Andy Murray's potential path to Wimbledon final sees him on collision course with Novak Djokovic and could set up all British semi-final with up-and-coming star Jack Draper... IF he plays in this year's singles competition

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Andy Murray could supply dream script for British tennis fans and group up a semi-final pinch Jack Draper astatine this year's Wimbledon.

However, location are still monolithic mobility marks complete nan fittingness of nan two-time champion following room connected a spinal cyst.

The 37-year-old primitively planned to discontinue aft nan Olympics but revealed he whitethorn see a different exit strategy should he beryllium incapable to play astatine either adjacent week's Championships connected successful Paris.

Fans of nan three-time Grand Slam victor though will beryllium hoping that he is capable to play successful SW19 and supply them pinch 1 much fairytale moment.

But location is immoderate stiff title connected nan sky if he is to springiness everyone 1 much magical run.

Andy Murray would look a difficult way if he was capable to play successful this year's Wimbledon Championships

The two-time Wimbledon Champions was forced to retreat from Queens owed to wounded and has since had room connected a spinal cyst

It is not nan easiest of starts for Murray either, he was drawn against Tomas Machac successful nan opening information of Friday's chaotic draw.

The Czech prima precocious hit nan erstwhile Wimbledon Champion successful a gruelling 3 group lucifer astatine nan Miami Open backmost successful March.

If he tin flooded Machac, past he will look nan victor of 26th seed Francisco Cerundolo and Roman Safiullin.

After that would perchance beryllium nan 27th seed and 2021 semi-finalist Poland's Hubert Hurkacz.

And it surely wouldn't get immoderate easier for Murray successful nan 4th information wherever he could look Alex de Minaur who has impressed connected nan circuit this twelvemonth having claimed a triumph complete Novak Djokovic arsenic good arsenic quarter-final decorativeness astatine nan French Open.

Novak Djokovic would make for a blockbuster quarter-final lucifer for Murray

There is besides nan extracurricular chance of an all-British semi-final against nan up-and-coming Jack Draper

Though it is much apt he would look 4th seed Alexander Zverev should he make it to nan semi-final

If he tin flooded nan Australian past it could group up a blockbuster quarter-final against profession rival Novak Djokovic, nan man Murray hit to declare his first Wimbledon title.

That could lead to an each British semi-final pinch Jack Draper who put connected an awesome capacity astatine Queens past week, beating Carlos Alcaraz.

Though it is much apt that he would look 1 of Alexander Zverev, Andrey Rublev aliases Stefanos Tsitsipas, nan Greek prima ousted Murray successful 5 sets astatine past year's tournament.

Of people this is each speculation, pinch it yet to beryllium seen whether nan 37-year-old will moreover characteristic this year, aliases if he does, if he has capable successful nan tank.

But arsenic pinch each tournaments, nary 1 could blasted nan fans for being optimistic and dreaming erstwhile they look astatine nan draw.

Andy Murray opened up connected his reliable week pursuing nan wounded astatine Queens Club

One point is for certain, if he could make it to nan last it would decidedly beryllium nan fairytale ending nan fans and Murray alike would beryllium hoping for.

Speaking astir nan room connected a spinal cyst nan erstwhile US Open champion said: 'Obviously nan past week's been beautiful tough, there's evidently a batch going connected pinch maine readying connected finishing astatine nan Olympics. 

Andy Murray's imaginable way to nan final

First Round: Tomas Machac (CZE)

Second Round:  Francisco Cerundolo (ARG)

Third Round: Hubert Hurkacz (POL)

Fourth Round: Alex de Minaur (AUS)

Quarter-finals: Novak Djokovic (SRB)

Semi-finals: Alexander Zverev (GER)

Final: Carlos Alcaraz (SPA) 

'When I had nan wounded astatine Queen's and past had nan consequent scans and doctor's appointments, it was a beautiful difficult business to beryllium in. I was told I had to person nan room instantly by aggregate surgeons. 

'I had a beautiful decent sized cyst connected my spinal cord which had been seen connected a scan station French Open, but it grew importantly successful size complete nan adjacent 2 to 3 weeks.

'So I had to person nan operation, but I was fixed aggregate different timelines for really agelong that would take. And besides was made alert that if I decided to effort to play Wimbledon that there's immoderate consequence associated pinch that and it's whether aliases not I'm consenting to return connected that risk.

'But besides moreover pinch location perchance being a risk, nan cognition has gone really, really good and I'm recovering really well. I deed immoderate balls yesterday. I'm not successful overmuch symptom astatine all, but nan quality of nervus injuries is that they're rather slow to recover.

'I don't cognize precisely really agelong it's going return for nan nervus to get to a shape wherever I'm capable to compete, whether that's 3 days aliases whether it's 3 weeks aliases 5 weeks. It's intolerable to say.

'I'm successful a beautiful difficult position because I'm recovering really good each day, I'm progressing really well, but I don't cognize really I'm going to aftermath up tomorrow and really quickly my nervus is going to retrieve because it's not nan aforesaid arsenic injuring a musculus aliases tearing a muscle.'

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