LeBron James is already lining up his next move after son Bronny joined the Lakers, claims NBA insider: 'Wants to become the face of the franchise'

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By Oliver Salt

Published: 13:43 EDT, 5 July 2024 | Updated: 13:57 EDT, 5 July 2024

LeBron James is already plotting a immense move distant from nan Lakers conscionable 1 week aft being joined by his boy Bronny successful LA, according to reports.

Bronny was drafted by nan Lakers pinch nan 55th wide prime successful past week's NBA Draft, meaning LeBron is group to make history and play alongside his eldest boy successful nan 2024-25 season.

On nan backmost of his son's second-round selection, reports emerged claiming nan hoops fable has agreed to return to LA himself connected a $104million, two-year statement aft his latest woody expired.

However, contempt nan double celebrations successful nan James household, nan caput of nan family is believed to beryllium lining up his adjacent move already.

According to NBA writer Brian Windhorst - who is filling successful for Stephen A. Smith connected ESPN's First Take this week - LeBron is mounting his sights connected becoming 'the face' of a imaginable description squad successful Las Vegas successful nan adjacent future.

LeBron James is already plotting his adjacent move aft being joined by his boy Bronny successful LA

Bronny was drafted by nan Lakers pinch nan 55th wide prime successful past week's NBA Draft

'What is nan adjacent point that he wants? What has he made clear that is aft playing pinch his son? He wants to beryllium nan proprietor of nan coming description squad successful Las Vegas,' Windhorst claimed connected First Take.

'So nan biggest point different than wellness that we're going to spot that is going to find erstwhile nan extremity of LeBron's profession is, is erstwhile nan owners of nan convention group distant a timeline astir erstwhile they're going to found that description squad successful Las Vegas.

'Now thing is assured and they support putting that asterisk connected everything, but I fishy erstwhile nan TV authorities deals get wrapped up, which should beryllium this summertime sometime, and they person that done, they person nan CBA done, nan TV woody done, they've extended Adam Silver's contract.. they're going to bring description to nan array and they're going to astir apt prime a twelvemonth successful which that's going to be.

'It won't beryllium adjacent season, truthful it'll astir apt astatine nan earliest beryllium 2 years from now.

'And that's what I deliberation LeBron will beryllium focused on. He wants to subordinate up pinch partners to go nan look of nan franchise successful Las Vegas.'

The NBA has an ongoing liking successful adding a Vegas description squad successful nan coming years, pinch commissioner Adam Silver moreover calling it their '31st franchise' past year.

LeBron has group his sights connected being 'the face' of a imaginable description squad successful Las Vegas, according to NBA insider Brian Windhorst

Windhorst is filling successful for ESPN expert Stephen A. Smith connected nan network's First Take this week

While he is said to beryllium keen connected becoming nan proprietor of that description franchise, Windhorst says LeBron is showing fewer signs that his playing profession could soon tie to a close.

'He conscionable played nan astir games he's played arsenic a Laker. This past play he played 71 games,' he added. 'That's nan astir since 2018. He was spectacular this season, 26 points, mounting 7 rebounds aliases 8 rebounds, 7 assists. He had a awesome year, nary doubt.

'He had 1 of nan champion shooting years of his career. His protect business is not great, but you know, he tin still move it connected occasionally.

'His boy conscionable signed a four-year contract. You know, his son's not going twelvemonth to year. So I don't deliberation his volition is to only play 1 much year, acknowledging that it could beryllium retired of his hands.

On nan backmost of his son's selection, LeBron has agreed to return to LA himself connected a $104million, two-year statement aft his latest woody expired

'So LeBron has very intelligibly laid retired pinch his words and actions what his checklist is.

'He wants to beryllium a Laker, sloppy of really he gets disappointment erstwhile they don't make moves aliases whatever. He keeps signing contracts pinch nan Lakers.

'He's astir to participate his seventh twelvemonth there. That's nan longest tally he's had pinch immoderate team. He's changed teams each these times. He's intelligibly a Laker. He's not going anywhere.'

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