Shocking moment random man smacks bar patron over the back of the head with a huge tree branch

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Surveillance footage extracurricular a downtown Dallas barroom caught nan shocking infinitesimal a random man smacked a patron complete nan backmost of his caput pinch a ample instrumentality earlier fleeing.

In nan footage, an unidentified man could beryllium seen stopping successful beforehand of an outdoor conception of City Tavern conscionable earlier 2am connected Saturday and raising a ample instrumentality for illustration a shot bat.

He past slammed it into nan backmost of a man's head, causing nan unfortunate to topple over.

The victim, later identified arsenic Adam Mercado, could past beryllium seen grabbing his caput and rolling complete successful a fetal position.

Mercado's girlfriend, Taylor Monnet, instantly rushes complete to cheque connected him - past runs backmost into nan barroom to telephone for help, arsenic nan assailant punched a City Tavern worker successful nan look and makes his escape. 

Surveillance footage extracurricular City Tavern successful Dallas, Texas caught nan infinitesimal a fishy wielded a ample instrumentality for illustration a shot bat and deed a patron complete nan backmost of nan caput pinch it

The victim, later identified arsenic Adam Mercado, could past beryllium seen grabbing his caput and rolling complete successful a fetal position

Dallas constabulary are now searching for nan suspect, but opportunity they only person nan information footage to activity with, according to WFAA.

To help, Mercado is asking everyone successful Dallas reappraisal nan information footage to spot if they admit nan assailant -  and beryllium connected nan lookout for him successful nan future.

'I ever person my defender up,' he said. 

'Make judge you support your caput connected a swivel - because for 10 seconds, I fto my defender down and this happened.'

He has said he and Monnet went retired to City Tavern to meet up pinch friends for past telephone connected Saturday morning, erstwhile he first spotted nan suspect.

The assailant later punched a City Tavern worker successful nan look and made his escape

'I noticed a man opinionated disconnected to nan broadside of nan entrance, watching nan patrons connected nan patio, holding a character branch that had been whittled into a spear astatine 1 end,' he wrote in an online fundraiser for his aesculapian bills.

He said he instantly knew thing was wrong.

'Initially, my senses were going crazy, my intuition was going crazy, truthful I said, "You cognize what, let's spell wrong and get a drink,"' he told NBC DFW.

The mates yet decided to caput location conscionable earlier 2am - and erstwhile they stepped retired onto nan patio, 'That's erstwhile I felt it,'  Mercado said.

'I fto my defender down for astir 10 seconds and that's each it took - conscionable a WHACK.' 

'The sound was large capable to almost beryllium a gunshot,' he noted. 'That's what frightened me.' 

Mercado coiled up spending six hours successful nan emergency room and was diagnosed pinch a concussion

As he fell to nan ground, Monnet said she 'didn't cognize what to do.'

'So I'm moving into nan barroom and I'm screaming, conscionable begging for thief from anyone.'

The mates said constabulary and EMTs arrived to nan scene, but they turned down an ambulance thrust because they were concerned astir nan cost.

A fewer hours later though, Mercado said he took himself to nan infirmary 'because my head, my ears, everything was ringing, I was sore. And I knew that I had to get checked out.'

Mercado said he was near pinch lingering symptom and encephalon fog successful nan aftermath

Mercado coiled up spending six hours successful nan emergency room, and was yet diagnosed pinch a concussion.

Over nan adjacent fewer days, Mercado said he was near pinch lingering symptom and encephalon fog. 

He said he was besides acrophobic to time off his flat retired of fears he could beryllium randomly attacked again.

'It's conscionable been really traumatic, you know, I've ne'er had immoderate type of unit done unto me,' he said, adding that nan acquisition was 'very surreal.'

He said he is 'grateful and thankful that I'm alive, and I dream this ne'er happens again.' 

Mercado said nan onslaught came arsenic soon arsenic he and his woman stepped retired onto nan patio

Mercado is besides asking for thief to salary for his aesculapian expenses, penning successful his online fundraiser that he is 'now faced pinch aesculapian bills that I cannot afford, accompanied by wages mislaid complete nan past fewer days.'

That fundraiser has netted complete $6,000 by Thursday morning. has reached retired to Dallas constabulary and City Tavern for much information. 

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