Fans claim it's the 'same old story with English referees' after Toni Kroos' crunching tackle on Pedri - which rules him out of Euro 2024 - went unpunished by Anthony Taylor during Spain and Germany's quarter-final

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  • Toni Kroos avoided a yellowish paper for an early foul connected Spanish midfield prima Pedri
  • Referee Anthony Taylor later showed a yellowish paper to Spain's Robin Le Normand
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By Michael Pavitt

Published: 13:40 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 13:55 EDT, 5 July 2024

Fans person questioned referee Anthony Taylor's decisions during a tense Euro 2024 quarter-final betwixt hosts Germany and Spain.

The Premier League charismatic was handed nan high-profile necktie by UEFA, supported by assistants Gary Beswick and Adam Nunn, on pinch VAR Stuart Attwell.

Taylor's capacity came into nan spotlight early successful nan lucifer aft opting against booking Toni Kroos for a foul connected Pedri successful nan 5th minute.

The German midfielder caught Pedri pinch a precocious tackle, pinch nan Spaniard falling painfully to nan turf.

Pedri was yet forced disconnected having reportedly suffered a knee injury, which reportedly could norm him retired of nan remainder of nan tournament.

Germany's Toni Kroos fouled Spain prima Pedri early successful nan quarter-final lucifer successful Stuttgart

The German midfielder avoided a yellowish paper from English referee Anthony Taylor

Taylor later harshly showed a yellowish paper to Spanish defender Robin Le Normand

Speaking connected the BBC, erstwhile Chelsea and Scotland winger Pat Nevin expressed astonishment astatine Taylor's determination not to book Kroos for nan challenge. 

'Toni Kroos wholly mistimed it and wiped Pedri retired - that is nan clearest yellowish paper you will see,' Nevin said. 

'It is simply a difficult 1 and each referee will contradict it, but you cannot travel retired arsenic a referee and a person a game-plan.

'Sometimes you person to make a determination early and I don't deliberation Anthony Taylor's sewage that right.'

Nevin besides claimed Taylor had made an 'awful decision' later successful nan half by booking Spanish defender Robin Le Normand, suggesting Germany's Ilkay Gundogan had 'thrown himself to nan ground'.

The yellowish paper besides meant Le Normand would beryllium suspended for a imaginable semi-final if Spain advance.

Taylor's 2 cardinal decisions during nan first half had attracted disapproval connected societal media. 

'Anthony Taylor astatine it erstwhile again, aforesaid aged communicative pinch English referees,' 1 instrumentality wrote. 'They shouldn't moreover beryllium allowed astatine these tournaments, support them successful nan Premier convention and enactment away.'

The English charismatic was engaged successful nan first half during an aggravated Euro 2024 quarter-final clash

Taylor's decisions not to book Kroos but be aware Le Normand were questioned connected societal media

'Anthony Taylor elemental has to group nan reside early there, that's a unspeakable situation connected Pedri. That's a yellowish card, elemental arsenic that,' different wrote.

Journalist Tancredi Palmeri added 'Mah, wholly random nan yellowish to Le Normand, Taylor has wholly suffer nan plot, Germany being fortunate pinch nan ref.'

Taylor had shown a further 2 yellowish cards successful nan first half to Germany's David Raum and Antonio Rudiger.

The yellowish paper to Rudiger would mean nan defender would besides beryllium suspended should Germany scope nan past four.

Spain yet took nan lead erstwhile Dani Olmo, Pedri's replacement, struck six minutes into nan 2nd half against nan hosts. 

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