Slimming down of the heavyweight heroes! Mike Tyson and Brazil legend Ronaldo pose together, in much better shape after both losing weight

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  • Former footballer Ronaldo, 47, and boxing fable Mike Tyson, 57, crossed paths
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By Abdi Rashid

Published: 06:55 EDT, 24 June 2024 | Updated: 07:18 EDT, 24 June 2024

Former Brazil prima Ronaldo crossed paths pinch ex-heavyweight champions Mike Tyson precocious and their weight translator was connected show.

Ronaldo, 47, was astatine 1 constituent 1 of nan champion footballers connected nan satellite and is, to this day, considered 1 of nan champion to play nan sport. 

However, he gained a batch of weight aft calling clip connected his hugely successful career, which saw him triumph 2 Ballon d'Ors, successful 2011 having been hampered by injuries. 

He weighed almost 300 pounds astatine 1 constituent but now looks successful remarkably different style arsenic he posed alongside Tyson past week. 

Meanwhile, Tyson besides looked to person slimmed down arsenic he continues to retrieve from a caller wellness scare. 

Former Brazil prima Ronaldo (left) crossed paths pinch ex-heavyweight champion Mike Tyson

Ronaldo, 47, gained a batch of weight pursuing his status from shot successful 2011

The erstwhile Brazilian striker weighed almost 300 pounds astatine 1 constituent but is now backmost successful shape

Tyson, who turns 58 later this month, was initially group to meet YouTuber Jake Paul, 27, successful a arguable conflict which had divided sentiment because of nan important property spread betwixt nan 2 men.

However, earlier this period 'Iron Mike' officially withdrew from nan July 20 arena aft suffering a wellness scare connected a caller formation from Miami to Los Angeles.

The erstwhile undisputed heavyweight champion required aesculapian attraction aft an ulcer flare up near him nauseous and dizzy, pinch paramedics yet boarding nan level to dainty him aft it had touched down successful LA.

As a result, Tyson has been forced to hold his showdown pinch nan YouTuber-turned-fighter until November 15, erstwhile he hopes to beryllium fresh capable to compete professionally again for nan first clip successful almost 2 decades.

Similar to Ronaldo, Mike Tyson ballooned aft retiring from boxing almost 20 years ago 

Tyson was forced to hold his conflict pinch Jake Paul aft suffering a aesculapian scare recently

The 57-year-old showed disconnected his unthinkable powerfulness connected societal media earlier nan postponement  

Prior to nan postponement, shared his gruelling powerfulness successful training and looked to beryllium backmost successful nan highest style that saw him person an illustrious career. 

However, Tyson will person to commencement from scratch if nan rescheduled conflict is to spell ahead, provided he returns to afloat health 

The erstwhile world heavyweight champion has taken portion successful exhibitions since retiring, astir precocious taking connected chap conflict fable Roy Jones Jr successful 2020.

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