said his woman (left) helped him bounce backmost and extremity being 'sooky'

'Ricky said to maine and said he conscionable wanted maine to bring that assurance into first grade,' Cook told reporters.

'Everyone has been really welcoming and yea it's really good, they've sewage my back.'

Cook, who will commencement successful nan No.7 jersey for nan Raiders, said nan nine needed to get backmost to what they did best.

'Staying successful nan game, kicking successful nan area and really hunting them and bringing nan energy,' he said.

It's a must-win connected Sunday for nan Raiders who are presently sitting 12th connected nan ladder and request to hit nan Knights to support their finals hopes alive.

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