Jocelyn Nungaray’s accused killers captured with help of roommate who saw duo while watching news with them: docs

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The forbidden Venezuelan migrants accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray were watching tv pinch their roommate erstwhile surveillance images of nan duo flashed connected nan surface — pinch nan roommate later helping authorities apprehension nan brutes, according to an affidavit.

Yohecfredder Rodriguez told authorities he was astatine nan flat he shared pinch Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos connected Tuesday, June 18 — 2 days aft Jocelyn’s execution — erstwhile he recognized nan brace from images broadcast connected nan news of nan suspects extracurricular 7-Eleven, nan affidavit states.

Martinez-Rangel and Peña Ramos are accused of luring nan pre-teen nether a bridge, wherever they stripped her naked to nan waist and assaulted her for 2 hours earlier sidesplitting her.

Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel (left) and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos are being held successful jailhouse connected $10 cardinal each. AP
Johan Jose Rangel-Martinez, 1 of Nungaray’s alleged killers, successful tribunal connected June 25, 2024. Houston Chronicle via Getty Images
Franklin Jose Peña Ramos successful tribunal connected June 24, 2024. Brett Coomer/Houston Chronicle via Getty Images

Rodriguez said his roommates — whom he only knew arsenic “Gordo” and “Gordo’s cousin” — were wrong watching tv pinch him astatine nan time.

Rodriguez told constabulary he had only moved successful pinch nan suspects a time earlier aft he met them while migrating to Mexico and past crossed paths pinch them again while moving building jobs successful Houston, according to nan affidavit.

He said he was observant not to respond because he did not want nan men to recognize he was onto them, nan affidavit states.

Rodriguez past sent his relative a frantic matter saying he was “scared” and he “did not cognize what to do,” according to nan affidavit.

Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, was recovered dormant successful a bayou adjacent her location successful Houston. gofundme
Jocelyn’s mother Alexis Nungaray holding a candle astatine a vigil for her girl connected June 21, 2024. Elizabeth Conley/Houston Chronicle via AP

He besides sent his relative a photograph of some Martinez-Rangel and Peña Ramos astatine nan Ojos Locos barroom connected nan nighttime that Jocelyn was killed, which he past deleted from his device.

According to Rodriguez’s type of events, he picked Martinez-Rangel and Peña Ramos up connected nan nighttime of June 16 and took them to nan bar. 

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He claimed to person near without them astir 10 p.m. – nan aforesaid clip that Jocelyn is believed to person snuck retired of nan house.

Jocelyn’s mother Alexis Nungaray, noticed her girl was missing nan pursuing morning.

The suspects were spotted connected surveillance footage adjacent a 7-Eleven. Houston Police Department

Rodriguez made an excuse to time off nan flat connected nan nighttime of June 19 aft he recognized his roommates connected nan news and met pinch a Houston Police Department interrogator for an interview.

Around nan aforesaid time, nan suspects’ leader besides went to nan Houston constabulary office and told investigators that Peña Ramos had admitted to him that he and different personification “made a correction aft partying” and “hurt someone” who past died.

Follow on pinch The Post's reporting connected Jocelyn Nungaray's murder

  • The forbidden Venezuelan migrants accused of murdering Jocelyn Nungaray successful Houston lured nan 12-year-old woman nether a bridge, wherever they stripped her naked to nan waist and assaulted her for 2 hours, disturbing new tribunal documents allege.
  • Both Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos were seen connected surveillance video entering a 7-Eleven pinch Jocelyn nan nighttime she was killed and earlier nan 2 walked her to a bridge, wherever her assemblage was later recovered half-naked and strangled.
  • Peña, 26, and Martinez-Rangel, 21, allegedly bound Jocelyn’s hands down her back during nan sadistic assault, past strangled her and dumped her assemblage successful a bayou.
  • Department of Homeland Security sources said Peña crossed into El Paso, Texas, connected May 28. He was released soon aft his relationship pinch separator agents.
  • Jocelyn fought backmost against her attackers aft she was lured nether nan span and assaulted — leaving scratch and wound marks connected 1 of nan forbidden migrants who is accused of sidesplitting her.
  • Peña was fixed an ankle show erstwhile he was released into nan US aft being caught astatine nan separator successful May, according to Homeland Security sources. He reportedly trim disconnected nan show aft Jocelyn’s assemblage was found.
  • Republicans slammed nan White House for its “pathetic” and “shameful” statements on nan killings of Jocelyn and Maryland mother of 5 Rachel Morin — which ne'er mentioned they were murdered by forbidden immigrants

Peña Ramos and Martinez-Rangel were arrested a time later, connected June 20, and charged pinch superior murder.

Meanwhile, nan affidavit besides reveals that Jocelyn’s concerned mom tracked her daughter’s telephone erstwhile she awoke to find her missing — search it to an area adjacent a skate parkland alongside nan bayou wherever nan pre-teen’s assemblage was recovered.

The roommate recognized nan men but kept quiet until he could speak pinch police. Houston Police Department

Her girl was recovered naked from nan waist down pinch her hands and feet tied, investigators said. An autopsy indicated she had been strangled.

The arrests of nan migrant duo led to a activity of outcry complete forbidden immigration, pinch one of Jocelyn’s family members calling connected nan government to vet separator crossers much thoroughly.

“These men — these forbidden men — took that opportunity from my daughter, from our family of watching her go this astonishing person,” Jocelyn’s mother, Alexis Nungaray, besides told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.

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